messages to luvmykitties:
(click here to add new message):

from lillibra :
No, I didn't change the password! I tried to unlock it completely and it doesn't seem to work. But you should be able to access it still using "Guest" and "daybyday." least I think. D-land fucked my diary so bad the last time it crashed. Sigh.
from gonzostar :
you need a spring layout! no more winter!
from kidmittens :
Thank you for your note about my grandpa. Its been hard, but I can feel better in knowing that he's in a better place now away from the devil that is my grandmother. On another parents dog Jazmyn destroys everything too. She's part yellow lab part sheppard and she loves to run off with just about anything. My dad spent over a year fixing up a really old table and doing folk art on it. Its really his prized possession and his greatest acheivement. Well, one night Jazmyn was going nuts cause my parents went out and she jumped right up on the table leaving huge claw marks! Needless to say daddy was NOT too impressed and was throwing f bombs all over the place! But she's cute and too pretty to stay mad at hehe.
from lillibra :
Thank you for the kind notes on both my pages! I'm glad you updated again. A month was too long! Thanks for the good wishes, too... I don't think I'll need them! I can't wait for spring break. No matter what happens, I'm just excited to explore NYC and be with my friends. ;) Have no fear, I will be sure to update what happens in full detail when I get back.
from lillibra :
Where are you? I'm missing your updates!!!!
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for sharing the photos, its nice to see where you are and what you are writing about! Have a good weekend.xoxoxKathy
from krugerpak007 :
At least they are paying you! Otherwise I would not do it, sounds like a lot of hard work to me! You don't need to go to the gym by the sounds of it! Have a good weekend and take care! xoxox Kathy
from traininlibra :
I'm glad you are looking into BFL! I like it a lot, especially the free day... The workouts are intense, I won't lie, but you have to push yourself, right? As for the eating, you can be a picky eater and still do it. All it really requires is that you eat six small meals a day, and that you eat a portion (1 portion = the size of your fist or open palm) of carbs and a portion of protein at each meal. Shakes and bars make that easy. It does require some pre-planning but often I'll just cook a bunch of chicken and put in on everything all week - like salads, pasta, etc. You don't have to count calories, but I do, just because I'm crazy like that. Before you decide for or against doing it, I recommend getting the book instead of just looking at the website. It will help you to really understand the whole plan and the whole philosophy. Let me know if you decide to try it out, and whether or not you like it! I'm interested to see. Good luck, whatever you end up doing!
from krugerpak007 :
You definitely do rock! xoxox Kathy
from kidmittens :
ohhhh in your face girl scouts! You show them that their cute little selves and oh so yummy cookies aren't going to get the best of you! I must say, you have more drive than me at the gym! I wimp out after 10 minutes!
from krugerpak007 :
I will put away the packet of sweets I have been pigging out on alone, if you put away the cookies. We can do this!! xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
The T thing I understand, but gay friends. mmm. That is stone age. But he loves you! Thats the most importnat thing. It must make you feel wanted you know? Take care honey! xoxox Kathy
from thinwish :
Cookie-peddling bastards!
from krugerpak007 :
You are so strong when it comes to T. I admire you!! Would your husband allow him if you asked him or does your husband not know about him at all? (Sorry if I am being too personal) I just admire how good you are. I have no discipline at all. And I lost out big time because of that probably. Anyway I love love love stuffed peppers! You have made me hungry now! Take care. xoxoxox Kathy
from kidmittens :
Thanks for letting me know! I am the world's stupidest person when it comes to math so when I can avoid it I try to as much as possible. -18 is pretty cold though! Last week here it was -37 with the windchill....where do I live?!? I'm counting down the months until summer that's for sure!!!
from krugerpak007 :
I can't belive how cold it is there...That is too much for my brain to handle. here its freezing cold and not even below 0 and we are all moaning. Wow! Go warm up! xoxoxo Kathy
from thinwish :
I'm sure shoveling snow is a better workout than I got at the gym yesterday! You're doing great!
