messages to leaveten:
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from ernst :
That was a very brave post, leaveten.
from erases :
it's been a while
from vxxen :
LMFAO! never tried it. heard it's AWESOME! lol
from vxxen :
I LOOOOOVE Frank Miller! lol i read that book! it was so awesome. thats a classic for me. like "the Sound of Waves' i love that book too i'm 25 tho lol i'm gettin old lol
from vxxen :
it was beautiful. i like it. i will pick it up. i haven't read a good book that touches the soul in a hot minute
from vxxen :
the one before the september 10th one
from vxxen :
I didnt know that someone could be that exact. cuz thats *exactly* how i feel too. :/
from gomerx :
It's been awhile I can't remember exactly why, but I think I can totally relate to yea...
from gomerx :
I think I Love YOU 8^D
from vxxen :
0o0o girl, its great being in the inside lol
from for-you-only :
Meh, I love opinions. I love seeing what other people get from my writing. If you say something that is way off than I'll probably blame my own bad writing for not explaining things clearly. If you have an insight, then well, that's awesome. heh. I'm one of those people who spazmadicly reaches out to people from time to time but overall is terrible at doing so. However when someone takes the time to reach out to me, I try very hard to be as receptive as possible. If you've read everything I ever posted then you clearly have "reached" and therefor I can't help but be interested.
from for-you-only :
Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!
from for-you-only :
Leaveten, Every entry? That's amazing. I wonder if that means my stats page is a liar. It tells me the most page views I had in one day was the 28th, on which 225 pages were viewed. (I just checked, I have 1429 entries, I bet only about 300 of those are really any good, lol.) I noticed with my other gold account that it claimed I had a bunch of clicks on my banners, but then all the stats from the past week were not as much as the total clicks ought to be equal too. Strange, no? Unless the "page view" count doesn't work the way I thought it did. I'm pretty sure "unique hosts" is supposed to be the number of different IP address, therefore the number of people, while "page views" should be all the different pages. Anyway, I think it's flawed somewhere... In response to what you actually wrote me now, lol... My sexual fantasies have actually almost entirely vanished. I'm really just not like that anymore, on that note. I agree that a therapist may be helpful. If you've all my entries then you should know I've thought about it a lot in the past. My codependency is clearly a result of my upbringing and the incident with the fire and Jeremy ending up moving in with us. Also, I�m guessing you read about that, no need to elaborate there. I�ve been thinking a lot lately about how being so lonely as a child has probably highly impacted my desperate need to connect and feel companionship. I do have bipolar people in my family, as well as several schizophrenics, alcoholics, and diabetics. I�m probably highly prone to all four of those, which is one good reason to stay away from sugar and beer 100% with no exceptions. I probably show the least tendency towards being bipolar out of those four things, from my perspective. I do tend to get highly depressed and to become ridiculously cheerful out of no where, but I don�t really think that it�s a condition that I have; just human nature and the my subjective reactions based on the things I�ve experienced. I�m amazed you could read so much about me and have so �little� to say, though you did pack a lot into that small paragraph. I don�t take it as an insult. I take it to mean that I have issues and issues are interesting to read about, and at the same time, a good person wants to let another person know that they have issues, right? Anyway, I appreciate the input. ~Phoenix
from vxxen :
I've been good. I read your entries alll the time! i hope your situation gets better! and that your Thanksgiving was tasty!
from erases :
i don't understand.
from erases :
wonderful! do you have e-mail?
from erases :
i want more.
from kissthis89 :
Wow, thanks, I don't think I've ever been told that my thoughts are "remarkable." That's awesome! :)
from vxxen :
Thank you so much! i would really love that! :-)
from vxxen :
you friend NEEDS to have her own entries! lol tell your friend to give me (LOL) more advice lmao i love it!
from vxxen :
everybody loves attention! lol me toooooo! lol
from erases :
i like you.
from number621 :
your writing is incredible.
from vxxen :
ohhh anxiety is NOT a fun all!!!
from vxxen :
thank you! i am taking ur advice. im hangin with my mother and family. and i feel better. i relax and chill. but the pain is still always kinda there..i hate that constant hum... but ur advice is heeded ;-)
from vxxen :
oh, your words helped me. and they couldnt have come at a greater time! ( just got off the phone with the ex) u was all upset and *BAM!* your words were there! cool~Dangerouskleo (aim)
from juswords : i wish i had the same confidence as you. :) have a good day;X
from courtneydw : I really, really agreed with this entry. I felt that I could really relate to it - to you. You expressed a lot of my own personal thoughts and feelings. It's nice to know sometimes that I'm not the only one who feels that way.

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