messages to pink-lilly:
(click here to add new message):

from calimae :
Hey nadey! Yay! I'm glad you're having fun :) it sounds great! I have moved my diary to - you should move too! You can put up pictures and shizzle. Of course, it is effort so you don't have to or anything :) Thankyou for writing! Love you x a hundred thousand billion
from chazzyd :
you probably won't tell me, but I'll have a shot in the dark anyway. Who's "he" and what do you thik he got? :P x
from calimae :
hey lovey, im here :)
from nineteen90 :
Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday night. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. I have the book =]
from luvspink101 :
hi i just was lookin at profiles and decided to leave u a note! Well get back at me!
from nineteen90 :
Heya Prettyful, <i>Muchas Gracias</i> for the mention in your diary, but its you <b>I</b> should be thanking, cause you really are fantabulous. love you :) farmboy xx ps. Pretty Shoes!
from mrmiguelious :
Oh dear christ the thought of that scares me. Then again, the thought of anyone doing it does... woo
from chazzyd :
I know it doesn't mean much, but I think you're beautiful.
from cdghost :
let me see you 1,2 step
from sweet-lilly :
" a monkey, people must seem very odd." "people ARE odd." Much loves, to you, from me. ~L xx.
from pokeitagain :
from chazzyd :
It will be ok in the end. You don't have to get over Mitch if you don't want to. It's your life, you do what you want. Life will get better eventually. Just don't start blaming stuff on everybody else, that's not the right way to do things. You made a mistake, and people watched you make that mistake. Well fuck it, learn from your mistake then live your life. If people want to stand by and let you do these things then are angry at you for it, then blame them. If they could have prevented it, it was their fault. You're strong, you can get through this, you will always come out on top. Love yoooooou! Chazzy xXx
from thayer-p :
from chazzyd :
I DO! you make a difference to me. I wouldn't get random texts about Othello, or have funny conversations about mafias and other random stuff and most of all I wouldn't have a great friend like you! Cheer up chuck! hehe. love ya xXx
from chazzyd :
Then, my dearest, we shall be fucking whores together. I look forward to it. Love ya *hugs back* x x x x
from loveangel404 :
thanx a bunches
from loveangel404 :
ur template is amazing. i love it. if u need some place to post ur opinions visit my message board on my website @
from liquid6 :
heya tis jen.E. Just thought i'd say thank god someone feels the same way about those favourites.
from calimae :
You're cute & you're wonderful, and the bestest little sister. Um, ...EVAH. So, what makes my shit more important than yours, silly? I'm always here, or there [upstairs] if needed, though I know you like to stay away from us :P Hugs and random things, smile. And thanks for the faerie cakes! Teehee...! P.s. be careful of Mike & the pointy sticks,
from chazzyd :
The thing about the evil bitch whore, so true. She is. Maybe she'd leave everyone else alone if she was eating. She's always getting involved in other peoples lives. Grrrness. I think we should poke her with pointy sticks then set the deadly cheese on her. Then we shall all go dancing in the street singing "celebrate good times c'mon! do do do do, do do do!" Then we'll be famous and Blink (and other great bands) will write songs about it etc. Then, once rich, we can hide away in a big house, play loud music and eat lots of junk food. We'll also go to fun places like camden and buy things we like because we can. Then we'll do lots of new and exciting things just because we've never done them before and live happily ever after. The End. (So when do you wana poke her with pointy sticks? :P)
from mrmiguelious :
Ouch. Damage to a stick can never do anyone any good. Glad to know it's still doing well. I'll have you know I just ended up singing your last entry. Interesting stuff. Seeing Blink in a new light now. One with you standing infront of it n stuff. Woah that <---- was a load of bollocks. Anyway, make sure to cheer up. That's an order damnit! :P
from mrmiguelious :
Hey you. Just a quick thing. What's the Mikey Potter thing about on your profile? (and hows the stick?)
from chazzyd :
Hey I don't mind. I like being nice to people. We were very good friends before and everybody deserves a second chance. You know what God says; "Forgive those that trespass against us". 'Tis fun talking to you again. I don't see how this was all your fault, twas Mike too. Besides, I don't know why everyone is getting so annoyed about it. I mean really! It's childish. At least you found out who your true friends are. Love ya! Mwah! Mwah! xXxXx P.S. The Future's Bright. The Future's Pink And Orange! (not just orange. just orange would get boring) P.S.S. Post-it notes & green hairspray. Coming soon to a bitch whore near you! (just to be nice. hehe) P.S.S.S.Me thinks I'll bring Coyote Ugly in tommorow. Whatcha think? (sorry the note's so long btw. hehehehe)
from chazzyd :
dnt worry bout thm. Jus tel thm 2 go do some...... explicit..... rude..... xxx rated..... yoga..... karma..... stuffs.... yer.... anyway... Post-It Notes. Coming Soon To An Evil Bitch Whore near you! xXxXx :D
from luvly-leeza :
I don't know if you know me or not...Kylie will tell you who I am :P You're diary is very funky, and some of the stuff you have written, I have in the past. Remember, If you're not happy, it's not the end. Love Lisa xxx
from cdghost :
aww shucks you sweet talker
from calimae :
Did you know, on my buddy list, Mike is (get this) "sandwiched" between you & Katy. Hmm...interesting. Teeheehee, x.
from calimae :
I never even stolen no car so shut up!
from sweet-lilly :
Whee! Tu bien? No pencil? I'm hungry. ~L xx
from missy-katy :
erm excuse me. why may i ask as your best friend am i not on your little thing of diarys? and rachel iz?
from wasted-face :
mwahahahaha! tis jen! mwahahahaha!
from calimae :
You're born original. Don�t die a copy. Love you, x
from cdghost :
hey enjoyed reading your entries
from calimae :
No but yeah, in World War One or summing there was this bloke right, called Kitchen or summing, or nothing who done this fing but he ain't never even not done it so shut up.
from pink-lilly :
It's better to help people than garden gnomes

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