messages to penguincolor:
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from mangofarmer :
Whiskey and vodka together is probably not a good combination, although I like both of those things too. ;)
from mangofarmer :
Heh. I've heard some *interesting* noises at all hours of the morning in my building. Not even outside. These noises are coming from in the building! They're very loud! And they last for a long time!
from mangofarmer :
Haha I totally didn't realize it was Friday the 13th. I'm dumb.
from morethnshado :
Thank you for your kind words. I used to fancy myself something of a wirter, until my grown-up life absorbed most of my eloquence. The diary has become a fun outlet for me. I look forward to perusing your words as well.
from mangofarmer :
Awww, you totally rock. What a wonderful idea.
from mangofarmer :
Ouch. My thumb (the butterknife-injured one) hurts in sympathy.
from mudgirl :
Thanks for the compliment on the story. It was stuck in my head and I thought this was the best way to get it out.
from ghostofgor :
oh heck no. Im far too shy for that sort of thing, nope nope.
from ghostofgor :
I have some pics in My older diary entries......guesss its time for you to do some digging eh?
from purex :
..and just out of curiousity, how do YOU pronounce it? Pen-gwin or Peen-gwin? I think it's the first but my friend says it's the second
from purex :
Ah darn it he's taken. *sigh* (lol) Also, I'm not nikky mouse.. sorry! I actually don't know who that is even, although I've been told that there was some movie that had to do with fallen angel something or other.. whatever!
from purex :
matt the movie man is a total stud and if he wants to marry me, you can give him my email ([email protected]) and that can be arranged :)
from mangofarmer :
Yay for the good grades! :) Also, thanks for posting that article. Geez, the e-mail forwards people send me about the war are always such fake patriotic bullshit. Thought. It's refreshing.
from ghostofgor :
you made it sound as if Im hiding from you, i dont do any such thing, IP addy's are easy to get. Have I seemed shady? or do I need to wear a disguise....I know! My sisters puter.....mwahahahahahaha.. o_o
from mangofarmer :
According to the Gradschoolville paper today, they weren't trying to ban homosexuality, they were just hopping on the banning gay marriage bandwagon. But whatever they were actually trying to do, it's still very stupid.
from ghostofgor :
I meant no offense. It was late and I was tired, please dont hold it againat Me.
from ghostofgor :
Those rumor spilling fucks are full of shit, miss bertha. They are the ones who need to be killed. So fucking high and mighty they feel anyone unlike then is wrong, or evil. This is the crap they feed others to fuel their bigotry, and hatred. Christians are one of the most hateful bunch out there. Its why i renounced religion altogether......they all suck.
from cathieanne :
i can't get past 309 with that bloody penguin! how do you do it?!
from ghostofgor :
most interesting, I was having a blonde attack and went poking through diaries.....odd lookin bunch, but then again they are in VeVermont right? Right?? Ok, ya got me....
from tailbonelust :
If I see any bushes at all, let alone burning ones, I'm running away to fetch a razor. And if I see Bush, well... Then I'm running away to fetch a razor too. Or maybe a pretzel. By the way, you used to write "Ralph!" when you comment. Now you just write "Ralph". It's so depressing. ;(
from hairnet :
diarylandy? interesting... methinks i smoked too much pot last night, hmm?
from hairnet :
i got a damn diarylandy diary. though i keep calling it "dairyland" in my brain. ah well. -margaret

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