messages to libathena:
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from raven72d :
Serious good taste in music and films. And fine writing.
from proudnerd :
Hi! My name is Masha. I randomly came across your diary. (I update very infrequently). I am a senior in Columbia University in New York, and I would love to work in college admissions, especially in a place like Columbia or Chicago. I think the combination of Core Curriculum and Big City makes for a phenomenal college experience which I am eager to "sell" to others :) Please tell me more about how you got your job, what the qualifications are, if perhaps your office has a vacancy, etc :) Briefly about me: I grew up in Chicago and New York, went to Columbia, major -- Russian Literature with lots of electives in German and English lit, gpa 3.7. Involved in culture and literary clubs on campus. Very enthusiastic :) Another reason I want to work in college admissions is because you get to hear people's stories. Everyone has a story to tell! (Oh god that sounds corny but bear with me, it's 3.30 in the morning and my thesis on Eugene Onegin has taken over my life!) Anyway, thanks for reading! If you have time email me at mm twenty three ten at columbia dot edu (replace with numbers). I would really appreciate it, since I am rather excited about randomly and accidentally coming across someone who has my dream job :) (I mean eventually I'd like to go to grad school, but not yet). Sincerely, ~M
from zerom3ph :
ppst. whatup libby, it's thal. (it's been a random week. therefore, all the more cause to be random.)
from austin3000 :
Hello o agian i mean my screen namme is austin3000 not austin300
from austin3000 :
You sound so coll about wat ever your writing about please add me to your buddy list my screen name is austin300
from mcdiary :
libby, i'm usurping your terminology and taking up residence in diaryland again. love, clara

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