rock. mop style.

likes: chocolate, gin, profanity, clavicles, dictionaries, office supplies, and almost anything in excess

dislikes: picky eaters, getting candy stuck in vending machines

My favorite diaries:

smartypants profile - diary
comments: Mimi didn�t have to fake her way through the Gifted and Talented classes in school.
jeffy profile - diary
comments: make cookies, not decisions
piehole profile - diary
sleepyskin profile - diary
comments: beautiful.
noalarms profile - diary
comments: a fellow fan of the parentetical aside.
culotte profile - diary
comments: "But have the French ever been known for their good taste in music? ... NO! Two words: Johnny Halliday."
cuppajoe profile - diary
comments: "Screw Responsible-ness, Let's Get Some Tasty Snackety-Snacks That We Buy Rarely, If At All"
booberella profile - diary
comments: she doesn't suck.
thunderdave profile - diary
comments: pickin' up what i'm puttin' down.
jackofhearts profile - diary
comments: wears silly coats.
ann-frank profile - diary
comments: be specific in your google quest for hooters girls or you're likely to get a lecture.
diaryquotes profile - diary
comments: Bren thinks I'm cool! And funny!
yesnolist profile - diary
comments: This was a collaborative effort (with me having a vague idea and Bren doing all the work. Those are the best kind of collaborations. I need to get me a committee!)
duckfoil profile - diary
comments: Ducky
life-o-rama profile - diary
heidiann profile - diary
comments: Holy fuckin' cool, y'all! Check this girl out! (She also makes me think I should stop hanging out on dland while at work. Yes.)
blackskirted profile - diary
comments: KENDRA!
golfwidow profile - diary
comments: So cool. And the Best Layout Ever Ever.
tornadoali profile - diary
comments: Less fretting, more skipping
manyfires profile - diary
gonzostar profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: yesterday i retreated to my room because my flatmate was blasting annoying music in the living room. when i got to my room, i heard the unmistakable beginning of jeff buckley's "mojo pin." for a split second i thought her taste had
comments: dramatically improved in the span of three cd tracks. i was brought back to reality a second later when i realized that the buckley music was coming from my own player which i'd switched on not remembering what was inside.
yeah, i know,
comments: i'm a snob.
if you need names...
comments: bob dylan, neil young and ryan adams have been seeing the inside of my discman a lot lately.

My favorite movies:

comments: i'm just not good with narrowing things down right now.

My favorite authors:

i read.
comments: sometimes a lot. sometimes a little.
comments: i'm saving myself for david foster wallace.

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last updated: 2004-11-14 17:09:19
this user's total entries: 435
user since: 2001-03-19

AOL IM name: kaitlinrose
ICQ number: 35311728
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