messages to moonblonde:
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from starlight42 :
Just made it back...that's cool about the older entries. I'd just never seen it that way before- I can be blonde too! :)
from moonblonde :
I keep all older entries over on the tripod section. It's just easier to keep the whole month in tact there. So as soon a new one goes up here the old one gets put over there. Works for me.
from me-undaunted :
i followed a link on theresa's diary...she's so bad, making me want to check out new diaries! :o) i just cleaned up my buddy list because i had too many but i like yours, "although we are of different ethnic origin" hehe, i got that from your profile. and yeah, what's going on with the older links?
from moonblonde :
That is because I was sick and lazy and didn't transfer yesterdays over to the older section on tripod. If i ever figured it out on here it'd be easier......but I am blonde :(
from starlight42 :
How do you get to your older entries on diaryland? When I go to older it gives me tripod and I don't see yesterdays diary entry. hmmm
from strangerlucy :
it's working! you've written such a nice thing about me- thanks! usually I just write a lot of blah blah blah though, so you must have caught me at one of my better moments ;). I wasn't going to add you back because I read that you don't have any cellulite and well, that didn't seem fair at all- in fact I think I must have gotten your share and that of your village in fact. Then I read more and realized that it isn't quite so simple and that it's not a joking matter- but sigh, I tend to make bad tasteless jokes about a lot of things. It's how I handle life quite often. It's either joke or yell sometimes. If you still want to read me after that confession, well then I ought to add you back.
from moonblonde :
It's moi checking to see this is working :)

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