messages to michael37:
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from mylovedies :
you will be missed. </3
from mylovedies :
your welcome <3 tis no lie =] your smile makes me go hey :o) <3
from mylovedies :
i pray for u everynight.<3
from silentwars :
my friend is a friend of mike's and he confirmed that they are definitely broken up and mike might move to ohio to be in a band there but for now he's still in the new trust.
from silentwars :
I've checked with friends at home who are very connected in the local scene and they say that benton falls is indeed broken up. I couldnt find anything on deep elm saying they were still together. I'm positive they arent though. sorry :(
from styrfoamhope :
oh, darling...entries like this make me hate myself for talking so much...when I should be listening to you...and I'm sorry.
from silentwars :
i am almost positive they are broken up. my friend is friends with michael richardson, the lead singer of benton falls, and i'll check with him to make sure they're not back together or something, but i really dont think they are. michael's new band is doing really well, i think mainly because josh staples is in it, and he's from the velvet teen(who are incredibly popular, especially in santa rosa). i checked the benton falls website and it hasnt been updated for almost a year. if i find out anything more i'll leave another message, and if you have any questions leave me a message and i'll do my best to answer them. i'm a little out of the scene because i dont live there anymore, but i still try my bes to keep up.
from mylovedies :
!l!k3 r3ad!ng y�u.r3 d!ary,=) <3 hav3 a n!c3 l!f3
from silentwars :
i used to live in the town benton falls was from, but i live in canada now. they were a great band, i'm sad they're no longer together. the lead singer from benton falls is in a relatively new band called the new trust though.
from emo-girl06 :
i really like notes. especially from people with gold memberships. they make me feel exceptionally good. <3
from emo-girl06 :
yo. what other bands are you into? do you mind if i add you to my favorites?<3mal
from emo-girl06 :
yo. i really like your diary. your writing is beautiful. ive seen elliot in concert. really...chill music. have a nice day.<3mal
from mylovedies :
is that a lyric?
from styrfoamhope :
you should know...I think you're great, I don't care how much we fight.
from kimeminem :
The UK... well, no snow. :( I never got the chance to see Elliott live. They were expected to do a European tour, but didn't play at any English venues; have you seen them? The Conversation is an amazing song. Taken from their album U.S. Songs. I bought it last year, but it can't compare to False Cathedrals. :D
from kimeminem :
My favourite Elliott (RIP) songs are Carving Oswego & The Conversation. It's cool to stumble across somebody else who likes them. Aren't their lyrics inspiring?
from styrfoamhope :
"i am always leaving. this time i am here to stay." "...of course i'll call and spend the time to work it all out. because i love her..." how I wish things things were true. love me.
from laura-ly :
Michael is hott.
from styrfoamhope :
My excess makes up for your lack thereof. I'm doing better with our circumstance, but not for the reasons I had hoped. That was the strangest letter I've ever written. I can't pretend things are okay...but I'm trying. Maybe I shouldn't post on here.
from mylovedies :
i listened to the sampler cd..all the bands on it were good check out my site.. i listed the bands on there i like http://kingdomheartsgirl12/wakingmonday_home.html ..if ur that bored that is and have no life like me heh
from mylovedies :
hey i checked out Deep Elm Records they had some cool bands...
from styrfoamhope :
I'm sorry. I should fight you less on most things. You're brilliant, and I'm going to let you win more. I trust you.
from mylovedies :
love the way you write you inspire me :D
from styrfoamhope :
P.S. The first one of Boston is definitely my favorite. definitely. Even more so than the one for your layout. I'm not sure if you took that one...kind of looks like your style from what I can tell. I like that one for your layout, because it's more dynamic...but the first Boston has good depth and movement. (P.S. I don't know photography, just a little about art in general.)
from styrfoamhope :
nope, definitely not at any of my e-mail addy's but you should just IM me if you get on...
from styrfoamhope :
I checked my mail and there was nothing...hmmm...are you sure you're sending it to the right person? [email protected] awaiting your mail, Amy
from styrfoamhope :
Michael- I really wish you would e-mail me back. I don't think you're being fair. <3 dissappointed girl.
from intralemma :
It's a great diary. You were found proabably through someone who listed you as a link or favorite.
from mylovedies :
<3 i care alot about small things the guy that had the thursday bird on his hand i saw today..he didnt even know that i had a connection to him..but i did i noticed<3..well hope all is well for you :)
from c-dalsen :
Woa... must write me and tell me about it. I'm really happy for you... just a bit puzzled
from ascot-red :
i enjoyed your survey HEAPS!! it was as kewl as fcuk - omgosh... i need more sleep. that was horrendous. sorry. hope all is smileworthy. rawk on.
from sultrysound4 :
how did you get my diary? do you know me because the girl you have listed as "you're kind of girl" (styrfoamhope) is my best friend...get back to me.
from styrfoamhope :
do you want to run away and get married?
from c-dalsen :
I figured out how to leave messages!

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