messages to lookatus:
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from less-than3 :
you're locked, and my pw doesn't work. :( i totally understand if you don't want to unlock and/or give me a pw. but if you [email protected]. or even if you just want to email me. i hope you're okay. <3
from less-than3 :
i'm sorry to hear all of this. :(
from less-than3 :
congratulations, sweetie! oh my god!!! that's amazing! :) :) :) wow. i'm FLOORED. so exciting! :)
from less-than3 :
i'm so happy for you! what a year you've had -- that's an UNDERSTATEMENT!!! i have a feeling you're going to be a wonderful mom to Beth. you've been doing well so far. :)
from dododing :
No one should ever have to argue about money. Either you have it or you don't what's there to bother with. So good for you guys not letting that be an issue like every other couple on the planet does (or at least one person out of the couple!) ;) And Steve, congratulations on "making it." It's never what others think it should be, however, we always know it when we get there!! I love you guys.
from dododing :
Howdy, Susan is here. She is doing great. She is way healthier (as far as energy and ability to get around) than I was when I was pregnant. She is going to the doctor for her ultrasound the day after she gets home (Jan 4th). She can feel the baby moving around and I felt her belly...I'm pretty sure it's just one. She really does look about 7 months pregnant. Good luck to her on giving birth to that big-o thing! Other than that...all is well. Later, babe!
from nicky-d :
Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures from your happy day. :)
from less-than3 :
from less-than3 :
wow. congrats on every single level imaginable!!!! :)
from dododing :
I know I'm weird and all but I think my views are wonderful ones so I am going to share my opinion with you. I realize that according to Christianity you are "living in sin." Cocky, bad mood Jen would say "who gives a flying fuck?" I'll try to be good. Love is everything. It's what makes this world, breaks this world, heals and hurts, laughs and cries. It is everything. We are born yearning it and spend our lives searching for it. This really is a matter of the bottle being half full or half empty. You can look at the Christian view and say you are "living in sin" or you can look at the real, non-judgemental view and say you are "living in love." Your choice. If you love him with all your heart and the two (excuse me, 7) of you are meant for each other then what is sinful about that. Love is love. Period.
from nicky-d :
Hey, I get to be the first to leave a note, yay! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for sharing the link. It looks great so far! I look forward to reading about your life together. :)

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