messages to laydeejane:
(click here to add new message):

from iwashoping :
Keri! I don't know if you'll see this or even remember me as one of your old DLand buddies but I sign in every now and then, even though I rarely write. I was surprised and delighted to log in this evening and see that you'd updated 19 days ago! I thought you'd long left the confines of this website. Anyways, just thought I'd drop you a line to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your update, even if I haven't a clue what's going on really! Hope you're well! And maybe to even chat to ya soon! Ciara. x
from annaisana :
123/ monkey. delete please after u get it :)
from annaisana :
username 123 pass 456 it didnt come out right in the other note XD
from annaisana :
I'm too lazy to sign into hotmail. -123 -456 :)
from pamperedpuma :
Keri!! What the hell is going on?! And when are you coming home? You having doubts about Gary? Who are you thinking about?'s Tate isn't it?! Lmao! I miss you. Cxx
from iwashoping :
Your entries are awfully vague these days! x
from homerismygod :
where are you? :( jpatel5 at gmail dot com! xo
from laydeejane :
whats your email address??
from iwashoping :
Hey pal, I can't get in! Let me innnnnn!
from iwashoping :
My best friend is just back from 9 months on a cruise ship. The money isn't great, the tips aren't much better, and you don't see much of the world because you get one day off a week. Didn't mean to burst your bubble but I didn't want to send you to your death without you being aware of it! :)
from iwashoping :
I can't even type it. To type it is to accept it. Sorry Keri!
from iwashoping :
Reading your words is like looking into a mirror.
from iwashoping :
I always read your diary!
from iwashoping :
Ahhhh! What the hell?! Your diary is all weird and theres all letters coming out of the box and....wait now...I'm using Mozilla Firefox now, this may be the problem..... Also, as you are probably the only person that gives a shit.. you may be slightly enthused to know that I am back to almost regular updating of my uber-pathetic diary. JOY!
from iwashoping :
Girly, if I knew, I'd tell you!
from homerismygod :
your diary is hilarious :)
from iwashoping :
Happy? =P
from bloodstream :
i have to say that was really quite interesting to read
from pamperedpuma :
Paranoid this Boring Chris? I think we know too many Chris'. Anyway...I will update in a few days. I have lots to say! Cxx
from bloodstream :
*gives you a big hug* you'll be ok...
from bloodstream :
you said how you couldnt believe in god or something...
from bloodstream :
it takes just as much faith to NOT believe as it does TO believe
from iwashoping :
Jaysus, you're useless! Hold.Me.
from iwashoping :
My advice may make you feel worse or maybe even be a complete pile of drivel but I'm always willing to give it, if you desire such a thing. You've got my email address methinks if you wish to use it...That guy sounds kinda sweet but if you're not feeling it, there's nothing you can do really...xx
from bloodstream :
awwwwww thats so sweet. you should marry him and have 10thousand of his babies.
from bloodstream :
i've no advice for you :(
from iwashoping :
Ah shit, seeing as you've announced that you are now in Canadia, I haven't a clue when you'll see this. But basically, I have been completely neglecting DLand lately and this is something I must fix! Also, you can definitely come and visit me, but my mates don't know I'm on this so you're a distant cousin, ok? ha! xxx Have fun on your hols! xxxx
from pamperedpuma :
Barney?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Why?! And what did Tate's letter say? Congrats on the exam are clever =] Cxx
from iwashoping :
Sounds nice! I must try it! Password is me!
from iwashoping :
Cider and black??
from pamperedpuma :
FFAF weren't supposed to come on til 9pm. I heard it on Kerrang. Cxx
from homerismygod :
locked?! jpatel5 at
from pamperedpuma :
Oi!!! Give us the password! I gave you mine!!!!! Cxx
from iwashoping :
[email protected] Cheers! xx
from iwashoping :
Did you change the password??
from iwashoping :
Nobody wants to see us together but it don't matter no. Cuz I've got you. Yep, it's shiteous.
from iwashoping :
I've got the same period problems! That is to say, off the pill, I don't have one. It's gotten to the stage where I'm afraid I wont be able to have babies. And god knows, that'd destroy me! However Keri, I've never had anti-depressants thrown at me with such horrible side effects...
