messages to miss-cupcake:
(click here to add new message):

from pinkpuff64 :
hi people! any 1 like sum 41? come 2 my diary luv ya bye xxx
from peteypuke :
so are emissions
from peteypuke :
submissions are welcome.
from peteypuke :
from peteypuke :
and another thing you little bitch, i offered a makeover on several ocassions but NOOOOOOO. so fine. enjoy your whack ass neon template see if i ever offer my "services" again.
from peteypuke :
from amberfalls :
Gack! Yellow! I've been blinded!
from peteypuke :
your template is seriously jacked, girl. it's time for a makeover!
from amberfalls :
Petey never called. Too busy being a party boy I guess. I'm probably too straight laced for him.
from peteypuke :
get permission if you can - tell her we will give her credit and link back to her, too. i can try to work on something if she says it's okay ...
from peteypuke :
oh my god - when i look at those pictures i think, "MISS CUPCKAE'S NEW DIARY TEMPLATE!"
from gagfactor :
How very Proustian indeed!
from gagfactor :
Don't say that. I just began Proust's masterwork last night...ugh...i'm scared.
from amberfalls :
I've got another reccomendation for you. It's a very funny entry. Also be sure to read the one about South Park. I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
from peteypuke :
you most definitely are a drunk, miss cupcake!
from amberfalls :
Thanks for adding me to your fave's!
from peteypuke :
Oh Cupcake, I don't know what to do - I probably won't see Tall Boy again until I can make it to his play which won't be for another 3 weeks. Besides, what if he was just drunk and being freindly? And then there I go reading all this into it when it wasn't even there in the dirst place? Dare I set my sights toward anyone other than the far away and unavailable gag-factor?
from peteypuke :
actually i meant the word 'something'
from peteypuke :
I love how you mispelled the title of your "poor spelling confidence" entry.
from peteypuke :
your cube sounds fagolicious ... when are you posting a pic?

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