messages to ladyrhi:
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from pirate-cat :
I saw Gorm's message to atlantianrapiernet about your needing help from people whose bodies don't work so good. I'm up in Ponte Alto (not horrifically far). (I'll send you an email with more details) I have bad knees (2) that are not hurting right at the moment, but they don't work as well as they should. In addition, I have a bum right shoulder (my sword arm) which has recently gotten a cortizone shot, and carpal tunnel in both wrists. There are some other problems too, but I'll save you the gory details. Needless to say, I have become quite accostomed to adapting my game. I'll be at Academie this weekend. I'm teaching Rapier 101, and would be glad to do some extra work with you afterwards, even if you don't have gear.
from rosine :
All right, I know I'm a day late.... but I did think and worry about you! Sometimes, me dear, in the midst of the really low-down depressing, The-world-doesn't-deserve-me-and-I-don't-deserve-this mood angst, don't forget that some folks are distant friends because - they're distant. Geography isn't nice to those of like minds and separate cities. You've got quite a few folks who think very highly of you and regret that they never get a chance to get to know you or your guy better. This doesn't make them "friends" but it does make them "well-wishers and supporters". Hope the sunny weather helped brighten the gloom and whatever rain comes tomorrow is only enough to damp down the pollen (is your car as green as our truck?)
from margret :
Merry Christmas, Rhi! I hope you got everything you wanted. Expect an email this weekend.
from muirgheal :
Good Morning! I saw this, thought of you. I hope it makes you smile today.
from librtine :
prehistoric cave art is pretty funny. I was some surrealistic thing, I like yours better. Stay cool,

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