messages to narcoleptic8:
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from wendyshasha :
I wish we were having anniversary dinner too! Although Home decorating rap battle with Joel was certainly fun, it would have been better if I could have shared with the one I love...although, I don't know if anyone should really share that joy besides L&J...verdict is still out.
from shoshi :
hahahaha...Harith, that is hilarious!
from shoshi :
oy, that is sad...damn! but i am jealous about seeing badly drawn boy...i missed the concert this past weekend, so i'm pissed. hope it's good, and i expect a good, detailed review of the matrix soon!
from shoshi :
Oh Harith, Harith, Harith. I'm sorry, but your latest entry made me laugh and laugh. :) I'm sorry you had such an odd day...did you get the strange guy's phone number? ;)
from shoshi :
and i'm sorry about amy's toe!
from shoshi :
sorry this took so long: yes, I did say "ass-giving." hahaha. :) anyway, congrats about the internship! I wish I was a local so I knew what you were talking about, but it sounds like he's a bitch, in a very masculine way. <3 shosh
from shoshi :
haha, silly. It's been so long since I read anyone's when I decided to see what good ol' harith's been up to, and see that what you've been up to is reading my diary...I get a little disappointed. I expect to see a new entry up soon. Pronto. Yessir. Bye. :) <3 shosh
from shoshi :
Oy, I'm sorry. :( Still, happy birthday! Getting smashed today, getting smashed tomorrow, or getting smashed in 5 months from now doesn't really matter, as long as your 21st is duly noted in some way. And didn't you read the NY Times? 30 is the new "rite of passage" age. So you have a few years before it gets really special.
from nictate :
good point, harith. there are much worthier movies to be referenced. it's just that the cheese of the line and keanu's delivery make it a camp classic for me. thanks for your note! bye, nictate
from shoshi :
Elliot Smith makes me so sad sometimes. :(
from captivated- :
wow, it's been a while
from kitty1980 :
happy random guestbook/notes signing week, [some diaryland user made it up] anyways will come back again for a read ,laterz- beck
from captivated- :
Are you on hiatus?
from captivated- :
yeah, maybe, jus tmaybe they'll write back =o)
from captivated- :
3eb kick ass!
from captivated- :
Well I am glad you had a fun and eventful break from the land known as Diaryland =) More has happened to me this past week then this whole year so far, so *yay* for that. Ans congratulations on getting published!
from captivated- :
heh one day I may meet someone who is quotable.
from captivated- :
Wow great musical taste Harith ;)
from captivated- :
LMAO, that Xander is a trip ;)
from captivated- :
every day of my life is boring heh
from wendyshasha :
oh my god! I'm so excited that you're growing your hair out! And Pearl Jam is still Pearl Jam, it'll be if only the White Stripes would come...
from jason75 :
you think your weather is ridicukous, live in Melbourne for a while wher5e it canb hail one minute, be sunny one minute and freezing the next.,,.. mother nature is a bitch
from jason75 :
I could be a ninja tho.. well.. maybe not but I want to be one
from captivated- :
Lol 40 is cold to me =\
from captivated- :
Lmao Harith! That's the same way it is right now in Central Florida, yesterday it was fucking cold, and today we have the windows open!
from jason75 :
I am instant coward... just add peril
from captivated- :
Oh you're welcome :) I thought it was funny.
from captivated- :
You quoted Kevin Smith one of the hundreds of reasons I like you lol.
from jason75 :
I peronally hate it when I dream that my old friend have black hair and one eye brown which is dropping towards their top lip in a desperate attempt to form a mostache
from captivated- :
Hope you had a wonderful valentines day harith!
from captivated- :
In general you always have things that are interesting to say. You always manage to capture my imagination.
from captivated- :
Heh, you always have interesting things to say.
from shoshi :
There a new Ninja Turtles cartoon?? How did this one pass by me? I'm sorry about the paper...but I'm sure you'll have lots of opportunities to write really great ones that annoyingly and ironically so won't get passed out to the class for critique. Funny how things always seem to work that way. For me, at least. Not that I take Schiff's class. Not that I even know who he is! ...I'll stop rambling now. :)
from bluecinema :
I am so sorry about the mistaken identity! I'm sure you are delightful as you are and don't ever change!