from iwashoping :
Username: Hold, Password: Me. Could ya do me a favour and delete this once ya read it? Ta! Are you not writing anymore Keri?
from homerismygod :
I live in Soho, two seconds away from the Tottenham Ct Road stop and down the street from Theatreland/Chinatown.
from homerismygod :
Where in the UK do you live?! I'm in London until May 19 :)
from pamperedpuma :
Then I'd appreciate it if you got your facts straight before posting shit about me on your diary
from pamperedpuma :
I am NOT in the Caludon Centre. Who told you that? and how and when have I kept informing you about all my friends? Cxx
from iwashoping :
Aw, I love Lily Allen! Did you see her on Nevermind The Buzzcocks? She's so upfront and direct, it really is something to admire! At Slane about 3 years ago, the medics tried to pull me out after Foo Fighters, just before the Chili's came on but I wasn't having any of it. I'm hard me.
from homerismygod :
Ah I am so glad things are going fantastically for you! :)
from iwashoping :
Things I related to while reading that entry: 1. Boyshape's younger brother and hatred. Except I know why Jason's younger brother hates me. For his own made-up reasons. 2. Nobody reads me anymore either. Since I switched diaries.
from bloodstream :
suprised you still know who i am...heh... the link to get to this notes currently takes us to 'USERNAME's notes page, which doesnt exist.
from iwashoping :
Keri, I'm feeling the general black cloud shittiness. I've stopped sleeping. Through no choice of my own. I'm physically and mentally exhausted yet my brain won't turn off and my eyes won't stay closed for a long period of time. I'm not sure why I'm putting this in your note section instead of adding a whingey entry to my diary but whatever, I've done it now. Hope Uni business works out better for you than it did for me. xxxx
from bloodstream :
*hugs* hope you work it out... and if you made your link work people would prolly comment more...
from iwashoping :
I'm a dumb fuck, I deleted the email with the password in it. With every passing day, I reach a higher level of stupidity...
from pamperedpuma :
That's cos we were hardcore! Lol! I'm really missing it lately =[ Cxx
from angeleyescia :
Clearly I was only cheerful due to the fact that I'd had a million hours of sleep. Today however, less sleep=far less cheerful Ciara. Ah, a good old bitch can do everyone the world of good! Oh, and the sig on your email?! NICE! ^_^
from angeleyescia :
Ah, twas probably before you started reading. A bloke is buying you a dress?! Gwan the Keri! Have you got somewhere else to stay seeing as your mother threw you out?!
from angeleyescia :
Yeah, remember the girl I went to school with who died when the bus in Kusadasi was bombed?
from angeleyescia :
Yeah! We wanna see the tattoo please Keri?!
from bloodstream :
show us the tatt?
from amazinfuckup :
Thank you, I'm glad you think so ^^.
from pamperedpuma :
I miss them too. Sometimes all I want is that white powder to stuff up my nose. I know the consequences and everything but that doesn't seem to matter when you crave it. I think it might always be there at the back of my mind somewhere [all of a sudden the nickname "cokehead" has taken on a new meaning! lol]. I wont lecture you or anything, just be careful if you do it. Make sure it's proper stuff that WONT fuck you up enough to make you take a load of anti-psychotics and end up on a bathroom floor with a pint glass of wine, ok? I don't want you to end up how I did. Love you, Cxx
from angeleyescia :
"I'd rather share a homemade kebab with Hannibal Lector." I'd forgotten how funny your one-liners are! I've been away from the net for far too long!
from pamperedpuma :
So what was the gift?!! Cxx
from kittygarside :
you forgot nougat.
from amazinfuckup :
Yes! Vodka! I approve.
from homerismygod :
I'm studying abroad in London from January-May. I hope to see much of Europe while I'm there! I studied abroad in Dijon, France for a month, and visited Paris. I love Europe, America sucks!
from bloodstream :
congratulations. and there is no need to note any sarcasm, as there isnt any.
from homerismygod :
Sorry you are so sick! I've been migraine-y and cramp-y for the past few days as well, it isn't pleasant.
