messages to powerofrock:
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from nowayout89 :
Thank you for your concern. =) I think I'll be alright. =) It means a lot to me to know that people still care. =)
from chondroma :
I'm going to add you to my list of favorites just because you've read A Confederace of Dunces. And I'm also going to recommend Lord of the Barnyard by Tristan Egolf to you. You would probably really like it.
from stellarchik :
Hey. I'm just leaving notes to random ppl so yea don't get all freaked out..I need ppl under "fav diaries" so I may link ya..maybe we can chat sometime..
from ordinarykat :
option two sounds good to me
from big-hungry :
God has such a wonderful sense of humor. make sure you keep yours. (it's okay if it strays a little darkly once in a while.) grace, mercy, peace.
from iheart2rock :
i keep seeing your screename and thinking it says "prufrock", as in "the love song of j. alfred prufrock" by t.s. eliot. it's a good poem. i suggest you take a look at it.
from iheart2rock :
thanks for clarifying... i was confused
from abacinate :
You might wanna get that checked out. But it's always nice to hear about striking fear in people's hearts where ever you go!
from abacinate :
Actually I would like to change the middle name question to Rapemi-Devo cuz I deserve an extra 'e' dammit!
from abacinate :
Now just tell me what is so wrong with anal attachments!?
from sashiebunnie :
Satisfying to be appreciated -SB
from abacinate :
I think I damn well proved my rockageness!

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