messages to melieann:
(click here to add new message):

from msphoenix :'s really me. Things have been really nuts for me. I tried to get back into site...they couldn't find me via my e-mail address...I'm always lost. Hope we can reconnect. Sheila
from rougereviews :
Hey sweetie, hope you're doing all right. Tried to review you but only have picture of diaryland button so I couldn't. I really hope you're okay though. If you still want a review from Rouge Reviews later, I will be happy to do give you one. Get back to me. (email me at [email protected] if you want to keep it private)
from flyinby :
:( i'm worried about you girl! drop me a note and let me know what's up, or email me at REMOVECAPSjodye(AT@)cableaz(DOT.)com or something! :(
from flyinby :
why did you lock up? :(
from preciousgift :
OOOOOOO POOOOO! E-mail me sweetie! [email protected]
from jamsjunction :
:( Your locked..another one of my favorite diary-ers (LOL) are locked
from hunurevu :
I wanted to tell you about a new review site that just opened. Who Knew Review. C'mon down if you feel like a review! Man, I love your template. As the mother of a two year old, I completely connect with the woman in your image!
from preciousgift :
It's been awhile since I first heard your diary're on my friend's (momma3) favs. I never got around to checking you out but then I saw your review over @ betterthnu (where I'm waiting on a review) I decided to come check you out. So here I am! :)
from preciousgift :
Hi, what a beautiful family you have; I know you're very proud. I'll be adding you to my favs; if that's ok. I totally love New Orleans!,so I am kinda jealous. ;) My husband is orginally from there. We plan on moving down there in the future because he misses it sooooo much.
from betterthnu :
Hi, you have been reviewed.
from erato :
I work at SineView, the interviews. You sound like someone fun to speak with, however, I am travelling for the summer and will not be back for a month. If you are still interested, then, I should be more than glad to do it.
from lracb :
Ohhhhhhhhhh but I DO LOVE MY PRIZE and am QUITE HONORED to have won such a GRAND AND WONDERFUL AWARD!!!!!!!!! For you see I would simply LOVE to come down there and ride the streetcar, just hang out talk,walk, drink JAVA and eat Gumbo. Sorry I did not leave a note earlier but I have been very busy the last few days with work and school,was at work 14 hours today, way to long. Anywho after the house is completed and we are all moved in I'm thinking of taking the kids to visit there grandparents which also means that I will be heading down that way and I will in fact take you up on the offer to visit. Lrac...
from jamsjunction :
Ughhhh, I just typed a fairly large entry for your notes, and I got the dreaded blue screen of death. My pc is giving me fits this week. Anyhow, in short, I just wanted to say Welcome Home From The Raj..I am glad to hear you have a FAB time..and I hope the results are long lasting..I missed seeing you update daily, and I am glad your home. I hope that the hurricane isnt causing you problems! :)
from youscareme :
this is misty from the-attic. the review site you review for has way too many entries for me to take the time to search through them, so i'll take your word for it. if you want the site, it's yours. let me know and i'll change the password and email it to you or something. you can keep the design if you keep the link. otherwise, feel free to revamp anyway you want.
from lracb :
Ok something strange is going on here, I leave the site and the counter is @ 10019, I return and its 10013. Scary, thus an observation: 1) The apparition that inhabits the house across from you has possessed your counter or 2) The flashbacks "they" said might happen have started in which case I should at this point grab a Jimi Hendrix CD and just go with it or with great urgency dispatch an exorcist/voodoo priestess which given your location would not I imagine be very hard to find. Let me know what happens, Lrac...
from lracb :
Hmmm I know I was 9999 but I'm not sure if I was also 10000, if the counter registers hits as you click on the "older" button on the navigation bar Then I very well could be Mr 10000 however its a mystery at this point.I do know this however only a few min's have gone by and the counter is at 10019,quite a popular site I would say. Lrac
from vividdreamer :
Hey...I need to catch up with you. I haven't read ANYONE'S entries in God knows how long, but yours today gave me a smile right when I needed it. Thanks. *hugs*
from me-undaunted :
i hope you are okay. i miss you.
from getreviews :
your diary has been reveiwed. go check it out.