from pamperedpuma :
Do you know, the tent for the Prodigy was sooooo packed we couldn't get in to see them. Rubbish! and believe it or not, Lordi's tent was equally as packed! Seriously! Cxx
from homerismygod :
I was really angry when I wrote about my brother! He and I get along really well usually. He's a disappointment because he is so so selfish, he really doesn't care for anyone but himself. It's quite sad really.
from pamperedpuma :
And you've never written about me?!
from angeleyescia :
Oh so it's like that? Are you into him merely because he's into you? You are quite a complex creature Keri. I never thought I'd find someone more complex and screwed than I. But alas, here you are!
from angeleyescia :
He really is a fool for you, huh?
from kittygarside :
i like the name.. listen to heartbeats reminds me of brightly coloured things and the 80's. which always leads me to think of you!?
from angeleyescia :
Wow, most of your notes are from me! Do I talk too much? Anywho, you should DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY stand up on the Jeremy Kyle show and ask about the children! He loves the children. And plus, I could watch it and say "I kinda know her!" It'd be fantabulous and freaky all at the same time! And my Uncle David is practically dying from his alcoholism. He's been hospitalized twice because he drank himself into a coma. And yes, he too thinks that it is perfectly normal to drink a litre bottle of whiskey everyday. Where have all the sane people gone?
from angeleyescia :
I just KNEW you'd take that up in a sex-change way. I know you well for someone who's never met you. Ah I care sometimes that a lot of people dislike me now but most of the other time I couldn't give two squirts of piss. It gets me down but as the legendary Tupac Shakur once said "Ya got to keep ya head up." Lol. And I've now succumbed to whatever future is coming my way if it means that I get to have greatest fun on the way. You should come with me!
from angeleyescia :
I need to clear some deadwood myself. But if we don't look at the past everyday, are we doomed to forget it? Is the past really best left in the past? Should I clear deadwood if I'm afraid of my soon-to-be-born-wood?
from bloodstream :
I was assuming you had just forgotten to tell me the new password, but it looks like noone else has it either, so, i'll put this here asking for a new one.
from angeleyescia :
Aww Keri, it's locked!! *sticks out bottom lip*
from homerismygod :
Eek! Locked? email me if you would like privacy- padfoot04 @, thanks!
from angeleyescia :
Tut tut indeed. That's just disgraceful! But of course you can come over here and meet my oddly named friends. Every single one of them! Even Pepper! ^_^ It'd make a nice summer trip. Taking in the Irish landmarks by day and getting bolloxed and falling over by night. We most definitely have to do it Keri! But have a fantastic time tonight. Have a double vodka and raspberry for me! And think of it this way, you may as well be in work and getting paid while hungover as be crashed out on the couch at home. You know I make sense!
from angeleyescia :
Eh Miss Keri?!! This is not the time to be asking such ridiculous questions about upholding the Irish stereotype! It's St. Patrick's Day tomorrow! Start drinking NOW! Fuck stereotypes up the ass is what I say! The majority of Irish people love to drink. And the whole world knows it. And we don't care. We'd much rather be at an all night session drinking copious amounts of Buckfast than getting up at fuckingridiculous o' clock and drinking wheatgrass so as not to tip our detox off balance and then skipping off to yoga. Fuck it up the ass Keri! We'll be a helluva long time dead so let's fucking get twisted and enjoy ourselves while we can. What harm are we doing to anyone apart from our livers? Lol. And that's my little rant on your notes page over. Thanks for reading, I'm off to get twisted and kiss boys! xxx
from pamperedpuma :
Lamb Street...psychotherapy bullshit. I've been there. Cxx
from wendy-bird :
keri!! i was not mad, i am not mad, i was bit urm, dunno, jealous? sad? but not mad, im glad you had a fab time! I cldnt have gone in march anyway, and its not that i didnt wanna go in may, i just cldnt! (i will give you that money btw vvv soon) i dnt mean to only call you when we are at work, it just kinda happens, cos we are both free? you know what i mean? i love ya so so much laydee! and i will def come out soon, i promise! i love ya lots! lulu xxxxxx
from angeleyescia :
=O How would you say something as preposterous as that? I am most definitely not in love Keri, ta very much. I'm happily single, doncha know?! =S Lol. Heh, Im an emotional mess! *shrugs* What can ya do?!
