messages to mlepanics:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
Welcome back! So watcha been up to since last you wrote?
from sillieshamma :
i love you, i want you to know that no matter waht you decide to do with your live i'm going to be here...always. as your best friend, emily. smile.
from sillieshamma :
I don't start school until next Monday, so if you wanna do something this week lemme know!
from sillieshamma :
For the Senior Survey thing of college, do you want us to not put you in (that's what we're doing with people taking a year off) or would you rather us put your going to FCU (What is that? We need to know what it stands for) and that you're majoring in busniess?? I kinda need to know soon, so just leave me a note on DLand or I'll cya in the hall. Thanks, babe.
from sillieshamma :
I've been meaning to tell you: I was watching Mad TV on Comedy Central a while ago and the episode came on with Seth Green. it's the one we watched all the time when he's in the power wheel chair at the card making factory and goes banging around into people's desk. I had a very "back in the day" moment, and was laughing my ass off. Thought you'd like to know. =D
from greekalo :
How is the tatoo artist thing goin? This is your greek god bringing you good fortune and wild sex in the bed for all eternity.......yea anyways I rarely see you anymore and where have the chaps gone?
from cupid10112 :
now if any of u want to know why i'm with adam because he is better than all of the guys i know put togher I am hurt......but i suppose that would answer the question that you raised in your letter "WHERE WE WERE WHEN I LEFT" ;-) no worries i suppose i will heal......
from idowhatican :
theres one tommarrow. tomarrow being the 17th, i dont know where. i just show up and go where the bus takes me. go if you can.
from idowhatican :
ok so you said love, am i perfect no. at least i can read. thats more than most other mexicans my age can say.
from idowhatican :
you like sev?
from idowhatican :
you like sev?
from aviclark :
Thanks for joining the Gandalf diaryring! :)
from sillieshamma :
UPDATE YOUR DAMN DIARY BITCH!! hahaha jk. and because i'm your best friend i am telling you this, in your favorites section it asks your favorite author, not favorite books. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA jk. now leave a note for me. hehe i love you!!
from mindspin :
woohooo for having sev as your fave band!!
from mlepanics :
this is so sad.... no one willl leave me a message so i leave one for my self... acording to jontae no one loves me

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