messages to lysistrata39:
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from starlight42 :
that's cool. if I could have an anti-football party I would, until then, I'm just forced to have a Superbowl party & just hang out in the kitchen & snack & find other girls to talk to!! Still fun though, since I don't smoke.
from death-dealer :
hello, well im also wondering what tv station you work for. but hey, dont tell me, im too curious anyways. you sound like an interesting person, and the only people i want reading my journal are strangers, sounds weird i know, but if you dont know them, i guess it dosent mean as much.
from candoor :
please continue.
from godmoney :
best diary i've read in a while. u rock my sox.
from gumphood :
well okay. Here are questions to get to know you better. You work in TV? Where and what for? My roomate works in TV as well and does locations for a couple shows that have done pretty well from my understading. Anyway let me know...or don't....and make me's your call.
from gumphood :
Okay. So I ALSO clicked on your banner, but not cause I love the movie, but because I wanted to see what your diary was all about. I would say that your last entry grabbed me alot cause there was a lot of interesteing things that happened to you over the year, specifically the incident with your sister. Anyway it was a pleasure reading you. I hope that perhaps we could communicate in the future, if you ever want to stop by. Actually let me know the next time you update.
from banefulvenus :
hey there, I clicked on your banner. I loved that movie! I can't help but remember that one line, "The Donger need food!" ha! Anywho. I loved your diary. Keep writting!!
from onewetleg :
your layout is the best i've seen. i could not find a way to sign your gbook so i came here. found you through yellowpages. keep writing. love,
from sirreal72 :
After doing a random search of about a dozen, I notice two things about your put in your usual amazing amount of study, in terms of layout, color scheme, etc. Whereas a goodly number of these things seem to be high graphic, low content your page is....second thing noticed....easy on the eyes, inviting the viewer to read what is written....which is *supposed* to be the point, right? I like it. You've got things to say....go for it.

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