messages to minty76:
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from nepenthean :
How to love yourself: Acknowledge your feelings, have respect for them, do things at a pace you can emotionally handle. Sometimes, buy yourself a present. Set helpful reminders on your phone such as "Do what's right" to go off at random times, like monthly during the week at 7p. Never give up. Give yourself permission to make mistakes.
from jimjimjnr :
I never knew I invented pretzels.
from jimjimjnr :
Message in a bottle for Public Emily... When do I get to hear some of that righteous mixtape action again?
from darkcircle :
30 days ago. Toooo long!
from darkcircle :
you have the most random note page ever. I read every one and they made little sense to me. I called you the other day but life is coming at me fast and can't seem to make the call ever. I am off to go to work in 10 minutes so I am leaving this instead. I still read your diary. I like it like I like my poo- soft and regular. OK maybe just regular.
from bexx :
Hello....just surfing. -BeXx
from likeaforest :
okay, no more taunting with cds you cannot afford to buy. do you have a fast internet connection? lately i have been downloading massive amounts of lovely music off of soulseek (it is sooo the new napster -- just do a google search for it and download the software) and i wholeheartedly encourage you to do the same! also -- you already have a copy of the blow cd??? i am terribly impressed! no one seemed to have one around here, so i had to special order mine. ah.
from likeaforest :
technically, a harold and maude soundtrack does exist, but it was only released in...japan? a very nice boy went to the trouble of getting a copy for me once, but he had never seen the movie and didn't realize as he handed me the tape that although the soundtrack was full of cat stevens songs, they weren't the ones in the movie! quite mysterious. i ended up getting old cat stevens lps from the library and making my own soundtrack. ahh, the resourcefulness of a high school obsession. also -- yay for julie doiron! i'm so glad you like her, as she's a recent discovery for me as well. i could listen to 'dance music' all day long. o. xo. jolie
from explodingboy :
oh thank you.
from explodingboy :
Thankyou minty - it made me smile.
from explodingboy :
cool - how does it go?
from explodingboy :
what were you singing?
from likeaforest :
although your party attending advice is very sound, i actually didn't go, and i'm glad to say, i'm not the least bit sorry! and yes, loveless is nice! i listened to it quite a bit in high school, but i think my bikini kill and hole cds were the ones that really got me by (when you're 16, there just doesn't seem to be very much that angry girl music can't fix). and as for billy corgan, well, i think he has an awful lot of things to be ashamed of. xo. j.
from explodingboy :
thought dipstick entry was great. Go you!

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