from wendy-bird :
what did i say? hurry home, im missing you! <3
from angeleyescia :
Maybe the fact that she shags attached man irks you, merely because you know she can do better for herself. And you just want more for her? And speaking as someone who has shagged an attached man....who I was close's never worth it or even a good idea to begin with! But you know that, and that's why you wish she'd stop!
from kittygarside :
dont. bother.
from angeleyescia :
I'm not going to Download per se. Like, there is no festival, Tallica are just playing here as part of the Download thing. (In case you haven't noticed, there are times when I dont make sense, whatsoever!!) Yeah, Metallica are the dogs bollox. Well their old stuff is anyways, I couldn't be bothered with anything after the Black album. And I'm not one of those fans that refuse to let bands grow and change musically, it's just they changed and grew and recorded albums that I just wasn't into. Ok, I'm really rambling on now so Im gonna stop, must be all the studying going to my head!
from wendy-bird :
LADY!!!! i so have not forgotten about you! like i could. im sooooo sorry bout Prauge, really i am, but Ross wants to go! and im sorry for the ! i cnt help it! sorry for the work realted calls, its my job! lol! i love ya lulu xxxxxx
from angeleyescia :
Hmm...I really cant answer your sexual fluid question! Lol. I've never been the one in charge of washing the bed sheets because we never did it in my gaff. But if it was hard to get out, I'm sure I would've heard the complaints about it! I always just assumed the washing machine was the fixer of all those problems! =D Oh and also, I see your Phil Mitchell and raise you Dev from Coronation Street. *shudders* What the hell is going on eh? Silly dreams! -Ciara xx
from homerismygod :
Username and pass are still the same I hope! homer/simpson! Let me know if it's not. :)
from angeleyescia :
Phil Mitchell??? I'm sorry, but I don't think I can ever read your diary in the same way again! lol. xx
from angeleyescia :
I felt bad when u told me to get bent! Lol. So just to alleviate some of my guilt...I agree with the move to send him a letter! There was nothing to lose really. And plus, you know my stance when it comes to boys.... Hahaa!! xx
from pamperedpuma :
Well done on the letter :) Cxx
from wendy-bird :
hey beautiful, how awful about daniel, i remeber him, i liked him, he died just round the cornor from my house, there are flowers around the tree, it made me shiver as i walked past it last night. its so tragic xxx
from kittygarside :
it is strange isnt i?.. i just heard the news... it just feels wrong.
from pamperedpuma :
just wanted to say...i can't wait to see you. Cxx
from angeleyescia :
Well, seeing as your desperate! ;D Congrats luv, that is quite the achievement I must say. Although I am intrigued to find out how you ended up in the graveyard in the first place. Like, did you go there with the intention to have sex? And I presume it was night-time, yes? Gawd, I'm far too interested in this!! Lol. Ciara xx
from anamadim :
@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- Here are the flowers. Congrats on achieving your aim. LOL ;)
from bloodstream :
i didn't change it? and didn't p[sychonan give you 40pounds? that sounds kinda nice to me:P as for tate, i'll just say, i COULD have told you so, but i kept my mouth shut for a while:P
from kittygarside :
pshh... i skipped too. minus the extra coursework gooodness... university is E.F.F.O.R.T who knew?1 be seeing you in two weeks m'lady. gx
from whatdotheyno :
hey work mate! lol just a note to say, you make work fun thanks! p.s, hope you find what you need to look for. heehee lu x
from bloodstream :
you're password is keri may your letter has not arrived yet. i am getting impatient. i think you should make friends with the post office again.
