messages to princesjazmo:
(click here to add new message):

from christ666 :
So would you require contractual obligations that said superhero would actually legally have to say, "Can we take this to the park?" before doing battle with some stark raving villain? If so, how does it apply to language barriers?
from christ666 :
Words can't describe how much I relate to your last post. I thought I was the perfect pardigm of procrastination. (And alliteration.) I've been that way since junior high, waiting until I got an F on a progress report before finally doing some work to at least get a C.
from talkingmoon :
i have been waiting since 03292011 for you to update your diary
from myagi :
I have an embroidered "WTF" hanging in my classroom. It makes me happy.
from myagi :
I said "Oh," because I had to find out through diaryland and I guess I wanted to be the fantasy friend that got the squealing, excited phone call. :)If my response to your pregnancy hurt your feelings, I'm truly sorry, that was never my intent, and you have no reason to apologize. If that's been a brick you've had to carry, then I deeply regret my unthinking and selfish response. I should have known you needed more from me at that time. You know I would never and have never judged you for anything you've ever done.
from christ666 :
Hey there... I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and I hope you're doing okay. I don't know if you still have my number but if you do, don't be afraid to text or call me if you need anything. My postive telepathy doesn't work so well, so know that I'm sending you good thoughts.
from omfggwtf :
type it
from omfggwtf :
just stumbled on your diary. i feel so bad for you about your parents :/ i hope you feel better xo.
from earnest-dunn :
My personal voting selections have been based upon their Saturday Night live personality I have to admit I would love four years of Tina Fey as Palin! Hooray for Hollywood!
from talkingmoon :
if you want to know something, all you have to do is ask
from earnest-dunn :
there is a cold calculation in the self critique...a sharpness that no other unforgiving nature that seems so easy to project onto the outside.
from checkerdandy :
Why oh why did your dad mention menage a trois?! Oh and I'm a bad friend but I'm mostly free except for 11:00-3:00 on weekdays and 8:00-3:00 on Saturdays. We should hang out.
from earnest-dunn :
Jasmine, You knew me as Dusty or Aslan, perhaps the original Peter in some worlds, but probably not yours. I hope the winds are kind, and the words are honest. Let me know if you need some pixie dust, I have a bit left in these old pockets, and would share with you in an instant. Much love, Dusty Blackburn
from talkingmoon :
what the hell!! maybe they have an open relationship? and maybe he likes to dabble to see if there's someone else out there for him?? did he go out with the other girls that left their numbers?? he totally likes you. he makes no sense. not only did he text you, and go out with you, but he bought you coffee... two friends hanging out pay for their own shit. man... he sounds complicated. he's got a thing for you though. do you like him?
from sadistiksoul :
at times, when i am feeling very off, i come here to explore. It makes me laugh, makes me realize there are real people alive. thanks jasmine.
from neostar421 :
Happy Birthday.
from sundance-99 :
hey. i happened upon diaryland, and chose to say "hey". The End.
from talkingmoon :
how are you?
from nelapsi :
It was super seeing you... maybe we can do it again when you're more... awake. :)
from talkingmoon :
Did you write to me with your blackberry pearl???? Hahahaha! Mike just ran into Ron apparently. And Mike is really bitter because Ron didn't remember his name. I got your email and thank you. I will get back to you promptly. My mind is entangled at the moment, and a few things left to finish before the night is through. And I love muffins!!!!! If you ever get tired of making them from scratch, Krusteaus (or however it is spelled) has a muffin mix that is vegan. But only one kind of muffin in particular. The rest either have lard or dairy of some type. Look for the almond-poppyseed. If you're headed to walmart, it's in isle 8 I believe. The cake isle. The isle I stocked and spilled sugar all over the floor. The isle with the lard. Anywho, have a good night!
from talkingmoon :
Hihi. I just wanted to see how you were, and how it was going with Mr. Musician! Take care!
from christ666 :
do you have the capabilities to make a boom?
from myagi :
They've got siding up on it now and have pretty much eliminated most of the signs of different.
from myagi :
He did break up with the G-friend (Thank Allah--what a total psycho bitch) and the word on the street is he's moving to Seattle now to get far away from her.
from talkingmoon :
I wish you love!
from christ666 :
check now.
