The Mind of Krazy

Hi, My name's Andrew.

I work at the Wal-Mart Courtesy Desk and deal with stupid people. Yeah!

Nicknames: Red, Krazy, K5, The Red Wonder, Roo, Sinclair, fuckhead, jackass, Pookie. =), "That boy", "her young gentleman", skittle boy, Sparkles, Mister, Buddy, Hon, Dear

I'm going to Purdue University.

My favorite diaries:

moonpetal27 profile - diary
comments: Shari, my fiancee's, diary. I love her. She makes me very happy!
kneestabber profile - diary
comments: My roomie. He's fucked up
thunderdave profile - diary
comments: He's funny sometimes
epiphany profile - diary
comments: How English teachers should be
notum profile - diary
comments: Mocking is fun.
wal-martsc profile - diary
comments: From one Wal-Mart Associate, to another. We have to stick together! Or kill each other... something like that.
goovie profile - diary
comments: I wish her the best of luck, and am glad she's happy. She's addicting to read.
paper-rose profile - diary
comments: I wish her the best.
faery-tale profile - diary
comments: An interesting diary
coffeebitch profile - diary
comments: Her entries can be very amusing
piehole profile - diary
comments: Some of her entries just make me want to giggle, others laugh
smartypants profile - diary
comments: She's hysterical

My favorite music:

Third Eye Blind
comments: Yeah, I can just listen to their first CD forever.
Not Country!
comments: Yeah that'll cover everyone I like making mix CDs with everything from Metal to Oldies on them. Hehe Well except for the bagpipes

My favorite movies:

comments: Started all the Kevin Smith movies... just awesome
Office Space
comments: Work... sucks.
High Fidelity/Serendipity/Grosse Point Blank
comments: John Cusack movies... they rule too.
The Professional
comments: Just one really good movie. It's a guy movie.
Road House
comments: It's another one of those movies I love that's a guy movie...

My favorite authors:

Diane Carey
comments: A truly great author. She's one of the only two people who's ST:TOS books I'll read cause she does the best work.

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last updated: 2003-08-19 05:49:16
this user's total entries: 203
user since: 2002-08-05

AOL IM name: psychoticredhead
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