messages to kykle79:
(click here to add new message):

from slick45 :
from the-stranger :
sweet yo!! two birthdays i dotn mind, ha
from beanheadb :
Hey, it has been a while. Yeah, I'm doing the one acts, lol, thank you for the note :)
from beanheadb :
(okay, for some reason- my computer did not allow me to finish my message) i hope u had a fun time doing the custumes and all that jazz britt
from beanheadb :
hey kyle, congrats on the custumes for the musical~lol, kidding!
from disneyhcky18 :
Remember the time my last note was from June 6th? Well now it's about 1:00 AM on February 13, 2004, Friday the 13th to be exact...and that's pretty much all I have to say...
from auntlizblack :
Apparantly ur gbook hates me as well. So yea I actually made the decision to sign it caitlin and i have done it like a few other times and one time i even underlined the "lin." Deep, eh? lol i just thought it woudl be appropriate to sign it caitlin when i ramble about who i actually am, like my real name. But yea so more like me, u and nina sleeping with lewis. ...wait that sounded wrong....
from beanheadb :
Thanks. Although thats not the biggest problem, but its part of me and it is good to know someone easle thinks I can do it agian :)
from zoomie114 :
Much Better
from beanheadb :
hey kyle! Happy NEW year!
from beanheadb :
yeah! I mean...if you want to! That would be soo much fun!
from beanheadb :
Kyle, I am very happy for you. I really am. worry too much, lol. Your journal entry made me smile, I am glad you had a good day!:)
from beanheadb :
Thanks Kyle. Even though I still believe I am a loser. I love 3 beans......I'd love to go there over break.......u should call me..i would give u y # but
from beanheadb :
Hey Kyle. I hope you have a very good x-mas. mine is going pretty good- DDR, cds and a cell phone!
from beanheadb :
Hey Kyle, I'm sorry you didn't feel well on friday, i hope you feel better.
from beanheadb :
Thanks. I hate math my math class too. Last I checked I think I had a c or something.....oh, well.
from beanheadb :
Thank you kyle, LOL :)
from beanheadb :
Hey Kyle! How about the weather/fire drill today? Fun,huh? Anyway, I got fall play pictrues back today, and I'm just letting you know I got doubles so you can have one if you want:) I'm bringing them to school, tommow
from beanheadb :
LOL, kyle- you are the best FBI agent!:)Thanks for info, really. It helped. One of my friends said he was asked by 2 girls to go to the dance and.....he hasn't made up his mind. I dont know, I am going to ask, tuesday!
from beanheadb :
hey kyle, its britt, but you know this, lol. Just letting you know-if you want to know...I didn't ask him. I dont think I'm going to.... :(
from beanheadb :
Oh,my god! Yaah, that would be awesome. I cant believe someone read my journal today! Thanks for the message - we should go to 3 beans sometime.
from beanheadb :
Hey kyle, happy thanksgiving.
from beanheadb :
Hey Kyle-Thanks for the message! :) Sorry about being MIA in Strike and the cast party...I'm going to miss you :( I hope we do keep in touch-LOL. I'm sure I'll see youin the halls, hopefully. If not, I'll always read your journal and write u odd messagges and stuff. ~~~bRITT~~~
from the-stranger :
oh man kyle, i am really sorry about you missing the must be realyl hard for you
from undesirable :
Gracias senorita. No entiendo Francais mucho, pero no soy un mono o un pie. Tu eres el diablo y es muy tonto. Tu olor es como un perro sucio. Tambien, no eres fantasico. Soy fantastico, intelligente, y guapa. Tu no eres estos cosas. Tu eres un alma triste. Te gusta chicos pequenos y te acariciar. Te amo!!!!
from undesirable :
last weekend of the high school career? you taking weekend classes or something? haha. just being a pain in the ass...
from disneyhcky18 :
Well I figure it's time for me to leave a message for you since you are the only one that leaves one for me...Right at this moment it is 2:27 AM on August 9th. In only a few short hours I will be down the shore for an entire week without anyone...that would be a hint for you to round up the gang and get your asses down there to visit me. I'm actually looking forward to going to the shore. It's sort of a paradise to me. Although surrounded by people I actually get to be alone. I get to ponder my thoughts and find solutions to my problems and take a break from everyday life and just relax. This is one of the few summers I have left to enjoy this weeklong paradise. Next year...well I dont even want to think about next year because it makes me upset already. Alright, I'm gonna leave the end of this happy...remember the time you went out of your way to get me Starbucks and bring it to my babysitting job where you had a little mishap with a curb and your minivan? You really made my day today. I don't know if I can thank you enough for everything you do for me lol...well now that this has gone from happy to sad to just plain sappy I'm gonna get some sleep so I can enjoy the sunburn that my body awaits...~Lauren
from dombilly :
Hey Kyle! thanks! i love my layout too! heheh. Yea, PotC was a great one, and for Disney it made lots of $$. I love Jack Sparrow more, but I saw this Will Turner one, so you know. *shrug* Thanks! I am SO glad to get my braces off. I've had them for exactly 2 years and 5 months. Yes, they hate my sister and I too. My sister got hers off last year. Then again, they really hate her because she bites all the residents. Haha. I did that once. It was hilarious. Great to hear from you again, cya. ~Carolyn
from dombilly :
'ello! havent heard much from your end. how are you these days?