from wendy-bird :
what?!?! i am not in love with jamie! without his hat on he looked well, kinda homless! i loved the other jamei.... who's number i now have!!! not that it was any use, seeing him in the colli n going shy n not talking to him! anyway, just wanted to clear that up! Lulu xx
from angeleyescia :
People always say that I act older than I am. It also may have something to do with the fact I go out and get twisted drunk a lot which leads people to believe I'm older!! Lol. Hope you sort out ur confuddliness soon. (I really need to stop making up my own words!! ^_^ xx
from angeleyescia :
I'm the EXACT same!! I can dish out advice until the cows come home. But when it comes to advising myself?! Complete different story! Just go with your instincts pet. xxx Ciara
from wendy-bird :
i wouyld love to be in love! you know me so well! are you sure you are not mistaking lurching for little butterflies? you know, the kind you get when even the slightest touch makes you feel all special and tingley inside? well so westlife tell me anyway :-( Lulu x
from bloodstream :
goon is cheap arse cask shit wine. and noone is happy here.
from bloodstream :
the new password is leaveme alone.
from bloodstream :
where's my letter you bum?!?!?!?!?!
from wendy-bird :
when i got home i had pink lips and a pink tounge! and i wonder why i never pull! sexual! Lu lu xxx
from pamperedpuma :
you're right. life's too short. But seeing as you haven't mentioned me I guess you don't wanna make it up. I find it really hard with you not around. We used to have so much to talk about and so much in common. Do you really wanna throw it all away? Cxx
from bloodstream :
why do i have to be careful all of a sudden??????
from bloodstream :
why does clicking on YOUR notes button take me to a fucking ERROR PAGE!?!?!
from kittygarside :
did you say summat about marriage?!.. your funny lady miss keri
from kittygarside :
ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh mnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gggggggooooooddddd... so im not the only one to stop.stare. and mutter. wow so, emo can be HOT! i think i actually stuttered when he askedif i needed help. so i ran and hid in the gross clothes section at the back. thinkin doh! he probably thinks i like this shit...boys are badness
from bloodstream :
*passes you some tissues AND a bucket, just coz i can* i made you a new password, it is now: easyas 123abc reckon you can remember that?!?! the old one was areminder totakeyourpills, but thats gone now so it doesnt matter.
from bloodstream :
a bush shaped elephant, i was trying to picture this [i had great difficulty, but almost died laughing] and then i kept on reading and i found that you had jsut written it round the wrong way:P one of these days i'm going to take your password and fix all the fucking links on your site coz it's bloody annoying!!!!
from kittygarside :
kerrrrri and danbnnnnny sittin in a treee...*retch* haehe. how are ya?
from smmidget :
hey, chick sorry i can't be there so we could go out and chat like we used. over in colorado at the moment will be home for xmas. have fun xxx
from sad-faerie :
didn't know you had mocked me...dont know what neg is...dont know what song lorraine requested...i was so drunk it was scary. i mean frighteningly drunk. lucky my sister came to my rescue!
from pamperedpuma :
But the question is..."Do you want to see him again?" Bearing in mind he frequents tacky doss holes, as opposed to nice doss holes like us! Love you dude! Cxx
from angeleyescia :
Haha! It's the Irish for waterford!! ;D
from wendy-bird :
I am ashamed! Graduates! i ask you! The vodka doesnt make up for the fact that you were leaning against A MIRRORED WALL!! In a polo neck! your breasts are the wrong size and shape to allow that to flatter them! V necks keri! their the future!!! got any splintered balsa wood yet? lol! Love you xx
from kittygarside :
"make like Grange Hill and JUST SAY NO.I beg this of you" wrong wrONG WRONG!
from angeleyescia :
Wow!! That's so exciting! I never would have thought I'd meet someone on D-land with a family that originates in lil ol Waterford! YOU'VE got a new fan! ;D
from wendy-bird :
hey! just to let you know that ive got the internet back! so you can look forward to new, pointless, random diary entries!
from kisskeri :
I get bored easy and like to change things up. Unfortuntely for you, I'm going to keep doing it.
from kisskeri :
Hey that's cool! I live about an hour and a half from Toronto. I love it here. I don't know one Canadian who hasn't stolen a Timmy's mug lol I have 2 plus a travel mug (but I bought that).
from kisskeri :
Hey thanks for the note! Where about's did you visit in Canada? It is a great place to live. I wouldn't live anywhere else, ever.
