messages to omega-hue:
(click here to add new message):

from purevolume :
I am well... Thanks for the note... Miss you, and I am doing well...but, I am too busy. Talk to you later...~Desi
from purevolume :
The last comment made me laugh...I miss you Jenn...and I can't access your diary anymore! Sarah...I hope you are having fun in the frigidness. It's been quite lovely the afternoon time that is. Can I have an address to reach you at so I can send you fun things??? That would be FUN! Ok...I feel I am going to go now. :-)
from wonderchai :
okay, look. i know you're all crazy and busy, but i'm only going to say this once: YOU ARE HOT. STRONG BAD WANTS TO MAKE OUT WITH YOU. Also, Reese's eggs (the little ones) are the m-f'ing shizzle! And Hitch was good.
from purevolume :
I am doing well. I wish I could talk to you or see you more! Where are you? Still HERE...or elsewhere? Ok...I am WAY out of the diaryland circle if I am asking these kinds of questions. I better go...LATER! ~Dez
from wonderchai :
luck, luck, and a lick for luck. *lick*
from irishblueyes :
thank you so much for the note, i have been by your diary a few times via wonderchai as well. and i think you're right about the doll, we just got one, but i haven't started with it since i'm still having finals for school. But hopefully it will work out well! thanks again and feel free to stop by anytime :)Kris
from purevolume :
Heeeyyy... I was wondering if I could get your address from you again. I can't seem to find where I wrote it down...and I wanted to be able to send you Christmas greetings! By the way, the picture of Ashley is gorgeous. :) TTYL ~ DEZ
from wonderchai :
ahh why thank you :) all these compliments! (we forget to get groceries! here I come, masses of rice!) ;)
from bubblefrenzy :
It was good to see you! Take care! :-)
from bubblefrenzy : the way...when I tried to leave a said that your supergold membership wasn't up-to-date. That could be why your pics aren't loading. Take care!
from bubblefrenzy :
GAHHHH! I haven't seen you yet! Don't worry about classes with Dean. It's not incredibly horrible...I took that acting class spring term last year...and despite my "friend" I made in that class (I'll tell you about that later) was quite fun. Oh...and by the at UCC: "hkd onn foniks wirkd fur mee!". Love ~ DEZ :-)
from offg2004 :
our sister college Warner Southern which is in FL was hit sverely
from offg2004 :
I am trying to glorify God in everything I do, but it is a learning process and is especially hard considering the culture that we live in.
from offg2004 :
My summer is great. I graduated from high school 4 weeks ago. From then I had my party and we went to Florida. I returned home last week. My youth group just returned home from Bolivia. I am dealing with a lot right now, and have dealt with a lot in the past year. God has been so faithful though. Many people are praying for me, and even though I cannot express my gratitude to them all the time I am greatful. I have truly learned a lot about who I am and what I am supposed to do. It has been a rough year, but I have made it through. I am still not great with trusting people especially my parents. Thanks. I will do that sarah. I really need some sleep.
from offg2004 :
from offg2004 :
Thank you so much. I was so nervous. God really got me through this tonight. I was so nervous, because I had one foot in the past(high school), and one foot in the future(college). I was so nervous I could not eat the entire day. Thank you so much for praying for me. I prayed throughout the program, and it seemed like nothing was woeking, but suddenly I felt so calm.
from offg2004 :
I am finally done with school. Take heart sarah God loves you so much.
from offg2004 :
thank you so much. I am believing that promise. God has brought me through so much this year, and I know that he will continue to do awesome things in my life. I just haveto let go sometimes and let Him work.
from wonderchai :
i like how both of us describe one another on our profiles as things of transition, or things that can shift or change. :)
from wonderchai :
(at any rate, it would serve you right, for taking my smart one title.)
from wonderchai :
everyone should know about yer bum. it's a great bum. i should make my diary allll about your bum. "wonderchai... the record of her lack of bum, compared with her cousin's more luscious ass-cheeks." ha! :D
from offg2004 :
thanks. God is taking care of me now.
from fan4 :
I know where the buttons are now, and they turn red when my cursor moves over them.
from britneypink :
Hi, good luck on your term. Looks like you are planning things out. I like your layout, too.
from fan4 :
On my screen, the links are white, and hard to see.
from tigerpat :
It doesnt bother me. Just curious is all :)
from fan4 :
Could it be possible for you to make the next and previous buttons more visible? I almost thought you didn't have any.
from tigerpat :
How come you never capitalize your i's? Just wondering
from fan4 :
I'm 23. My b-day was on March 3rd.
from tigerpat :
shes a beautiful little girl My son recently turned 3. Enjoy these precious moments!
from fan4 :
Is your latest entry supposed to be song lyrics?
from tigerpat :
I love tea. I am drinking green tea
from fan4 :
Yes, I was referring to your recent entry. Thought you were going to ruin the jeans. I thought wrong.
from fan4 :
Scratching some jeans? Why do people do this?
from fan4 :
My friend offg2004 has you listed in your fave. lists. Sometimes I see who my friends like, and can find new diaries this way. I liked what I found in your diary, and added you to my fave. list.
from tigerpat :
I found you browsing the memebrs and I liked your entries
from cinemaphile :
Sar... I think part of that stat jump may well have been just me. I'd been away from d-land for a while and have been catching up on reading... so I read the last 7 months of your entries... yesterday. Caught up now though... anyway... have a great day.
from offg2004 :
Thank you for that encouragement. We only have a slight dusting of snow right now, but we are supposed to get snow. I love your comment about me in your profile. Am I really a blessing to you? I hope I am helping you in someway. Have you read any of my entries lately?
from offg2004 :
Your page is great. I enjoy reading it. Keep up the good work, and put a real entry there soon.
