messages to mr-durden:
(click here to add new message):

from chemosx :
I always saw that as more of a running joke than any indication of his name. But it's a good use of a small plot-line in the narrative. (Sorry, I'm pretty stubborn)
from chemosx :
Jack? Since when was he called Jack? (Sorry, I don't mean to leave you a note seemingly out of the blue correcting you about something I may be wrong about. I did a survey of yours and thought I mightleave you a note, but it seems as though you're on the way out. So never mind.)
from emokid-112 :
mr. durden? like tyler durden? i love him. fight club is the best! love ya -val
from phatgrrl :
Suck! I just found your diary bout a week ago. I havent read all the entries yet so it'll be like new stuff.... Best wishes!
from phatgrrl :
Suck! I just found your diary bout a week ago. I havent read all the entries yet so it'll be like new stuff.... Best wishes!
from sidhequeen :
It's when they STOP carding you that you need to worry, 'cause it means you look old. Take carding as a compliment, 'cause it won't last forever. -Cat
from sidhequeen :
I know how you feel about the birthday thing. I spent the night before my birthday (Dec 4) in my room, sobbing and saying over and over: I don't wanna be 26. How old are you going to be? If you don't want to tell, that's perfectly okay. -Cat
from cdghost :
enjoyed the look into your mind

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