from bluecinema :
Why didn't you tell me you were you and what you're up to? Jen told me that narco=Alan. Hi Alan!
from captivated- :
damn fuckers!
from captivated- :
well congratualtions ;) You beat the seniors to the class.
from wendyshasha :
Hey I'm back!! Not that I really ever left, but I haven't talked to you yet today and wow, that must be one nice scarf...not as nice as yours though!
from jason75 :
I dont think I have ever seen someone so happy with a scarf like purchase.. congratulations!
from jason75 :
lets cross fingers that it can only get better as well
from shoshi :
"Dongle"? Never heard that one before. I'm sorry about Wendy!
from captivated- :
Very nice soundtrack, most of those songs I already have =D
from wendyshasha :
Hey, I might be on the train (well not yet, and we'll see how that goes), but I didn't really go anywhere. I'm still your best friend. You know I don't only love you when I can see you, so just go to Houlihan's, sit in our spot, make our waiter wait on you, and pretend like I'm still there...It'll be almost like Fight Club, because we're almost the same person, and I know you want to beat me up ;-)
from wendyshasha :
Hey, did I tell you that Kyle's family is friends with the Danner's? I doubt Gwenyth can pull it off either...definitely not tortured enough. Glad to see I helped you through your rough time yesterday. Always here for you (even if you think you'e being too whiny ;-)
from shoshi :
yay! :)
from captivated- :
I had no idea either =(
from captivated- :
Ooo, like the song ^_^
from shoshi :
hahaha, I started watching Dawson's Creek when I was 13 and stopped after the first season. Oh, and yes, I've written two entries in one sitting before! More than two, in fact. And, what else...Oh, yes, please do not lose that sensitivity. I cried watching the Lion King, too...but come on, crazy/beautiful wasn't THAT bad...was it? :\
from i-girl :
Seriously, what is UP with that Anne Geddes picture? It's like for people who like babies like some people like football teams. Anyway, thanks for the guestbook signage. It totally made my day - I'm flattered.
from jason75 :
the book for catch me if you can was ace as well but the movie isnt released in australia yet.. friggen 8 mile isnt even released here yet.. stupid country.. there are some famous aussie mo's out there too
from wendyshasha :
wow, you have such a neat-o diary, it's really top-notch. You are so tortured in a fabulous way, you must be so proud. Just kidding, what's up? That guy really sucks, you should've drop kicked him on the spot, I know you've got it in you. No, you're better than that, I would even go as far as saying that you're one keen guy, peachy-keen even. Right on.
from shoshi :
I think you made your point clear enough to the man. Well, it was clear to me. Maybe he might've learned something if you went on some more, but sometimes there's just no breaking through ignorance.
from jason75 :
did you know Iraq is singlehandedly leading a moustache revolution?
from shoshi :
Hero?! Oy. haha, Harith, you are too much. :) I'm glad you're in a better mood, and I'm very curious as to why you are seeing "Drumline." "Drumline" is the movie my 13 year-old sister cried over not being able to see with her friends last week!
from elateddream :
Is that banner a picutre of you?
from shoshi :
Don't feel fed up with yourself! I want to read it, I do!
from captivated- :
What's so bad about this Christmas?
from keryanna :
Dinosaur bandaids, TLC ... and clotting. I'm a big fan of clotting when it comes to bleeding head wounds.
from captivated- :
I�m so harassing, aren�t I? Eh, oh well. You need to update your website. I�m sure you already knew this, but I need something new to read =D
from captivated- :
Thanks for the kind words Harith. I changed mine around a little, but it still basically says the same thing. You ARE a great writer, actually, one of the best I've had the pleasure of 'meeting'. It's a great talent. Don't lose sight of that.
from captivated- :
I wouldn't mind reading what makes you may be a little more insight to 'Harith's World'...
from captivated- :
I stumbled onto your diary. how great it isthe way you write. And how your diary is layed out. And I invented the question mark =)
from shoshi :
having a Benadryl/molasses mixture shot directly into a vein in your buttocks. ^ EW. And I agree. "Birds of Prey" sucked so bad. Worse than "Smallville." I don't understand what went through their heads when they made that show. I tried to be positive about it, I really did. Some parts isolated were decent, even...when they had those black and white scenes, and Orson Welles-type camera shots...gosh, how artsy. It was bad.
from shoshi :
That is very, very cool.

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