from checkerdandy :
Good luck on your date! My coworker has two kids and is dealing with pretty much your situation. But she found an awesome guy, and I'm sure you can too! P.S. I don't think I have your number now that you're with t-mobile.
from talkingmoon :
oh, and just so you don't think i was ignoring your note, i emailed you! so my response is in that puppy, aight?
from talkingmoon :
his entry didn't make me laugh, but yours sure did. you are too funny
from myagi :
I think I must be a complete idiot, because I don't know what I did to offend you so much. You mention telling you things you did wrong? Did I really? Because I can't think of a single thing I've ever thought you did wrong. Please tell me--am I totally obtuse? As for why I'm reaching out to you...I never stopped, I just backed off because you were so angry. I thought time would lessen it a bit and you'd tell me what I did wrong. I'm reaching out to you because I love you. I drove 2 1/2 hours through a snowstorm to see you, only to be told by my "liason" that you didn't want to see me and wouldn't accept the gifts for you and Peter. You were the only person I confided in about the dissolution of my marriage and the only person I told about how much pain I was in. I'm so confused--I don't know why this happened and I really want to. If I was a total ass at some point, please just lay it out for me so I can spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I know I'm self-centered...indulge me one last time and tell me my transgression. I love you and I miss you. Please Jasmine. I'm so sorry for whatever it was. I know you have a lot on your plate--even without witnessing the proof firsthand I know you are a fabulous mother and that boy is so blessed to have you. Say the word and I'll be up to visit. I love you. Send me an email: [email protected]. Please give me a chance to fix this.
from talkingmoon :
Hey Jasmine! I needed to tell you something funny I thought you'd appreciate. Do you remember how Grant Belnap would make those snowflakes? Everything about him was creepy, but those were some creepy good snowflakes! Anywho... my mom and her boyfriend took a trip to seattle to bring me some of my stuff. One box was full of my books. There was this theatre book that Mrs Trager let me have, and i opened it up and there was a snowflake that Grant gave me. Apparently I never opened it up and looked at all that was cut into it, but it read, "I love you, Stephanie" Ahhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha h ah ha!! I hope you are laughing with me.
from myagi :
I love you. Miss you more than ever lately. You're still a missing part of my heart and I'm glad. Because I never want to feel whole without your friendship. So many things I'd like to talk to you about. Life just makes more sense when you're a part of it.
from neostar421 :
Hey, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond, but i have been so busy lately. I wanted to just wait until i had the address to reply to you, but i haven't talked to my mom in so long, i felt i should at least say something. The truth is, i actually need to call her anyway, but all my spare time comes after she goes to bed. i get off of work tomorrow (Saturday) sometime in the early afternoon, so i think i am going to try then. As soon as i know, i will forward the message to you.
from neostar421 :
Good. You have a preference when or how?
from neostar421 :
I said some things that i didn't mean, and for that i am sorry. I'm sorry that it ended the way it did. I mean, i think i understand why you did it, but i wish it hadn't happened like that. I don't know how you are feeling about me these days, but i think it would be good for us to at least be able to talk. Sans the stabs. I still love you jasmine, and even if i am not what you want, we both know that we cant ignore each other forever. Please, let me know how you feel.
from hispindian :
holy crap jasmine! i remember heather!! i hated her too. i remember when we were in 6th grade she was engaged to like a 24 year old! sick!
from myagi :
Oh wow. He is beautiful. The best of both of you! I can see you both in his face! Sugar said he was the epitome of cute, but damn...that is a gorgeous baby! Congratulations!
from nelapsi :
Pretty baby...
from purrrtykitty :
I'm glad you finally put pictures of Peter in here! A baby that adorable should be shown off!!!
from talkingmoon :
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! much love, StephyPark
from nelapsi :
from neostar421 :
^_^ I love you. *awesome*
from kibitzer :
from christ666 :
Jasmine Smith (Hedwig, Princess Jazmo, Hazmeen) - Girl, there is no way to be able to lay down all the emotions we've been through. But I'll try my best. Best friends for a while, dated maybe seventeen hours, angry with each other, then best friends again, then disappearance. We were each others half. And I think that you and I had a relationship more unique from any others. Jasmine, I love you with all my heart, and truthfully, I've never stopped. You've always been my friend. And I don't think that there's anything more special then the fact that you introduced me to When Harry Met Sally. This special piece of my life which I try to press upon others is because of your brilliance. I miss you so much, and I will miss you even further down the road. But I promise you that we will see each other soon. "In the town where I was born, lived a man....." I wrote this before I moved to Texas. To tell you the truth, nothing's changed. Congrats, you'll make a fabulous mom.
