messages to poohfanatic1:
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from musicman6724 :
Hehehe...the picture on the main page of my diary is Spike and Drusilla from Buffy. It's not really supposed to be, you know, me. Or even a likeness of me. They just happen to be two of my favorite characters from the show, and their relationship was quite heated for a while. I am, however, working on changing the template to be more in line with the main subject matter of my diary now. "Love Is Eternal" would still work, of course, but I'm really thinking of something with a baseball theme and maybe a picture of me and Stephanie on the main page. I can't believe you guys are still in school! Wow. Well, have a great summer.
from musicman6724 :
Speechless?? Me?? NEVER!! Hahahahaaaa....
from cocksucker69 :
Faith Hill??? She needs to get her skanky mitts off my man!!!
from musicman6724 :
Ok. Forman...I remember them. Silly me. You didn't live next door to the lived next door the Formans. Sorry about that, but thanks for the updates on all those "kids." I guess Laura can hardly be called a "kid" if she's 50 now. That makes me feel old. Hehehe...
from musicman6724 :
I don't know if you remember or not (you remembered the Red Sox, so maybe), but I've been a firm "Calvinist" for years, so that reformation stuff fascinates me. Modern-day Christianity is so watered down (and I'm not saying that I'm much better), what with all of this "Purpose-driven" crap. I wish Rick Warren would go away. Anyway...reformation, yay! It's why we can all be something besides Catholic, eh? Also...when I read that you were corresponding with whom I might be mistakenly assuming is one of the (I know I'm going to spell this wrong) Girardot's, it brought fond memories to my heart. I'd kind of like to know what's up with all of them. Take care, now.
from musicman6724 :
Hm...nice to see a photo of you after all these years. I can barely see you under all that downy stuff! Hahaha....
from musicman6724 :
Wow. That was long. But I really enjoyed reading it. Especially the part about the whole "gay marriage" controversy. I have always been opposed to a "marriage amendment." I voted against it, and always will. But your entry gave a little insight into how some gays feel about the whole thing. I've often wondered if the loudest group actually made up the majority. In most cases (gay and straight alike), they don't. Grace and peace to you...
from fan4 :
I don't the humor that exists nowadays, filled with sex stuff, farting jokes, and sarcasm. If I want to laugh, I can watch I Love Lucy.
from fan4 :
I've been diagnozed with Asberger's Syndrome, but don't fully understand it.
from fan4 :
Happy Birthday!
from musicman6724 :
Thanks for the note. Geez, I don't remember that being your parent's anniversary! Wow. Say...didn't I read somewhere about that kid with the kilt being vindicated or something? I can't find it now, but I remember you writing about it.
from fan4 :
I may have found you via musicman6724's diary.
from fan4 :
Did you like Narnia? I want to rent Rent. LOL
from musicman6724 :
Can't believe you like Homestar Runner, too! How funny is that! I'm a fan, too. Haven't read any of SB's emails in a while, but they are tremendously funny. My favorite song on the cd (can't remember the song title) is Marzipan's song about bees and trees and birds and stuff where Strong Bad keeps interjecting comments. I also kind of like the song about Trogdor the Burninator (who is, by the way, mentioned in the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!) Now about this Buffy thing...there are so many things that Buffy is about besides just killing vampires. And it features some of the best writing that has ever been on television. So there. Pthbthb!
from musicman6724 :
Hm...+s and -s on contest ratings. That's just wrong. Anyway, here's one that's reading. I won't be presumptuous enough to say "I feel your pain," but I do feel for you in your struggles with your "sweetie." I'll pray for some kind of satisfactory resolution to the situation. I'm not going to pray for a specific result, just for some kind of understanding and resolution. Take care.
from musicman6724 :
Well, good. You finally made a profile so I can leave you a note. It's amazing how many similar tastes we still share. I still love Heinlein and Monty Python. Breakfast in America...heehee...what a great album. I'm also a stickler for that apostrophe thing. Very annoying. I bought a copy of Eats, Shoots, and Leaves a while back, but have yet to read it. I have a huge backlog of books. Anyway...good luck with your band. Sometimes I really wish that I had followed through with that.

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