messages to myyystic:
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from hamlette2002 :
Hey, this fargdangin' fake weblog thing ain't cuttin' it. Now I have to actually GO to your diary to realize that there's something new there. *Goddess of the Month stalks off* hee hee...I still love you, though - and you are worth the extra mile.
from cdghost :
i enjoyed your words, with best regards.. Cdghost
from hamlette2002 :
Well, I'll tell you what - I exactly feel guilty about not being there, but I'm kind of feeling the same way. There are so many things I wish I could share with you here, and things have been so hectic that I'm kind of dying to get home just so I can do nothing with you for awhile. I've been talking about you constantly and, I'm sure, driving everyone here nuts. LOL!
from hamlette2002 :
I just thought you should check out this entry: because omg it made me think of you, and damn near spray soda all over the monitor!
from hamlette2002 :
Yes, it'll be good for you to spend some time doing other things, not only so you have something to talk about, but so that you have something else to THINK about. I know you're frustrated with the garden, but maybe putting effort back into it now that Shaggy seems to understand that it's not for him. Even just going outside and watching the weather, or enjoying the mild wildlife that comes with living in a desert community. I know it hasn't been easy, but even spending time with Paul - even if it's just sitting outside quietly, watching the sun go down and the stars pop out. Maybe breaking him away from manufactured entertainment for awhile, and just enjoying each other's silent presence. Eventually, some topic of discussion is bound to pop up, but even if it doesn't, maybe you can sit side by side and hold hands, and just BE.
from hamlette2002 :
I wish I knew what to tell you. It seems the only advice I have to offer these days is "Just learn to accept it...Roll with the punches." It's so hard to figure out how things should tell someone that you think this is best, or that. Just to say, well, if you want to continue a relationship with this person, that's up to you entirely. You know how this person is, and what they're like, so in order to carry on with him/her, you're just going to have to accept how s/he is, and do the best you can.
from mychai :
Hi! I just surfed into your diary kinda by accident. It's nice to read someone who is my own age and is experiencing a bit of quarter-life crisis herself. Some of us choose chemicals to make it easier (me). You seem to be going at it bare, though I haven't read deep enough to know for sure. I'll continue to read.
from hamlette2002 :
I almost cried when I read your entry this morning. I hope you guys get it worked out and can figure out how to make things moving along. As far as Christie's episode, please don't feel bad. My first reaction when you said they'd called an ambulance? "Oh for gods' sakes!" You're not the only one!
from hamlette2002 :
***Smoooooooooooooooooooooch*** hee hee. You've been tagged ;-)
from hamlette2002 :
Aw, you're right, that WAS sweet! Hee hee!
from hamlette2002 :
LOL...nothing like leaving yourself your own note to make sure it's working! I love you, and I don't think anything can ever change that, in spite of the occasions when I wish I could tell you to go to hell and MEAN it. *sigh* But you make my life and my world that much fuller, and I'm so glad that you're a part of it. ~S~
from myyystic :

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