from neostar421 :
You know, baby, I love you. Just in case you forgot. ^_^
from myagi :
I love you. I bought you some Koolaid flavored chapstick. I don't know why. It just seemed like a Jasmine sort of thing.
from the-director :
How are things going? Send me an email. I can give you new mommy tips. :) [email protected]
from talkingmoon :
I know this is late, but it will be long. Women don't know anything about being a mother until they're mothers. Eventhough you feel you're the only one who doesn't know anything about it, just know that the love you speak of can conquer the love of most mothers I have met. Neglectful mothers, annoyed mothers, STUPID mothers that feed their infants hotdogs and popsicles. Vain mothers that would spend more on themselves than their baby. And these are all mothers with experience. This baby is the best thing that has happened to you so far, and it only gets better. And you will be a wonderful mother. As far as what YOU should eat, eat whatever you think you should just as long as it's healthy. If you think you should eat animal products, eat them. The same people will still love you. And if you don't want to eat them, don't. Still, the same people will love you. Animal products arent good for you anyway, and may make you sick as well. Just eat as healthy as you can, and that's a vegan diet right? As for what to feed your baby, just feed your baby the healthiest foods you've researched to make him good and strong. I'm sure there's vegan formula, and if there isn't, you're not a bad person. Okay, since it sounds like I'm telling you what to do, I'm going to speak as though I was pregnant. I wouldn't know what the hell to do, I wouldn't know what the hell to eat, how to plan, how to feel, what to think. But when my child grew, I would feed him what I feed myself, but let my little one eat whatever he wanted on his own time (own time meaning anywhere else the child would be that would give him the option of eating meat like school, a grandparent's visit, a friend's house, etc.) We all make choices, and we all have to deal with the other person's beliefs. I would set the example, but if he didnt want to follow, he just didn't want to follow it. All you can do is the best you can. Even if you feel you've fucked up (which you never will), children have a heart and soul and brain of their own, and they have the power of turning out okay.
from cookie-2969 :
Being pregnant has made you that how you spell that??? it reads like something from a porn. Ya got spunk kid - thats what I meant. I've told you this before if you have any questions about child support, lawyers, let her know, and we'd both love to hear from you. 4240158
from checkerdandy :
I kinda wondered why you didn't tell me that you're pregnant in person or over the phone or something. I could've called you, but it seemed like you didn't want to talk to anyone. I know lame excuse, and I'm sorry. I was worried that you were mad at me, or worried about my reaction, and that's why you didn't tell me. Gah. Oh my God, I just remembered that we said we were all going to be cool aunts to each other's kids. I hope that hasn't changed. In conclusion, this is way too long, but I had to lay it on the line.
from myagi :
I wish you'd stop shutting me out. I also wish you'd realize that ignoring me isn't going to make me go away. You can hate me for the rest of my life, I'll still love you and still hold out hope you'll give me the time of day.
from brokentryst :
OMG! you knew what movie it was?!?!?!!? thats amazing.
from talkingmoon :
I know I have no idea how you feel, but on the outside looking in it looks like a blessing. There are always reasons people meet no matter what the outcome. Seth didn't know you were pregnant, and he brought you up out of nowhere. He said you had a strong energy around you, and he said it was a good energy. I asked it if was the baby, and he said "baby?" I'm glad you have something to live for, and somebody to love unconditionally. Joey seems to be a flake, and I hope you shake him off. I hope that wasn't out of line, if it was, I apologize. We should have an ouija session sometime. Seth has always been good with words. Just let me and Jessica know. Maybe we could shoot some hoops afterward. She'll explain.
from talkingmoon :
I hope everything gets better if things aren't going so great. I didn't know that a woman's heart gets bigger during pregnancy, but thats really neat! So I know absolutely nothing about trimesters and babies, so when do you find out if its a boy or girl? I know it's a 50/50, but do you have a feeling what it might be if you don't know yet?
