messages to mptkicks:
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from mptkicks :
Peter, can you please write back? I'd like to write you a brief note. Write to me at [email protected]
from pbower :
Eric was my big brother. I saw your entry on him shortly after he hanged himself. It was nice and true to him. I joined this thing just to share that with you. Thanks for being his friend. Peter
from leonmcphelps :
I wanted to say that but I didn't know how to spell it. Great minds think alike.
from yellowpetal :
not sure why you decided to stop your journal, but if you still need it i say keep it going. journals aren't crack, they're therapeutic. i enjoy reading your entries. and i can relate to doing the same things over and over again. anyway, i'm usual. =)
from yellowpetal :
thnx for your words. right now i'm most trying to accept that it happened. proving to be a challenge.
from shaded-lily :
Kierkegaard said that people don't put a ribbon in their baby's hair because the baby would be so hideously ugly without it....Kierkegaard had very little experience with babies.
from yellowpetal :
express yourself however you choose! no explanation needed!
from yellowpetal :
just saw you added me as well. thnx.
from yellowpetal :
no thnx necessary. it was your thoughts that amused/interested me. so perhaps i should be thanking you. =)
from timetomemory :
After reading your beautiful depiction of sugar-moma ideals, I might begin searching out some older lady loving. "Thing for the young ones"; you know what they say... if there's grass on the field, play ball. :P
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for the input, but I don't think I was aroused. I am a lefty, that is on the right side. I believe it was a wrinkle in my boxers.
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for adding me to your list. I appreciate it. You are the coolest ever.
from indie-snob :
Hello there! I just saw a Beck show the other night, and just added a review for it. check it out, I have a bunch of other reviews here, too, including two Flaming Lips shows. thanks!

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