from krugerpak007 :
You are doing so damn well. You go girl and keep up the good work! xoxoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Beautiful beautiful pictures! Wow it looks freezing cold! I thought it was cold here. I am going to stop my complaining! NOW!!! Thanks for all your notes, they mean alot! xoxoxox Kathy
from thinwish :
Great job on the loss!!!
from traininlibra :
Hi, there! Saw you added me to your favorites, and stole my recipe while you were at it. I'm honored. :o) (And it's okay, because I stole it from my health club, so don't give me credit!) Anyway, just wanted to say hello and do let me know how you like the autumn chicken. I hope you enjoy it and it is worth facing your fear of the produce isle!
from thinwish :
Oh, that definitely counts! You're better than I am because if I had excercise equipment at home, I would NEVER go to the gym! Great job!
from thinwish :
I know this only because I was at the grocery store this morning and happened to see them -- cranberries are on the aisle with dried fruits and fruit juices. Good job on the gym thing! I'm going tonight for a nice little run on the treadmill, so we're 2-for-2!!!
from orangeslush :
the cranberries should be by the raisins and stuff :)
from krugerpak007 :
Thank you for your amazing comment. You really understand me and you are right! Really thank you. It helps me so much! You take care,and try and sit and talk to your husband. try not to make the same mistake I did. Trevor does not understand and now I lost him, and maybe its too late, and its really killing me. Because all the other men are just awful.....I am thirty and alone and its a scary scary thought. So take care and if you need to chat I am here....xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Well done for going back to gym and eating so well. Friday is Friday. We all have our days off so why not cut yourself some slack. Otherwise you have been good. I hope the relationship works out with your friends. Best wishes and keep up the good work. xoxox Kathy
from thinwish :
We need to be workout buddies! I'm going to try getting up early to go to the gym before class this week, so we can make sure that we do it, ok? Maybe if I go every day that I plan to (without cheating!) I'm going to treat myself to something. That recipe sounds delicious!
from kidmittens :
geez you sure are a picky eater! I never thought I would eat something like spinach dip or anything out of the ordinary, but I'm becoming much more brave with that sort of thing. Check out that website though, it might have some really yummy stuff! My mom has an excellent diet cookbook so I'll ask her if she knows of any good recepies or something. Good luck!!
from krugerpak007 :
I have not been so good with the eating but maybe cream cheese (low fat of course) could be good? As to music, I just put a whole lot of cover versions of 80's songs on my mp3 player for gym. I could copy it for you if you would like? Your puppy sounds adorable-pictures!!!! I am sorry to hear about your mom and I hope it all goes ok with her. Try and have a good weekend. xoxox Kathy (and you are right not to throw your marriage away like that, take it from me....imagining is just as good if not better!)
from kidmittens :
I thought I was the pickiest person alive! I know how you feel trying to eat healthy when you hate most food that is healthy for you. What I've been trying to do is keep granola bars in the house instead of something chocolate and fattening. One thing I've really gotten hooked on is pita bread and a dip of some sort. Spinach dip is tasty, although probably fattening as it is made with mayo. Tzaiki (sp?) is also tasty. Its made with yogurt so its much healthier than eating like chips and dip or something. And its actually kind of tasty. You just have to try to be willing to try new foods and be open minded about some of the stuff thats healthy for you. A good webiste that has lots of recepies and some low fat ones too is Its got stuff about health and nutrition, different side dishes and stuff, you might like it. Hope I helped a bit! Keep me updated on how the new healthy eating is going!
from orangeslush :
I hope things go ok for you mom
from krugerpak007 :
Just a quick hi sweetie! xoxox
from thinwish :
Hey! Sorry I didn't get back to you after you left that note. I had to take a little break and regroup! I'm catching up on diaries and I'll be updating again! Hope all is well! Cute puzzle!
from kidmittens :
I LOVE that puzzle! I wish I had patience for puzzles, but I am my father's daugher and patience isn't one of our strong points haha Good luck with the rest of the puzzle, its going to be super cute! Man I love Pooh!