from cookie-2969 :
Congratulations! I meant to leave you a note a long time ago...did I? Fuckin short term memory, anyways...yay for you. I told kristy I was excited because Jamison is to big to be fun anymore... :) Let Kristy or I know if you need anything or if you want to hang out. Kristy knows all the ropes for WIC and Health & Welfare. Were in Boise now so you should come check out the new place! 4240158 -cook
from talkingmoon :
okay, umm... I was meaning to leave you a message, but I left it in MY notes. So, if you'd like to see your message, feel free to check my notes. Sorry. Anywho, have a good day.
from the-director :
You're pregnant?!?
from talkingmoon :
I saw a Ron commercial!
from myagi :
Hello? come on, Princess...
from talkingmoon :
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! if you aren't just pulling my leg. SEX!!!! Hahahaha. I don't know what I'm talking about. Anyway... names? When did you find out?
from myagi :
Oh my...please tell me what da baby is.
from nelapsi :
Just popping in to say HELLO! hello. Loves 06/29/06
from talkingmoon :
Hey! Thank you for giving me some really good advice. I really really appreciate that. Umm.... Da Baby? Are you pregnant? Does someone have a baby? DA BABY? Anywho, thank you again. I'm definitely going to think hard about it and weigh my options more. And try out for the school and see what happens. Have a good day and congratulations on whatever Da Baby is. Steph
from talkingmoon :
it's his ex girlfriend. i think i told you a long time ago about the message she left on his voice mail, and just how desperate and psycho she is. since then, she found his new email address, and stuff about things. it's just something that goes away for a little while, but always comes back.
from talkingmoon :
You are a very great drunk.
from myagi :
No...what's rude is ignoring my cute little note. So stop being a dildo and communicate with me. Holy shit...a talking muffin.
from hispindian :
what in the name of god is tofurky. if it's what i think it is I'M goin to cry and throw up in my mouth. :)
from neostar421 :
Ohh! I LOVE YOU!!!! well..yeah! Have super fun at work baby!! think of me in a tight leotard..or a loose one..I DONT CARE!!^_^Love!
from myagi :
Are you getting an apartment/house with me in the fall? Say yes or I'll tickle you.
from falconeye :
ur not useless jasmine. i love you sis. -john
from myagi :
I have no idea what you're talking about,
from sadistiksoul :
waaah! you're so awesome! that whole ten minutes in the car was the shit. and i enjoyed oingoboingo
from myagi :
Don't be didactic, Myrtle Mae. Come see the show...
from sadistiksoul :
sometimes you make me sad.
from neostar421 :
p.s. I'm glad that it ment so fuckin much to you. I'm glad i got to be the example that convinced you of your theory. Now I'm a guinnea pig, too.
from neostar421 :
Well, i appreciate my concern. I'm glad my well being came up while you two were making out. Do me a favor, If you wanna talk about this, i am all ears. But please refrain from sending me diaryland condolences. It really cheapens the whole appology thing.
from myagi :
from myagi :
Can I be your Anne Sexton?
from falconeye :
i love you jasmine... even tho it may not show sometimes, and i may be annoying and bothersome... i really do love you... you are one of the klosest people in my life... dont ever forget that jasmine. i love you, even when you feel nobody does
from nelapsi :
I remember you most from a time when I knew you least. Is that weird? In biology we never talked and you had crazy curly long hair. I knew you were in the Crucible which made you cool to me. I was new in a huge school filled with blank faces... yours stood out. Honestly, I have a great point to make by this, but I can't word it. To simplify, I believe in you still and always will. You're impressionable and everyone you meet you can't help but leave a mark. Thats good for something. Love you... miss you...
from falconeye :
sorry bout the fone kall... i didnt know it wuz joey... sorry
from neostar421 :
I do crave nicotine. its part of being addicted. Which i am. And stuff. Really, this note is just a clarification. So's if anyone thinks yous slanderin my name, you can say "no...joey left me a note saying that he really does crave nicotine." I think it might be useful in the future. ^_^
from thebloodlust :
this mozarella entry was amazing.
from brokentryst :
im not much of a man, but sterotypes are not good. you should take that back.
from neostar421 :
Hey, dont even worry about it. You didnt make me feel bad. I just needed an exampole to the point i was making, and that was what was on my mind. bothered me a little. That you would say that chris was the best boyfriend you ever had when you didnt even date, but hey...this is your sanctuary. Far be it from me to be pissed off for being honest with yourself. so i wasnt mad..a little confused...but not mad. It's cool. i'm glad you got what you needed...or at least knew what you needed. so dont worry about me. I'm cool. ^_^
from myagi :
Are you referring to Ron M. Torres, King of Idaho Film? Isn't that exciting? You need to check out the band Spill'd love them, I think. Pajama Game is this Sat/Sun, and next Fri/Sat/Sun. I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss you.
