messages to nypdpooh:
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from invisibledon :
happy friday
from pitbulbarbie :
shaun, i read Melinda's diary "aka: notmelonie". i am putting her on my buddy list. ask her to put me on her's. i like reading about CB. brings back memories. i am curious who the agent was who told her he was avoiding a client. she doesn't have a guestbook or a notes section yet. miss ya! bye
from squirrelx :
I'm glad you're finally back! I was worryin' about you. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from tiki-reviews :
Your review has been posted, sorry it took so long.^^; <+-Adrienne
from katy-bug :
I fluttered in by finding you on a review site. I enjoyed the reading. Best wishes on your dream. Katy -
from mizmode :
Congrats on your promotion and raise!!! :-D
from mizmode :
Enjoy your days off and have a Happy Thanksgiving!! :)
from squirrelx :
Bless your heart and thank you for joinin' Write Club! If I can ever figure out how it's done, I'm gonna make us our own special banner. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from blendedheart :
*blinks* Wow, thanks for the color commentary. I'm not used to such supportive...ness. Since my brain is fried, I'm just going to say thanks and go do something drastic, say, homework. ~Edwin
from akaitenshi :
Hii! I finished your diaryreview so go take a look ^-^ Have a nice day, cya
from metrolotus :
Hi Shaun, Thanks for the message. It's good to know somebody is reading my ramblings and even better if you can glean any innsight from them. p.s. If you don'thave the new Matchbox 20 -get's great!
from mizmode :
Thanks for leaving me a note. :) I so understand about the coffee thing but just in a little different situation at my past two jobs. I just don't understand it. Pure lazyness and people just don't care is how I see it. lol Have a good weekend!!
from roxyelliot :
Thanks for the encouragement.
from squirrelx :
Thank you for leavin' even more wonderful compliments on my note page. I profoundly appreciate the external validation and while I'm here sayin' so, I also want to tell you how much I LOVE your new template. Don't get me wrong ... the old one was real stylish ... but the new and improved version is WONDERFUL. You couldn't have picked a better photograph. It's absolutely adorable and I can describe accurately it just two words: star quality. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Shaun, Shaun, bless your heart and thank you once again. Now I see where you've signed my guestbook too. I really appreciate your kindness!
from wiccaloser :
HI, there haven't seen you around DL. I am in NPR ( New port Richey) fl. I was drawn to your banner, imagine that. I too am a struggleing actor, the show that I am working on right now is the crucible, i am playing Sarah good and Rebecca Nurse's understudy, while doing the costume design. just thought I might through out that you aren't the only troubled floridian actor. well till next time, fare thee well. ps. I too am stuck living with parents, with out a car... stinky, like poo.
from picassomoon :
sorry about the car thing.... that sucks I am selling my car to pay for school... so i am about the relate except ill be all alone in a town where i know like 2 people and live by myself.... i love nyc i go every january for the fashion botique show and we always have so much fun... hope you get to return soon! ~moon

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