from krugerpak007 :
Good luck with the diet! I am so screwed up at the moment with my eating. Maybe you can give me a few lessons? :-) Take care. Kathy
from kidmittens :
You saved the day! Thanks for your help! If you want a Tigger design go to pinkdesigns cause she had some nice ones :)
from kidmittens :
see that's what I did and it doesn't work....the next link works but the previous one doesn't!
from kidmittens :
Ok so I tried to solve the link issue and I have no idea how to do it. HELP!
from kidmittens :
Woo hoo you're alive! I love Boyd's Bears, I collect figurines and I have a few of them, they're SO cute! Good to hear from ya...and I'm looking into the previous/next links on my diary. I put it together at like 2:00 in the morning and it also doesn't help that I'm quite html illiterate so I'll try to figure it out..perhaps you can help me if I can't do it
from hollysdiet :
hello there! do you belong to any weightloss support boards? i wanted to see if you'd like to come check out mine, cuz it's awesome and i think you'd fit in. is where it is. :) good luck in 2005!
from kidmittens :
I haven't been by your diary in a while, but I love the new layout! Hurry up and update!
from krugerpak007 :
I like the new template very much. Mmm, family drama and politics...I hope it goes ok. Take care and thanks for your kind note. xoxox Kathy
from kidmittens :
*ahem* you seem to be getting down on your updates again....15 days between is just unacceptable! Sincerely...the diary police
from kidmittens :
thanks :P
from turtlemomma :
1) Jennifer Garner is way too skinny. 2) I think I might steal your little weight loss ticker. 3) I'd be your friend and call you since you say nobody else does, but I'm too chicken poop. If I had your number I'd send you a text though :D
from kidmittens :
Jennifer Garner is SO hot! So I'm trying this healthy eating thing and its just not working...its so much harder than I thought! I think you're awesome for having the motivation to go to the gym...I just rely on my dancing to help me lose weight and its just not enough :( I wish I had willpower
from turtlemomma :
You sound so much like me.
from krugerpak007 :
Sounds like you had a great time. A haunted house? Mmm. Interesting...Waiting to hear about that. xoxox Kathy
from kidmittens :
Good to see that you're back from your 16 day departure...I was starting to wonder about you!!! keep these updates coming! hehe I should talk, I'm the queen of diary procrastination...I should work on that!
from turtlemomma :
Hey, it's time for some type of update here!
from thinwish :
The LSAT was actually great! I couldn't believe how quickly it was all over. I get my scores on the 25th, so I'm just anxious to find out. Thanks for all the advice and support about it and everything else!
from thinwish :
Thank you so much! I'll let you know how it goes!
from kidmittens :
here is my 2 cents in regards to your "what if pt 2" entry. I think you can be in love with 2 people at the same time, but I think there is only one true love in your life. You can love tons of people, I love my friends, I love my boyfriend, I love my family, I love my ex boyfriend, I love my get the picture *wink* but I think that of all those people, there is only one TRUE love out there for you, that you love unconditionally and that love will last forever. Now, I'm not married, but in my opinion, you can be in love with your husband and be perfectly happy with him, but that doesn't mean he's your true love, or your soulmate. It sounds like T is your true love because if you can still love him after all these years and everything that you've been through, that says something about the two of you. But, don't get me wrong, just because he is your true love or your soulmate doesn't mean you're supposed to be together. Maybe the fact that he's married with a daughter and you're married is a sign that you are not supposed to be together. I know when I look at my parents for mom dated a guy for 7 years, everyone thought they'd get married, but they broke up first year of university. My mom met my dad in the summer of 71 and were engaged by (Canadian) Thanksgiving and finally married Sept 72. They have been together ever since, they are best friends, soulmates and each other's one true love, so, what was so special about my dad that they dated for less than a year before they were engaged?? Why didn't her boyfriend of 7 years cut it? The answer? ONE TRUE LOVE! I truly believe in it. I think you are great for trying to figure these feelings out and not acting upon that sexual tension between you because you want to stay loyal and true to your husband. So that's my long and drawn out opinion :P
from kidmittens :
Ok, I just read your little fact thinger and I'm stealing it too! I noticed that you had the Tim McGraw cd on you know the song "It's your love"? I don't know how old it is but I love's one of me and my boyfriend's many "special" songs...awww!
