messages to pixiebbph:
(click here to add new message):

from beckers-j :
Great trip! It sounds like you had quite an adventure, and I'm soooo jealous. ;)
from beckers-j :
Wow! Sounds pretty interesting! Those guys who keep hitting on you, though - jeeeeeez! That's pretty freakin' ridiculous. ;)
from beckers-j :
Awesome! I can't wait for your first entry about Botswana!
from beckers-j :
Wow! I am soooooo jealous! I hope you have a fabulous trip!
from jomelchaton :
oki...sounds like it's time to do that drink...
from jomelchaton :
yay!!! then we can meet for drinks!!!
from beckers-j :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites! :) I'll check your diary out as soon as I get a chance. Cross my heart and hope to die. :)
from jomelchaton :
where are you moving? :) sorry we haven't been able to catch up.
from jomelchaton :
merry christmas to you and the furbabies!
from jomelchaton :
wow! I would probably have collapsed after the first 2 kms!!!
from fridayfilms :
Hey, thanks for adding me! I really like your template, by the way.
from jomelchaton :
it is not legal. it's breach of privacy :) should I tell you my charges now? ;)
from jomelchaton :
but but but...I just ate an unholy amount of chicken in a biskit the other day, causing my tongue to die and water retention for the next couple of days!!
from jomelchaton :
from jomelchaton :
shit are you all right?
from jomelchaton :
aww...he loves you even though you're strange :) I know exactly how you feel
from jomelchaton :
I hate doing house work too...but over the weekend, I found out that it was actually quite therapeutic scrubbing grease off the top of the stove, though it's not a therapy I'd be in much of a hurry to partake in.
from jomelchaton :
much thanx becky :) I appreaciate it very much
from jomelchaton :
Happy Birthday Becky :) Hope you'd have a good one!
from jomelchaton : that's what happened to you! :) Happy Chinese New Year and hope the furbabies are well.
from spicycheries :
fuck me running, im in the "finding myself" stage badly, i always come back here for some reason and i will never figure out why... errrr, i guess until i "find" myself whatever that is anyway i just wanted to note you that i understood and wound up talking about myself sorry dude kim
from jomelchaton :
Happy New Year :)
from jomelchaton :
haha :) looks like both you and I should go for anger management classes together!
from jomelchaton :
Happy New Year :)) Patrick must be glad to have you back.
from jomelchaton :
Merry Christmas!! :) cya on saturday!
from spicycheries :
AHHHH god damn!!! nasal that sucks he he he, you kno what i hate, watcng people shovel food into their mouths like massive pigs, gets to me like the yawning thing gets to you it seems
from jomelchaton :
yay! I thought I missed you!! The bloody exams are taking too much of my time and effort I've lost track of everyone :) thank god it'd be over tomorrow....I'm jealous I want to shop too!!
from jomelchaton :
becky? are you in singapore already?
from spicycheries :
ahhh!!! its a conspiracy man!! them gym/studio places ae always out to get you
from spicycheries :
hmmmmmmm i think you have hit the nail right of the freakin head my new friend
from apassenger :
i just realized that i haven't responded to any of your notes (i'm quite the absentminded type), and so i wanted to say hello, thank you, and that i read your diary probably as often as you update it:) i love your fotolog, too. (the one from 10/24/03 is absolutely gorgeous). hope things are good with you and yours. take care. -.:apassenger:.-
from spicycheries :
that place looks beautiful!! mmmm its snowing here, better there than here ive never mixed gin and tequila thanx for the warning!
from jomelchaton :
I hope evertyhing's alright. loves
from spicycheries :
mmmmmm thank You... it does seem odd that someone i dont even know can understand such random ramblings... you really should post more often kim
from spicycheries :
your diary leaves me to wonder why you so rarely post kim
from fireflea :
Thanks for stopping by and sympathizing with my boob troubles! Your reply made me giggle. Also, you have some very beautiful photos! The beach ones are gorgeous. It makes me wish we had one here!
from jomelchaton :
he probably thought you needed the retail therapy, you being in a strange land and all...*sigh* he's so nice and understanding...
from jomelchaton :
actually, it's glasgow, scotland. If I say she's in london one more time, she'd kill me :P
from jomelchaton :
guess what? I just met fei on icq and found out that she was in oliver in london!! what a coincidence!!
from jomelchaton :
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Have bucketsfull of fun :) too bad I can't watch you
from jomelchaton :
Oboe is good :)) oboe is non tuning and leads the whole orchestra before they start playing :))
from jomelchaton :
it's not my bday yet :)) not for another week at least. my bday is on the 4th next month. Thanx for the wishes :)))
from jomelchaton :
So sweet!! Aimee is like that as well, just watching you from a distant, knowing when not to annoy you. Just the other day, this Cammy was sniffing around my food and suddenly she dragged my chicken wing off the plate and tried to make off with it, spilling rice all over the floor. I was so mad!
from jomelchaton :
oh dear....are you alright? I was actually just thinking of putting together a sorta care package for you...hang in there k? And tell me if you absolutely want something to go into the package :)

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