from sundance-99 :
Yo Jazz, what's up? I'm for you to be finding comfort in yourself. It's a hell of a thing to the love yourself and the skin you're in. Have fun with it! ^_^
from neostar421 :
Congratulations on your break through. Take it as you want, but it IS meant to be a good comment. Despite whatever awkwardness may follow me, i do love you. Just do whatever you need to to be happy. Thats all I ever wanted for you. *burst*
from myagi :
So...I'm playing his wife in a show. Weird. He's an asshole for various reasons, the most prominent being he stole around $300 from Jean-Paul, but that's just the tip. We shall have to talk soon, darling...can you come down for Pajama Game?
from myagi :
Mr. Hobdey, who has actually turned out to be a comlete and utter asshole, says hello. I saw him yesterday at auditions...good thing you dodged that bullet.
from myagi :
That's not what his entry meant. He wasn't referring to you specifically. Others also quoted his diary, including me. The wonderful part also wasn't an attack on you. I know he came off as antagonistic, but he is just feeling abused and neglected by those he loves. Please don't be kind.
from brokentryst :
no youre not.
from sundance-99 :
Jasmine! Coffee? Get back. ^_^
from myagi :
Princess, I love you. I have been thinking about you pretty much all day, and I hope that you are all right. I just have a not-so-good feeling, but I hope I'm wrong and you are happy and healthy...I miss you. We need one-on-one time sometime soon. But no more Chex Mix...I've never eaten so much Chex Mix in my life.
from anamadim :
hey, hon. i'm glad your relationship is going well. i wish i could give you some advice on how to escape vicious cycles, but i can't even escape my own. the only thing i can say is have compassion on yourself. do something that will cheer you up and take your mind off your problems for a little while. the more you worry about your problems, the harder it will be to think through them and find a solution. also, if you're in a good mood, it's easier to think things through (at least, it is for me), and problems don't seem so insurmountable. hope that helps. <3 <3 <3
from sundance-99 :
jazmo! what's up
from nelapsi :
You were in my dream last night. You were this super hot evil villian dressed in a metal catsuit and were threatening to take over the world. Calvin, however, was able to stop your evilness with his super human ability to erase your powers and you became mortal. Needless to say you weren't happy. It was a good dream... :) Happy day... 11.28.05
from myagi :
from myagi :
I do have xander on my buddy list. What about the last sentence, dumbo?
from myagi :
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Oh curiousity is killing me!
from myagi :
A tie-dyed witch. You were so perfect. Dustin is directing a Neil Simon play...needs an ingenue...just so you know. I miss you so much. Oh by the way, the exception in my other profile? It's you and Tabi.
from falconeye :
i luv you sis. you are pretty much the only person in the family i feel very komfortable talking to. you are the one who showed me theatre, you have influenced my love of music, you have helped make me the person i am. well, the good parts of me anywayz. not much helping the failure side of me, but you have helped me find expression, and you mean so much to me. im here if you need me. i am but a walk akross the hall away, so if at any time, day or night you need me, just knock on my door. and if im not home, normally mom or dad have the number of wherever i am, so you kan give me a kall. luv u sis. -john
from myagi :
Sometimes I click the link on my diary to your diary simply because it makes me smile that you put that there. This is one of those times. I love you.
from foolishbeat :
Jazmo = doing good, I hope? Jazmo also = awesomeness *inflates your ego some*
from cookie-2969 :
I was sad when I read your entry. I just jumped online before I left to go bowling but if I had known I would have come to Sharri's and hung out. Give me your email...nevermind, check your myspace.
from falconeye :
jasmine, if u need to talk its kool. im alwayz here to listen, and give u advice if im not too stupid to think it up and if u want it. im here for u jasmine, even at 2 in the morning. -pope
from checkerdandy :
Don't be silly. You could never be the next Peck. For one thing, we have history together. For another, you're not 8 timezones away. For a third, Scott called at 2:30, so you so could have called at 2:00, and soccer players are lame.
