messages to lostlilone3:
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from nikki-12- :
hey i know how that feels. how can he be such a dick and leave u behind like that? the best thing i did was find sumone else, i wasn't sure if it as a good thing to do but i tried anyway and made a bunch of rules lol but eventually it worked and it ws so much easier to get over him. be strong!
from xemowhorex :
you have me listed as a favorite. if you're still around and care at all, i have had to locked my diary for a while. the username: emo password: whore
from deadforweeks :
you rock my face off! whooo!! keep listening to coheed and cambria...rawwwwwk! haha. talk to you later. -john
from sharpsecret :
glad u updated, dont be scared about recovery, im sorry things arent better. keep updating i miss knowing your okay or not xxx
from johnb0y :
hey..i got your note. i really appreciate that. if you ever get bored and want to talk, that'd be rad. i really dig your diary. talk to you later - john
from ontipey-toes :
Hey babe! I just wanted to say that I relate to what you're writing, a lot. Mia was at times all I got and it kept me safe. Right now I'm "recoverd" but I still have eating problems. It's strang but somehow those thoughts give me comfort, they help me not think about things I don't want to. *hugs* you're not alone. I always feel quilty about lots of things,it's always my fualt. take care ! -Hannah
from starvemeana :
hi, thanks for the link and the mail.. i'll be checking on you each time you update, so never quit writing! have a pleasant day, may god bless you xo.
from sheepmage :
Hi. I just want to say that I found your journal thingy interesting. I don't believe that many people really know how to talk to people who think, who have to think, deeply and truely about themselves. A lot of people just don't need it, things are clear and life moves forward. For others, things are entangled and life goes in circles. You seem to be working at it and that's cool. I'd say, trust your intuition a little more, but maybe you already do. You have strong insight into things and you perhaps know a little more than you might realize. Good luck I say, I'll wish you well. Oh and one more thing..noticed you had an our lady peace quote on an earlier entry. I really love their earlier albums, Clumsy, Happiness and Spiritual Machines. Check em out if you haven't already. Hey, and here's a question. Is happiness the result of good living or is good living defined by being happy? In other words, is happiness a goal or is it simply incidental to living an honest life? What about love?
from anasenior :
hey! i just realized that i was on ur favs and i just wanted to say thanks and i am free if u wanna talk. by the tall r u?

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