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your words, all the best..the cdghost
from skaterdude18 :
Hey sarah, You haven't forgot about me. :-) . But yes school is good, i'm enjoying my freshman year here. I hope things are good with you too...i guess thats about all i have to say for now, just leave me an IM when ya get a chance i'll probably be on. Keep it real, C-YA
from bubblefrenzy :
It was for you... It erks me that people you don't know would say something like that...especially to someone as NICE as you!!! But...I know your feelings...I've been having similar problems (judgemental people) I just HAD to write it. But...anyhow, I'll shut up now before I go ballistic agian!TTYL...~DEZ*
from bubblefrenzy :
SARAH!!! Good to hear from you!!! Thanks for the note!!! Sorry about the mullets! Like I said...I am obsessed...and I can't stop. Talk to you later...I'll keep you in prayer! Love, Dez*
from wonderchai :
hahah. I'm going to call your work tonight and try to order eighteen pizzas! and see if adam has a heart attack. when should I call, eight fifty? haha.
from wonderchai :
the shower, ack! it's dimmer, and the head moves back and forth like it's on drugs, and the water is always too hot or too cold, but mostly too hot. it's just not the right shower. *sad face* but it's ok. really. :)
from wonderchai :
tuesday I work four to close. since i got overtime this week, they are shafting me hours, but only in the mornings (today I got off an hour and a half earlier than scheduled, which sort of makes me angry, because I like to work, but eh). My phone is retarded so I don't know if you can get ahold of me but I will be home (and cleaning) all evening. :) Take care, and have fun! :)
from wonderchai :
Where ARE you?! :P
from goodlovin :
congrats on graduating, if i forgot to say it before!
from wonderchai :
silly girl. I love your long entries. I am thinking of what to get everyone as presents when I win the lottery. So, would you like your house big and sprawly or tall and stately? ;)
from wonderchai :
updateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdate or there's gonna be some serious butt-kickin' soonly. Nothing bad happened last McDonald's trip! Rawk on! Woot! (I cannot believe I just typed "rawk." That is so spelled wrong.)
from leslieirene :
Cool! I have only heard "Mad World" done by Tears for Fears! Wow...Gary Jules..? I love the lyrics. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)
from wonderchai :
McDonald's is Satan. But this... this is sheerly hilarial. (Hope BabyMoo gets fixed soonly!)
from misskrissy :
Omigosh sarah...I'm so sorry for what happened to you...I read this is and was angry for you. That sucks so bad, people are so rude. Hope today goes good for you :) see ya
from wonderchai :
I don't hate you; you're RIGHT. If people were hated for being right they'd be shot. Oh wait... Martin Luther King Jr... President Lincoln... Well, it's a damn good thing you aren't famous? And anyway, I'd never shoot you. ;) Loves, take care.
from wonderchai :
your conversation matters to ME. but you are lovely. boys are (i can't say it cos its a bad word). but you know what I mean. love loves.
from wonderchai :
baby, i love you. if he doesn't talk, his loss, and we'll have some spaghetti with sausage that isn't chickens. ;) and some more weeds. yum! cos food solves everything. take care. and i am with you.
from wonderchai :
poor bloodless sar! hope the highlights go, well, better this time around. Love you! :)
from omega-hue :
thanks for my notes guys, i guess i should have said that a long time ago. :)
from wonderchai :
Hey Sar -- no matter how aggravated we ever get with each other, I just want you to know, I will never walk, because I love you, and I mean that. We're closer than sisters. I'm here. Stuck with you. Like glue. But that's how it's supposed to be. I love you, I'm here if you want to talk, about Bryan, about anything. I'm here. Love you, Jenners
from misskrissy :
Hey Sarah! Lets go dress shopping...jenn suggests memory makers :) oh and...adam wants to go get his tux...with you and he can have two opinions. But he can't really get his tux until I get a we make sure to match ya know. Anyway..lets go shop! buh bye :)
from wonderchai :
I love the blue picture on your entry page. It does me good to see your smilin' face. I make the cat smooch it. Smooch the picture, Daniel Pussycat, smooch it!
from sara-beara :
hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. it shocks me that random people i don't know read my diary....but it's actually kinda cool. hope you stayed tuned and hope you enjoy!! s*
from wonderchai :
an award for what, you crazy lady? ;)
from wonderchai :
No word yet, I am waiting, sad and patient like a good sister should. Kairan's picture is on the link to my Diary... go see him, he is beautiful, and I love him to bits. :)
from misskrissy :
let's talk about it please...I want things to be better....bye bye
from misskrissy :
you really don't know...because it's not like that. I do trust Adam and I trust you. That wasn't even the was that he blew me off. And made plans over ours for the second time. I don't hate you and yes I want you guys to hang out, you're friends...I'm so frustrated and no one understands! I'll try to explain more in the diary...~Kristen
from natchez :
i just came across your diary, but i really loved your last entry. i can relate and i think you worded it beautifully. i really like your diary; i'll be stopping by a lot! come check out my site sometime!
from wonderchai :
i'm sorry i couldn't explain more about the diary, yo... :( I wish I could put into words why I hide things. If it helps, it's not just you, it's everyone, and it's not that this is something entirely new, i'm just refusing to be open anymore. bryan told me "knowledge is power" and he was right... i open myself up to the world and i get hurt a lot... so i am not being as open as I was. I'm sorry kiddo... I still talk to you, mostly on the phone though. just not through diaryland anymore really. and why i hide things? because somethings are too raw to be spoken aloud... some things i should have never said to you, that i can't take back but wish to god I could, you know? I don't want to regret myself anymore, i guess. I love sar!
from wonderchai :
You are a dork. Saturday Night Fever was fun, wasn't it? :) And you wouldn't have minded if it had been sleepy-tyler on your shoulder, punkface :P

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