Your mom

I am a young girl, I like to take pictures.

My favorite diaries:

solieri profile - diary
comments: Patrick
skybiscuit profile - diary
comments: Skyler
soleil7 profile - diary
comments: Elaina
QuoteMe profile - diary
comments: This is Elaina's quotes page and it is high-larious.
junglest profile - diary
comments: My young puppy! Her diary is designed very well. And she's a neat kid.
mcdiary profile - diary
comments: Clara
aimster25 profile - diary
comments: Amy
parallellamb profile - diary
comments: Toddler

My favorite music:

comments: It's neat that my favorite band is the just the best band in the world. Not many people can say that about their band.
Modest Mouse
comments: They will recieve their rewards yeah.
Einstuerzende Neubauten
comments: If you ever want to escape the world, this is the place to go. Just relax, turn of the lights, and get scared out of your wits.
comments: I went to see Haujobb once, and though I was distracted because I was there with a stupid guy who I wanted to date, it was pretty neat. 99 is their best album.
Amon Tobin
comments: I went to see Amon Tobin too! So great. The girl next to me asked who he was. I was like "ask the dipshit who brought you here, you uncultured slob."

My favorite movies:

comments: Titus is just my kind of movie, beauty and sexual tension courtesy Julie Taymor, best performance I've ever seen by Jessica Lange, more by Anthony Hopkins and crew. A mediocre Shakespeare play turned into one of my favorite movies.
Cookie's Fortune
comments: Hail to the delicate Southern accent, silly hostility, and Julianne Moore.
Princess Mononoke
comments: Billy Crudup does the most amazing dubbing for the most amazing animation I have ever seen. See it in a theatre, build one yourself in your backyard just for this movie. Get a bunch of black guys to paint themselves white and sit next to you.
comments: So neat and delicate.
Lord of the Rings
comments: Don't be stupid. Aragorn needs my love and attention.

My favorite authors:

Umberto Eco
comments: I read The Name of the Rose for European History, and I really loved it. Then I read Foucault's Pendulum and I wrote about it in my Chicago University essay. These books are really wonderful and accomplish all for the reader that books should: a ni
Josteen Gaarder
comments: Sophie's World: though those Indian guys in the coffee shop were right, this book doesn't have much of a story, it's so great if you know nothing about philosophy. When I read this as a child, I was on the first step to being who I am now.
Arthur Golden
comments: His son goes to my school and is friends with my best friend. I love Memoirs of a Geisha and I read it when I need to relax and I need something familiar.
Kurt Vonnegut
comments: My favorite book by Vonnegut is The Sirens of Titan.
Philip Pullman
comments: Thinking of having my scalp trepanned...

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last updated: 2010-05-13 01:48:37
this user's total entries: 1222
user since: 2000-10-24

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