from turtlemomma :
Personal question you don't have to answer, of course. How do you know she was a mean bitch? Are you sure he wasn't playing the both of you?
from turtlemomma :
Cereal??? Did you say cereal??!!
from thinwish :
Congrats on the 230's! That's so exciting! :)
from thinwish :
thanks so much for the advice! it's so scary to know that my life will hing on a piece of paper. you really helped me start to get things togther in my mind though.
from thinwish :
ok, do you mind giving me a little bit of advice about this whole law school app. thing? did you have tons of community service and all of that? because I don't have that but sometimes I hear that it's important and sometimes I hear that it's not. what's your opinion?
from turtlemomma :
Ok, alright, you want to hear about being bad? I can't believe I'm going to tell you this, I'm not even going to post it in my diary because I'm so embarrassed and sick with myself. Well today I had a cereal bar for breakfast, then between breakfast and lunch I ate a Snickers bar and then a chocolate donut, a glazed twist donut, then lunch which was rice and three pot stickers, then another plain cake donut and then I came home and got ready for dinner. Salad, a chili stuffed with cheese, 12 small fish sticks and I split one of those little personal pizzas with my daughter. You know the kind that are equal to about 1 slice. I couldn't stop and now I'm physically ill! BARF! So be happy all you had was a little ice cream with a little chocolate fudge. ~K
from krugerpak007 :
Beautiful, beautiful kittens. Gosh, if thats how many calories you burned, then you go girl. Congratulations on all your new stuff. 4 digital cameras! Wow!No more excuses about why there are no pictures... Enjoy! xoxo Kathy
from turtlemomma :
I want an odometer! And what do you need 4 digital cameras for anyway? ~K
from krugerpak007 :
Yeyyyy! Gorgeous, gorgeous. Maybe you should sell them? Make and sell. I would be your first customer!! Thanks for the photos! xoxo Kathy
from kidmittens :
I LOVE your teddies! I would love to do something like that, but I realized a long time ago that I am NOT crafty and doubt I ever will be :( Once I tried to make a stuffed skunk in elementary school and I screwed up the pieces now its sitting in a lifeless blob in my mom's sewing room just taunting me. That was the end of my stuffed animal making forever! *sigh*
from turtlemomma :
Don't be silly, you're not boring. If you "work on it" and change any, then you won't be you anymore. And I like you the way you are now :o) That was pretty barfy wasn't it? ~K
from turtlemomma :
Another two pounds, that's terrific! Keep up the good work! ~K
from thinwish :
happy belated birthday!
from turtlemomma :
Happpy Birthday! I got grumpy as my 30th birthday approached and then cried on the big day :( I just wanna be 23 again... Not that I was doing anything with my life at that time but it just seems like a good age :o)~ Thanks for stopping by and signing my notes.... Notes always make me feel better. ~K
from krugerpak007 :
I wanted to wish you a very very very happy Birthday. I hope you had an awsome day and that it was not as bad as you (and I) think/thought. Thinking of you! xoxoxo Kathy
from gonzostar :
the new layout looks nice! the older page is slightly "off" though. thanks for the offe, i'll be sure to get advice when the time is actually near. i know what i want though, and some things are non-traditional. i want sundresses (maybe hawaiian) for the bridesmaids and i want a friend to marry us. and a BBQ on the beach will be the reception. :)
from thinwish :
just wanted to say hi! congrats on losing so much weight already. your cats sound wonderful! i'm dying to get a cat, but my roommate has a very large dog, and i don't think it would be fair to the cat, so i'll wait until i move. have a good weekend!
from krugerpak007 :
You are at least doing very well with the workouts. I set my alarm every single day and NEVER get up to work out. I hope this week will be different! Good luck! xoxo Kathy

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