messages to new-attorney:
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from sun-down :
Hi there! It has been so long, both since your last update and since we last communicated...I don't even know if you'll receive the notification that I'm leaving you a note, but I wanted to drop you a message anyway and hope that you see it. I thought about you a little while back when I started working, and I wish that you were still updating this! I was a summer associate when we first got in touch, and I loved your entries and your advice, and I found you so relateable. Anyway, not that I expect you to suddenly start writing here again because of me, but if you ever come back, I'd love to read all your advice and words of wisdom :-). I hope everything is going great with you!
from sun-down :
Oops, didn't answer all your questions...the class size is about 50, I believe, maybe a little more. It's one of the many multi-practice, corp/lit firms infesting the 40s to 50s part of town. I'm getting the impression that these law firms are all pretty much the same.
from sun-down :
Hey there, actually that really does make me feel better to know that nobody is thinking of me because I was taking it all so personally. Rationally speaking I know you must be right, but my mind works in weird ways. I'm so glad you're updating again. It's cool about the password, I completely understand- but yeah, if I pass the d-land psycho screening test, I hope you'll let me read! And it'd be awesome to have your dland-mentor guidance :).
from raven72d :
Merry Xmas...and have an excellent Year Six.
from raven72d :
Do update!
from raven72d :
congrats on getting to go outto SF... And what do big firms *do* at retreats?
from raven72d :
I know what you're going through. I've spent the last two years at a small firm feeling useless and ignorant.
from thebeesknees :
Everyone feels like a total idiot when they first start practicing. If you don't, you're probably missing something huge (i.e., you're the person who aced the property exam and brags about how easy it was but then ends up getting a D). Don't be so hard on yourself.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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