messages to muertebonita:
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from f0rbidden :
i was looking at diaries which list mine as a favorite.. and i saw yours, so i read a few entries, then i looked at your profile and saw the name "Alethea" in your profile.. i'm not sure if that's your real name or not, but my dad had actually wanted to name me 'Alethia' (my parents argued about it for quite some time).. and why i found it really wierd was that you have samanthagrey in your list too, and my parents had planned on naming me "Grey" if i was a boy... maybe i'm crazy for thinking it's a wierd coincidence?
from crateobscure :
Where have you been, my precious reason for getting out of bed in the morning?
from crateobscure :
from crateobscure :
What a great story! I am always touched when I see someone's gaurd go down, even if it is only briefly.
from button-maker :
Need or Want a button? It's so simple, so professional and so fun! It makes it easy for your friend's to link you! Visit my site, and get yours right away!
from crateobscure :
Forget that punk and come on over to Casa del Obscure! We'll read H. P Lovecraft stories to each other and plot the downfall of our enemies and leave a trail of dread wherever we go! It'll be fun.
from crateobscure :
Are you trying to break my cold, dark heart???
from crateobscure :
Commencing adoration as ordered. On one, two, three: "Thee, thee I adore!"
from leonmcphelps :
What banner is that? And yeah, every woman wishes for a guy like me only to date and marry losers and abusers so they can complain about them to guys like me. It's a vicious cycle, but I am quite glad you came across old Leon. Hope you enjoy.
from leonmcphelps :
Thank you for adding Leon as a favorite. Sorry things are so bad for you but think about this, one of these days you are going to find a guy like.... maybe like Leon. Well there aren't any other guys like Leon but maybe one that is almost half as awesome as him. A guy that can cook, clean, iron, make you smile, and even one that might have abs half as tight as mine and a vicious V that would make your heart, and maybe a few other things melt. I am AWESOME by the way.

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