messages to marzipangirl:
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from klcroft :
I hope you are doing well. You haven't updated this diary in a long time and I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were. :)
from klcroft :
I sure hope you are feeling better! I would love to read your thoughts more. If you would like to share your other diary with me I would be happy to read it. Have a good day!
from jodileebee :
I would like to keep up with you on your new url, if you don't mind sharing. If you prefer not to share, that's okay, too. Sometimes I wish I hadn't told some people about my diary, 'cause I can never tell for sure if they're reading it or not, and whether or not it is okay to write something bitchy about them if I feel like it. Good luck with your photo shoot tomorrow!
from chucklover :
The pixies RULE!!!! your diaryies cool too....but the pixies RULE!! love key key
from jodileebee :
Hey, Marzipan Girl! Long time no see on here! Hope you're doing okay and will find time to post SOON! Jodi
from klcroft :
I just finished reading all of your entries. You amaze me! It is odd for me to imagine someone else knowing what it is like dealing with a mother like mine. It's tough.
from klcroft :
That is really nice of you to have added me to your favorites. Thanks for your kind words. I enjoy the writing. It helps keep me grounded.
from jodileebee :
Yea! You posted again! Glad you had a good trip! And thanks for the kind words. I looked at your profile and we have a lot of movies/books/music in common. I love SARK and Gregory Maguire. I was way into Morrissey and the Smiths in high school and college (though I kind of stopped after "Bona Drag") and I love the Pixies--saw them in concert twice!!!! Keep posting, chickie! I go through spurts on Diaryland where I'll post every day for awhile, then I might go a week or two, but I always check the folks on my buddy list and I look forward to keeping up with you! Jodi
from jodileebee :
Hey, girl! You really need to post the answers to your song survey 'cause some of them are gonna DRIVE ME CRAZY!!!! Also, it's to see that there are actually people on here that are NOT teenagers! (nothing against the teens, of course!) i'm a little older than you--33--but i am childless by choice, have much younger friends and relate to a lot of stuff you posted entries about. i won't pretend to understand your depression or history of abuse since that is outside my realm of experience. but i do hope you're feeling better and i hope you will post some entries about your trip to europe and what's happening in your life now. the amazing thing about diaryland is how you can feel like you know and care about someone you've never met, just by reading their diary entries. PLUS . . . anyone who knows/appreciates the fine and unique candy known as marzipan is cool in my book! Jodi
from angry-chan :
Hi!! I really like your name. ^_^
from songofsorrow :
Hi, ummm, yeah, Sorry, it's just that I took your survey then I read your profile and diary cuz I liked your name and I feel really close to you. sorry if that creeps you out cuz I'm this little 18 year old girl that prys into your life. But yeah, I'm sorry. You don't have to coraspond with me if you don't want, but if you'd like too, my notes page isn't working but my email address is [email protected] It's just, I never thought I would ever find someone that is kinda like me, absolutly insane and always wondering why people like you. Sorry, I'm ranting. just, if you would like to reply, that would be awesome. ummm, thanks for you're time.
from indie-snob :
hey there! I just added a review for the Interpol show I saw a few nights ago, and thought that you would be interested. check it out, i have lots of other stuff here, too. thanks!
from crackheadred :
WHAOOO!!im first! YEAH!...haha..thanks for takin the surveys and i DO hope you read my "diary" and u can look a my concert pix too...janes addiction was there but i didnt get any pix of them...

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