from melwadel :
Linked to your Trading Card, Mel, and I like the new layout!
from jamsjunction :
WOW Melie..The Raj is a beautiful place! Thanks for sending me the link. I hope you enjoy your stay there, and come back refreshed. ((HUGS))
from monarchphyl :
I can so relate to what you write....hang in there Mama. Sounds as if you have your hands full. I will look forward to catching up with you when I get back from CO towards the end of July!
from missprisy :
I really like the new layout! Good job.
from flyinby :
hey, nicee new layout, i likes it! :)
from mormonmama :
sure, no problem! :) i appreciate it, but i prefer that if you link me it's cuz you like to read me, not just a courtesy link. but then, beggers can't be choosers! lol
from momma3 :
Hi Melanie! I don't want to go away. I just need to for a bit. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown yesterday. I am just so overwhelmed lately. I never stay gone for long. I do keep up on reading my favorite reads! :) I just don't have a lot to say lately. Heck, I sat for 4 hours with no electricity today. Ugh! My life sucks! ((HUGS))
from coldapathy :
your husband is a jazz pianist??? that's amazingly awesome.
from enn5393 :
Yes! Feel free to link me! I meant to leave you a note anyway, I found you through twisted-mind and I think your diary rocks :).
from hlm79 :
I don't know if the message I left in the guestbook went through or not, so sorry if this is a repeat. LOVE your bedroom! Very elegant looking, I wish my own room looked like that.
from hlm79 :
Sure, go right ahead. :)
from eatingglass :
Thank you for wanting to add me, that would be really cool. I really enjoy you diary. :-)
from hlm79 :
I found your diary today, and I just wanted to tell you I really like it.
from spankingstar :
Your review is ready for Sweet Reviews.
from twisted-mind :
Of course I don't mind you linking me. If it wasn't for Barbara and Lei I wouldn't have been so lucky to have found your diary. Hope your weekend is going good.
from flyinby :
i know what it's like to have a sis that needs to get her act together. my sis is your sis in 20 years. she's got more problems than a math book.
from msguided :
Thank you so much. It was a terrifying event. I think I have a few more gray hairs now!
from phoenix2000 :
hello...what can I say other than I'm SOO confused as to who I am. I'm fluttery 2000,papillion00. I appear as papillion2000 in my profile. I did email diaryland for help, BOY, do I need help!!! Time for me to be turned by the A team, and NO, A is not for apples. I believe it has to do with the spichiter muscle and KY jelly..the saga continues. Sheila
from tiki-reviews :
Please add our link to your diary if you want a review and let us know where you put it. Thanks.
from phoenix2000 :
Bonjour..that's the extent of my French. I attended college in Missippi for a year during the turbulent 60's and spent more time in New Orleans. I can relate to the MS. I was diagnosed in 2000 at age 52 (RR)..since 1/03 I've been in a nursing home (PP). In retrospect I've had MS since age 16 (1964). As soon as I figure out how to post my profile I hope to hear from you.
from feminist-rvw :
Oh yeah -- we're ecstatic to get a review request from such an interesting diary! Just give us a little time to catch up on your entries and we'll do one post-haste. (Not pre-haste, mind you.) Sorry you feel like crap lately. It's true -- ms DOES suck.
from goodsandwich :
Hey, if you're interested in reviews but not in the kind done by 16-year-olds, there's one called Looks little-used but adult.
from kimuchi :
hi thanks for reading my diary... i just checked into yours and will be back to read more. thanks.
from catpewk :
Hi Melanie :) Thanks for your comment! Sure you can add me, I'll take a look at yours and do the same - us mid-lifer's gotta stick together :>
from keeds :
hi. write back.
from neurotic-one :
Melanie, I have another diary....its called You should check that one out.....but if you put it in your favorites don't indicate that its mine....because its actually for everyone.....its a public diary, you could even post in it if you wanted
from neurotic-one :
LOL.....god, you make me laugh so hard! If my neighbors were to read my diary; I'd be the dreg of society. So, in other words, I guess my house would be bombed also.
from rumblelizard :
Hey, thanks for the note. I hope we're wrong about this, I really do...Hope to see you again soon. xo rumblelizard

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