from kykle79 :
Hi john, its Kyle....I looked back about two weeks and found one entry that definitly had to do with you and only you, not people as a whole, and it wasnt really about fighting so I dont know what month you are reading but I havnt said anything recently....maybe you should ask me about something that you think pertains to you first before defending yourself against words that werent directed towards you. Thanks for listening.
from quelled :
Hi kyle, its John as I think you know. We have talked about all of our personal things together. People reading this diary may not know that how you feel one day does not necessarily reflect how you feel another day. To whom it may concern: Kyle and I do fight as it has been made apparent. They seem to be the only things that make Kyle's entry pages anymore. I hate online diaries because it is an open invitation for other people to come to conclusions about another person's personal life. I know this note doesn't make me look any better to whomever takes everything they read to heart, but I thought I would get my opinion in there. Thanks for listening.
from dombilly :
hey! yea, well everyone here are such good people and friends to me. I love em all! some people find me, and some I find. heh. Yea, france is lovely when I went a few years ago. England is where Me heart is and I've always wanted to live there. And Ireland is where part of me family is. Johnny Depp, yes I love him as well. :) thanks for stopping by again!!
from dombilly :
yea, ive had a good amount of close people to me die. Unfortunately, its the people I believe in, the people who are like angels. why is this? you are lucky to not have that happen. Coldplay rules, and so does your diary. take care.
from dombilly :
you love coldplay too? you officially rule.
from tfortara :
from quebrado :
sacapuntas? a pencil-sharpener.
from kykle79 :
aww that actually made me feel better...but right now your away message is saying something about emotionally tormenting me so I cant give you too much credit.....
from undesirable :
Don't let yourself beleive that completely. I mean, I understand and I am not one of those naive people that thinks life after highschool will be late night calls from the dorm to all of my friends. It's not going to be weekends at Three Beans or stealing shopping carts or driving around at high speeds blasting Missy Elliot, like I love so much. But if you really have connections with people, if they really mean something, you don't have to get rid of them. You can make them part of your life forever. My mom is still close friends with about five of her high school friends. You can make it work if you absolutely want to. It's just the line between knowing when it's time to let go, or knowing you can both make it work.
from pyrotic-elf :
hi, i like ur diary.....i was looking for someone else named kyle and i clicked on yours by accident, but when i read it i thought you were alot like me w/ the sibling bit. i have a younger brother and sister. the brother is the youngest and he's an annoying little shit. didn't mean to pry w/b if you want or read my diary to pry back lol
from slick45 :
i never needed your password. remmeber it's my server space you use for your picture. so theoretically i could have a totally diffrent picture under the same name as the old one and the internet wouldn't know the difrence. i was going to change it once you complained, but o well too late i guess.
from undesirable :
don't your worry about it. little things bring it up, do don't worry about talking to me. i'll be there to listen throughout, even if i can't offer too much advice.
from word-of-day :
you said your notes were lonely, so now their not. And one day when your away I will beat casey's 36 im record.
from kykle79 :
You monster! Thanks a lot...
from word-of-day :
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii opps, did I just ruin your notes
from kykle79 :
My notes are lonely...or I am I leave myself I will go look at the message I have made...why do I use so many dots...why dont I capitalize after those dots....more importantly why am I still leaving myself this note?
from undesirable :
I didn't intend for you to be mad when I said that. I just thought you might want to know for your own sake. It was never an instruction. ...Just to semi-clear that up.
from claire1203 :
Hi!I found your diary very interesting.Oh,and I love what lies beneath too!Please go to my homepage on and join my group about the movie.Thanx!
from slick45 :
i love you kyle . . . (off on a tangent.. classic!!)
from word-of-day :
I have to agree with mark. How can your guestbook be better.
from kykle79 :
I am not too good for notes I just like my guestbook better....Mark, I sign your guestbook, not your notes
from slick45 :
what about those who sign your notes? or are you too good for notes? do you really need people to sign your guestbook?
from slick45 :
you don't have any more fun than I do at the diner.
from slick45 :
signs sucked
from moee :
Thanks, for reading my diary and signing my guestbook. It was very nice of you! I enjoyed reading your diary. PLease, come again and visit, as I will you. It was nice to meet you Kyle! P.S. Nice Layout!LOL Marie
from undesirable :
Yes, I indeed do read my notes Kyle. Do you? Heheh.
from kykle79 :
Yea, this is pretty meager, but I like my guestbook better.
from word-of-day :
This is degleted compared to you guestbook so I'm writing here.
from word-of-day :
don't delete you entries just because someone you don't want reads you diary. If you care so much tell them not to read it. Don't chance how and what you write just for them.
from slick45 :
hmmm. kyle got a note from sexylesbianvampire. interesting.
from sexyvampire :
hey Kyle... how r u? well i just came across ur diary and i wanted to say hi and that i read ur diary =)... i have a diary too but i don't reallie write much but check it out sometime... u seem reallie cool... i'm Valerie by the way.. well my diary is sexyvampire... ok hope to talk to u soon... ByE!!! =)
from slick45 :
i feel bad for you; you have no messages. this is just to let you know that yes, i do read.

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