from bloodstream :
i'm sorry I ruined your day for you then! and with the spam emails, you can UNsubscribe you know...
from smmidget :
hehe cant stop thinking of caroline. send me the pics.
from kittygarside :
i think i peed a little when i was laughing about the end of your entry.... furney laydey.
from smmidget :
how fucking awesome were they. they did the same kinda thing on the saturday but omg they kicked ass. i just cried when he sang 'time of your life' and everytime i hear it i cry some more. was going to text you to let you know how amazing it was going to be for you but no credit. see you soon xxx
from bloodstream :
you are unnotable coz you gotta go the round about way to post a note! its almost depressing how much i miss you. *sigh* i was watchinb tv with oliver the other night and they were talking about brittish people and oliver says "are brittish people from Britland?" i cracked up. anyway. gotta go.
from smmidget :
hey chick, told my mum about loz which was fun and showed a pic of him, she thought he was good looking and i said well yeah i know! im soo looking forward to coming home, we can meet up and chat and probably end up in the colly. which im sure i told you, is a symbol of home and coventry. wow i miss it all. catch ya soon xxx
from kittygarside :
no fair i wanna see him. there not working!..gawd i miss drunken fotos... a whole two weeks of sobriety?!... i say embrace your inner alcoholic
from anamadim :
lol! wow! that was a funny -- and slightly scary -- post. i hope you're okay after that crazy night & that you were able to have some fun too! also, thanks for the kind note you sent me. i'm so glad you liked the one i wrote you. :) oh, and yes, i do have an ED, but i'm trying to recover from it. anyways, take care, keri!
from anamadim :
hi, keri. sorry you had such a terrible day. like pamperedpuma said, please don't blame yourself. it sounds like Colin just has his head up his ass. it's not your fault, tho. you're a wonderful person! remember that a lot of people here care about you! <3 <3 <3
from pamperedpuma :
Keri, dont worry!!None of it is your fault so stop blaming yourself. btw, can you please take me to the colly?!! love you, Cxx
from pathos-burns :
lol, love your "God"- authur thing... that's hilarious! yeah, i love Chrithopher Pike, but his books are older and most people are reading Contempory right now...
from jadedgoth :
sweet... HIM is an awesome band... with or without his hat...
from jadedgoth :
yeah Ville can sing... i wants to go see them in concert
from wendy-bird :
deayh colour white! Cheery! Mine was green! keep meanin to put them all up, but forget! how scary is that pic of the girl! she looks like an extra from a marylin manson video! Hope you ok! Luv ya xxx
from pamperedpuma :
thanks for understanding. by the way...i WILL be able to walk for green day!! i'll ring u on tuesday...i miss you. Cx
from pamperedpuma :
hey u. sorry i havent been in touch. its so hard getting back to the "real world" as opposed to the hospital one. i seem to have forgotten that i have all these super duper friends ((namely you)) I love you doll. Cx
from kisskeri :
I think I finally fixed it so if you're still wanting to read, give it a try again! :D
from kittygarside :
i want your boss... well, no. i want your money. why Why WHY?... do you get �200 and i all i get is the luverly aroma of mouldy coffee and sour milk???!. How are things? Gx
from kisskeri :
Yeah I just noticed that. I think it's a problem with d-land because I added you tot he allow list, and it doesnt show you there anymore. So let me see what I can do, and keep tryign if you like.
from kisskeri :
Hi There! I'm excited to meet someone who has the same name. No one ever spells it our way, and personally I think our's is THE best way lol But I guess I'm biased or something. You sure can have the password. The login is laydeejane and the password is used.
