messages to pnkpnthr:
(click here to add new message):

from theturtle :
"..and realize that just because someone has a differing opinion from yourself doesn't mean they are wrong." Of course they're wrong.
from swingerdiary :
Thanks for filling out my survey.
from limited2 :
OMG you got fired from your job? I'm so sorry to hear that. maybe things will turn out better for you in the long run. you'll see..
from limited2 :
yea the "friends" final episode was sad...
from thespark :
Yo, yo, yo! We're a collection of Super Cool writers. You should be a part of us! Come on over, baby!
from limited2 :
Oh i just love that show "House Hunters" especially when they do the BIG mansions and stuff it's nice inside lol.
from leslieirene :
Hi there! Glad you were assaulted by my banners...just kidding. What a pretty young lady you are; I'm sure you will be very successful. Thanks for your comments! Love, Leslie
from globe :
Globe Listings would be delighted to have you as a member of our listings. Would you like extra visits to your site? Please come check us out then. Thank you. Hope you have a nice day!
from angelz15 :
how i got the music on my site? I have no idea! actually my sister did it for me. And she won't tell me how she did it lol. So i don't know what to say sorry:( Candy-
from wtf-reviews :
Hey! I'm just here to promote our new review site. If you'd like one, go request! Thanks! :-)
from damagedxlust :
Hey thanks for the note. :)
from candora :
I sense I will be back (so I'm leaving this note to remind me).
from eistelos :
cool username and cool movie choices...gotta love that scene in say anything...
from eafan-whit :
Hi! I just read your diary, and you seem like a cool girl! Anyway..I was just saying Hi.
from ittybittycat :
i clicked on one over your banners. you have a really nice diary :)
from invisibledon :
cool banner
from starlight42 :
thank you for the condolences & stopping by my diary!
from minstrelite :
Thanks for your last note, and God bless you.
from minstrelite :
Hey, I just wanted to apologize and ask your forgiveness. I really didn't mean to judge you, but I can see how I did now. Actually, I discussed the note exchange between us with another Christian on DiaryLand, and copied and pasted the notes to her, and she said that my note to you did sound in a way judgmental. That really wasn't my intention. After asking if you were a Christian, I should have let you answer that yourself, rather than jump to the conclusion that you were not. Please accept my apology. Only God knows the heart, and it's not for me to judge.
from minstrelite :
No, no, I was careful to make no judgment. I surmised that you were not a Christian, because the sentiment expressed on your profile doesn't jive with Christian values as I, and most Christians, experience them. I read no part of your diary whatsoever. After reading the profile, that was quite enough. I will pray for you.
from minstrelite :
Thanks for loving the verse in my banner, although I have several banners, so I'm not sure which verse you're referring to. Probably: "In the world you will find trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." (Jesus Christ) That was one of the first verses that, one day when I was extremely troubled, I happened upon in an old New Jerusalem Bible some twenty years ago, and gradually resulted in my conversion. Are you a Christian? I surmise that you aren't. I will pray for you, and feel free to correspond with any questions or concerns. God be with you, and with your spirit.
from frozen-vodka :
it's my quote, from this entry: You can use it, just give credit yo. *wink*

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