messages to luvcoffee84:
(click here to add new message):

from shanmeid :
hey where you been? when you get this, could pls just mail me your password again. I lost my email, and then lost it again: [email protected]
from shanmeid :
I see you've locked up... I really enjoy reading your diary. Could you pls mail me your username and password? [email protected] <3
from shanmeid :
I always ponder that too... knowing so much about how to live a good life and yet I find myself doing everything in my will to somewhat tarnish my primness! I also almost always feel guilt. Never at the time, but afterwards, I'll think about what I did and think to myself 'why?' when I know wrong it was of me. To me it's another form of S.I. A reason to make me dislike myself even more! I don't know... <3
from shanmeid :
love the new layout... I saw it the other day on someone else's journal and I loved the whole look of it... I think it suits you <3
from veggiepunk :
hi sweety! congratulation on your fifth day of yours fast! tell me what do you eat or do you just drink water like i once did? i once reached the fifth day too on just drinking water it was awesome. thanks also for the tips! take care***
from veggiepunk :
Hello, first of all thanks for loving my diary (i am sorry i haven't updated), i m so honored! and thank you for adding me to your buddylist, ive added you too and i started reading your diary and i loved it so much, you are such a great writter(i would like to read your novels someday)i am obsessed with books. in your last post you wrote that you've been molested by your brother? i just don't know what to say...its horrible but believe me i understand cause ive been molested by my teacher when i was just 11, you know we're so much alike, i mean we've been thru horrible things and we're both anas. i really wished i could meet you! by the way i made that girl-interrupted quiz, i loved the movie and love angelina jolie. well i am going to leave you for now, i hope to talk to you sometime... ps. i wanna go on a fast with you if you like. .Take carexxx
from list-alive :
Hello, I just started a new listing site. Come get listed (no rules)!
from bamstroker :
i'm intrigued about this novel you mentioned. what's it about? sorry for the lack of notes, sweetheart. i've been so busy. and this job is pretty demanding and i'm only online because i have today off. i also have this tuesday & wednesday off so i'll be writing again too. and i have aim, and if you do too and would like to talk, feel free to email me and ask for my sn (sorry, this diary is so private that i want to keep most things secret from others who might stumble across it, just in case.) hon are you sure weight watchers is right for you? i didn't know they let perfectly thin and gorgeous people in to start their program ;) i think you sent me an email a while back so i will check for that. thanks for keeping up with me, i don't mean to be neglectful at all and will keep trying hard to stay in touch as much as possible. i love you and hang in there honey. *hugs* xoxo.
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for your note too. God, what a week for you with all the funerals. Hang in there honey! xoxo Kathy
from bamstroker :
hey sweetie. did you get my email? i didnt know if the email addy you have linked in your diary is correct.. but anyway if you get a chance, send me your address or write me at [email protected] (i have a link to give you, i'll explain in the email.) my family is italian as well! well, mostly on my dads side and i dont live with him, but i'm like half italian. for a while my mom was all obsessed with her body and went on the treadmill every day but now she is more interested in having fun and drinking, so there are all sorts of fatty foods around. my mom and step dad eat ice cream EVERY night, and fries, and basically everything i want to avoid. my mom brought home a pizza tonight... sooo hard to pass that off. but i cant stand not knowing how many calories im eating, and im sure one slice is a lot. and it doesn't help my sister is like this 80 pounder baywatch babe who eats shitty food ALL the time and never gains. i want to fast too but i have a HUGE problem with not being able to sleep so i end up eating just so i can fall asleep. do you have insomnia? how do you deal with it? it drives me nuts, most nights i'm up til 4 in the morning just surfing the net, smoking cigarettes and listening to music trying to pass out. good luck with your fast! i might start a fast tomorrow, im still trying to decide. i have a dentist & group therapy appt so i'd be in the car... blah, i get really sick in the car when im not eating. i also feel weird when people are in my room and im awkward around guys, i'm scared of them lmao. i always think people are thinking i'm so fat and ugly when they probably dont even notice im alive. i guess everyone is insecure to a certain extent. i'm gonna go have a cigarette hon, ttyl!! <3
from krugerpak007 :
Sorry you are feeling so down. Take care of yourself honey. Feel better. xoxo Kathy
from bamstroker :
hey hon, i'm glad you're feeling better! i'm kinda new at fasting so i don't have any juice recipes but if i find some i'll definitely send them to you. :) hope you're doing okay. how long are you planning on fasting for? xoxo.
from bamstroker :
hey hon just read ur latest entry, i can sympathize! *hugs* don't beat yourself up. we all have to eat, and we NEED food, so of course you are gonna go crazy after a huge fast like that. but i really don't think it will ruin ur progress, because it's not possible to gain seven pounds in one day, and plus, on the bright side, this will have boosted your metabolism big time so if you start restricting again, the pounds will once again melt away. i hope ur okay, i'm here if you need support! hang in there i know you can do it. hugs! whit.
from bamstroker :
god i can relate so well. i haven't done anything today, i haven't done anything this whole summer in fact. i feel so worthless, and today i ate 2,000 calories (which is more than double the usual for me) and it feels like the end of the world, lmao retarded huh? and i blow off a lot of people because i'm afraid if they get close they won't like me once they get to know me- it sucks. hang in there hon.
from bamstroker :
hey, just wanted to say i found your diary and feel like i can relate a lot. you sound so much like me sometimes it's insane. wishing you all the best xx.
from starbuck14 :
Thanks for leaving a note! I like the look of your diary. Take care.
from analorriz :
Hi I found your diary off of the ana diaryring. I am sorry to here that you are so depressed it seems. I understand though. If you ever need to talk email me. [email protected] Take care, and be careful

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