from wendy-bird :
keri! England won 2 matches in the 6 nations and because of the points of which the beat scotland and italy they came 3rd overall being beaten by france and wales. By beating scotland that also meant that they won the calcutta (spelt?) cup which is a very old award that england and scotland have been playing for for years. Jamie noon also scored a hat trick which engalnd havnt done in that match since 1940. Also the team playing in the six nations consists of a number of different players to those who played in the world cup. There is also a different coach. But needless to say England are the rugby world cup champions and will remain to be untill the next world cup. Dont be so un patriachal! (spelt?) See not just a pretty face! Lv ya xxx
from bloodi-tears :
Hey, Umm.. you left a note on my diary, if U wanna talk or something il giv u my em
from wendy-bird :
oh keri! Vouchers would be fine, just make sure you get them for a shop you like to so that i can give them to for your birthday! lol! You know i am clumsy hense the brakages! the loves still there tho! <3
from luxelady :
hey no worries - i didn't know you were reading! the UN is fuck and the password is off...but it may not be locked for much longer...stay tuned...
from wendy-bird :
Why, why would you want your job back after getting all of that money! Im sure i was there somewhere, prob in a shop 'helping you' spend it! sorry bout tonight, but when i qualify (if) i will take you out! lol ok, next week when i have no assignment we will go out! lol luv ya xxxx p.s you have just txt me! oh the coinsidence (and lack of spelling ability!)
from bloodstream :
why does noone know what a papasan is? its an extremely comfy type of chair, google it. i changed my password, it is now user: new password: password aren't i so very creative??? anyway, hope you're ok!
from wendy-bird :
hey hun! so you had fun! sorry couldnt come with, but sounds like you had an ace time!!! see you soon i hopes! Luv ya!! Hey to people at work, as im guessin you reading this there, and the legend of lucy legless still hasnt died down! xxxx
from wendy-bird :
hey! wow ur boss still has me on the brain hey!! yeah i read it, it was the last entry! and it made me sad keri! i love ya u know! xx
from cuttofeel :
Yeah sure you can have my password just email me at [email protected] and give me your address(email) so I can send it to you. Okay...
from wendy-bird :
Didnt leave this on signy, cos its over, but keri, I LOVE YOU! you know what im on about! ( god not in a lesi way, how starnge did that sound)! Try to be happy xxx hey, with your boss id be happy lol!!! just kidding
from kittygarside :
ooh! book binge im jealous! i'll trade you my book 'venus as a boy' for...? and i still have your goddam present! gx
from fragile-grrl :
i ♥ your template xox
from kittygarside :
look there was equal bickering, bitchin and tantrums (yes tantrums as in those of a small child) from both parties that day but still no need to be so harsh... does she not only quote the truth? I woud fucking love to be here for you right now.. but you have to understand no one understands what you're goin though at the mo... maybe try to forgive us for not being so forgiving?! wowee! that makes no sense but short hand its "blah blah you are an amazing friend to me blah!"
from wendy-bird :
hey! Ross's phone has been re connected hun, cos he rang me on it yesterday! luv ya xx
from sad-faerie :
call me self-obsessed but i actually thought that entry was about me until i read the "u" word...take out the hard drugs & swap 'job' for 'college' and you pretty much got me anyway....I think we prolly got more in common than either of us realises.......and seriously, you think you're depressed? I'M BEING BULLIED BY 16-YR-OLDS!! *beat that!* love & hugs darlin xXx take care of you
from time2 :
It doesn't make you a failure if you go back to coventry, if you feel good about going back then just do it, fuck everyone else and what they might think. Cutters! gotta love me. I married one. Take care of yourself, if you have to go home to feel less alone then do it darling, just do it.
from time2 :
So you headed back to Coventry, I was hoping to live vicariously through you since I don't get to be in Liverpool anymore but oh well. I hope everything works out now that you are home. take care T
from chaflgri :
hey, sounds like your having a hard time of it, i'm sure everything will come together for's weird not having eveyone around is'nt it?? rx
from pamperedpuma :
Keri!! Just wanna say I'm missing you so fucking much baby! I'm feeling so alone right now and I've always thought you're the only person I can talk to about "stuff" like this. Write to me soon, I need your new address. Remember...4weeks til I see the therapist and my 19th b'day- what a great week that'll be!! love you!
from time2 :
Whence in Liverpool you will have to try the Tequila bar, I think it was 5 shots for 5 pound, so many flavours!
