messages to lisamac:
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from elisabeta :
I'm so sorry, Lisa. Your brother was clearly a wonderful man.
from orannnge :
lisamac, you make me smile. so glad tinymixtapes made your diary. isn't it a wonderful thing? wish the boy who showed it to me was still being adorable. my story about e-dating commitment moments? he wanted to make sure i saw that site. i want a burner boy, lisa... bay area, i'm SO ready for excitement! (feel like i should break into 'buenos aires' from evita...)
from biibaajii :
Hi Lisamac: I hope you are the right person. I read a review on regarding "In the Time of the Butterflies." If you wrote this review, would you please EMAIL me at [email protected] Thanks! Biibaajii
from indie-snob :
Hello there! I just saw a solo show of Rhett Miller's (he's the main guy from the Old 97s) and thought you may be interested in a review I wrote for it. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here, too, including Liz Phair's new album (and a live review due in a couple of weeks). Check it out, thanks!
from arianstar :
hey thanks lisa for stopping by my page to read....and remember give yourself gifts on special days ..i always do..They are always picked out by someone who knows you best and likes you the most...!!!fuggettabout stupid chad is 30 and is still not grown up! haha oh well.. arian
from tapestrybabe :
Hi!! Happy Birthday!! I often read about you in someone elses livejournal... hehe.. I like better. Nice name you got. My sister's name is Melissa. And well, Lisa is cool sounding too... Anyways, happy happy to you =)
from lifesparkles :
You RAWK. Just had to say so.
from cloudbreak :
You look better with short hair. Granted i have a short-hair fetish of sorts, but I think women with short hair rawk.
from cloudbreak :
Heyyyy... this isnt exactly the hub of civilization and culture out here. Macrock is pretty sweet compared to nothing. *sob*
from cloudbreak :
Ah... I totally wish I could hit noisepop. Ah well... if this MacRock thing goes through, I'll see most of the bands anyway. And thank you for the correction... I can sleep easier tonight knowing you arent an incestuous freak. Hm. I dont remember candyman (the movie, yes, the performer, no), but ill google him in a few minutes...
from cloudbreak :
The little known group 'Cameo' sold out thier hit song "word up!" to pimp cherry coke. Lots of geri-curl. The answer to yours is 'Impulse', but i forget who made it.... by the way im jealous of you for getting to see all of those rad bands. very.very.jealous.
from cloudbreak :
hiya... I got tired of filling up your guestbook, and thought id cram up your notes page. Ahem. Where to begin? Hm.... oh yeah...I remember now: Dammit! I cant believe I didnt get the flintstones commercial reference... if you could see me now, youd notice me hitting my forehead with the palm of my hand. gr. Word up, cherry coke! (bonus points to you if you can remember who sang that in a commercial)

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