from time2 :
okay, just this once. id: time 2 password: 99lick do me a favour though, delete this note after you have the id and password k. take care
from wendy-bird :
keri!!! i am going to miss you so so much! prob more than anyone! i dont want you to go, seriously do occupational therapy at cov and we can sit together?! no, ok well worth a shot! i got the voice mail, ill call you soon need to see you before you go! Are we still going to birmingham thursday? ive booked the morning off work and everything!!
from time2 :
email me at [email protected] and I will send you an ID and's much better than the sword thingy!
from time2 :
erm, hi! I found your diary searching for Liverpool, yeah I know you are not from liverpool but you came up anyway. Then I started reading, I hope you don't mind.
from jenoline :
I am. ner ner ner ner ner!
from jenoline :
heh? are you from liverpool?
from jenoline :
hey there, yeh sure, diary password and username laydeejane password laydee. What on earth intrigued you!?! it's not worth it:P
from wendy-bird :
keri, darling, please be happy. i don't like you being sad. im gonna ring you maybe tonight or during the week ok? and plus don't worry about your results, just enjoy youreself, whatever the outcome. i love you hunny xxx
from gay-jay2004 :
No, I don't mind you adding me... you can reach me at [email protected] (that is my Yahoo messengar screen name and my e-mail address). Thanks for reading my diary(s).
from pamperedpuma :
Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To Keri, Happy Birthday To You! Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!!!
from wendy-bird :
keri, lovin the new diary template. ok we both know thatthat is not entirely true as your old one was pink and had buttterflyies on, but hey at least ive noted the change.
from cobainschick :
hello keri. this is the name of my secret diary as requested! and lucy u are NOT keri's no.1 diary fan cos I am! lol!! Cu all on thursday! Mwah!
from wendy-bird :
Keri!!!! ive just had a terrible thought!!! i have never left you a note on here before, and i am your no1 diary fan!! Looking forward to Thursday alot alot! tho u do worry me slightley, is thursday the night you are going to come out? lol luv ya xxx
from pamperedpuma :
I'm soooo excited about the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar ((do u think they'll play electric six?!)) So how are we getting there etc? I get home about 6:20, but I can be back in town by 7:45 if u wanna meet then or whatever? let me know bab. Cx
from pamperedpuma :
KERI!!! What's upset u so much honey? I think you're a lovely person ((everyone has bitchy moments!)) and I know I can't tell u to stop hurting yourself cos that would be just so completely hypocritical of me, but just be careful I guess. That's all I can say. I've probably made u feel a whole lot worse, but remember...I Love You! Cx
from jusdoit069 :
ayyy mate! its ur sweet lil canadian friend. hows everything...i bin so bored lately ive bin keeping up with ur diary gossip :0 anyways... i finally added sum new entries like ya wanted me too see ya
from chaflgri :
hey... those girls that were apparently soooooooo underaged and had big noses were actually older than both of us.... they're 19. y u slashing yourself again?- another case of poor poor me syndrome i thought u were over that? ure a dark horse keri-o love ya lots and see ya in about 25mins on my way round for revision sesh now! roSS xxx
from pamperedpuma :
Thought I'd leave you another note! Just to say that next Sunday I have free tickets for the three of us to go to the Colly, as long as we're there b4 10:30. I'm really looking forward to it. They're going to play all Saturday night music :) how exciting! :)
from pamperedpuma :
My Dearest Keri God, I didn't think anybody would be that worried about me! and the reason ive been sick so much is bcos of the drugs. if you do want to try them then you've only gotta ask! Lol! about the cutting, well i've started to tell people about it now and sarah thinks it might be a sign that i'm getting over it. I dont want to speak too soon though bcos i've thought that loads of times before. By the way Rachael doesn't even know about it bcos I know what she'd say if I told her so it's best not to. Thankyou for caring for me :) love you lots Carley xxx
from henry-jones :
Hi there. Great music faves and love the Breakfast Club (wish I thought of it when I filled out my profile). How's life in Cov? I'm in Oz but most of my family is there (Radford, Allesley Park, Kersley). Want to visit again sometime soon.
from a-nymph :
ok, this is weird. I just received notification that you added me to your favorites list, so I thought I'd come check out your diary, come to find that you have no favorite diaries listed... odd.

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