from foolishbeat :
me again.... if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I'm always up until 6 in the morning anyways.
from foolishbeat :
For what it's worth, Jasmine, I still check up on this every time you update. Write because you want to, not because it's the trendy thing to do.
from kibitzer :
don't stop writing just because no one reads. Write for yourself. Keep it as a reminder of where you have been and where you want to go. Besides, now that I'm back in school, I'll probably be checking close to every day! I love you and miss you some too! I hope you are doing ok. If you feel like making a visit, even if just for a day, we can find fun things to do, I think... yup yup ~kristy 08/23/05
from falconeye :
hey sis. ui know u prolly wont check this again. u prolly wont read this note. but imma leave it nonetheless. i sort of know how u feel... i dont really know how to explain it. but i do. i love u jasmine, my sister. even as friendships seem to fade, u have me, your family, your kin. i read your diary. yes all the way through, tho u might not have expekted it. im here for you jasmine. -john
from summer-donna :
Sumander Palooaz Independence Day Campout Blowout Special!!! - In honor of Summer and Amanda moving and Daniela's slurpee face's Sunday, July 3rd, 9:00pm @ Summer�s House *Fireworks *Food *Fun! Bring Company! Be there, or be square� :)
from myagi :
FUCK LANDO CALRISSIAN. Always some white boy gotta invoke the Holy Trilogy. God I love Kevin Smith. But mostly Jason Lee. I'm currently writing you an e-mail. Just thought you should know.
from myagi :
Oh girl, I am going to need a full explanation via e-mail RIGHT NOW!
from sundance-99 :
Fuck yea, man! sometime after Tuesday?
from myagi :
from checkerdandy :
Jasmine, I called you! Did you get my message?
from myagi :
COOKIE! How dare you find joy in my deletion! I am outraged! Actually, it made me smile...I miss you. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell Jasmine that I LOVE HER AND MISS HER. I have two students who want to organize a protest against KFC...howsabout it, love?
from hispindian :
Thank you Jasmine! I hope you have with all the beach bums!
from foolishbeat :
hi Jazmo. hope things are good for you and stuff.
from anamadim :
i'm so sorry you're feeling down. i wish i would've spent more time talking to you yesterday. i wish i could've been there to listen to you, like you said. if you have a computer at your grandparents' place, maybe you could talk to your friends @ DL? at least then you won't be alone. i care about you; a lot of people do. please remember us and talk to us if you need to. we're here for you. <3 <3 <3
from cookie-2969 :
from cookie-2969 :
First of all Jennifer, the genuine shock of you having been deleted was great. How does it feel to be deleted? Hmmm? HMMMMM? Ha! Sorry Jennifer deleted me and I'm so bitter(not really). Anyways if you would like to do something other than drink THAN YOU SHOULD FIND MY NUMBER FROM SOMEBODY AND CALL ME! Fine I'll give it to you. But when I see you I'm slapping you and no telling you why. 453-2842
from myagi :
Nevermind. I just read my guestbook. Duh. Can I ask what happened? Can I beg you to move back to Twin? Can I coerce you into Vagina land?
from myagi :
Wow. You deleted me. I was just going to say that the Dalai Lama is coming to Sun Valley next month. I'm astonished I've been deleted. Again, wow.
from naima101 :
Ummm...riding your bike with your hands out like an airplane...and spinning and getting dizzy.
from summer-donna :
Things that make life worth living... 1) Laughing with people you love 2) Music 3) The way you tilt you head when you eat a taco 4) Astro Jumps & Super soakers
from myagi :
FUCK! Fuck. fuck. Good to know I guess. I haven't even considered anyone else for Monologues because I was so looking forward to doing it with you. Fuckity-fuck.
from neostar421 :
I came to the dumb and obvious realization last night that i am surrounded by people of the wrong height. I dont like that alot. JASMINE!!! i miss you...alot....alottalot. But thats ok..because you are gunna be here tomorrow....^_^. I LOVE YOU!!! You have to leave me anote er call..something...when you get here..I just woke i am kinda get the jist of it...i mean..i cant be with you if i dont know where th4e hell you are, right? ^_^ Oh, i love you...and i miss you jasmine. ALSO!! It turns out that german girl has a this whole prom thing is alot easier...Do i pay for her dinner still?
from purrrtykitty :
FYI: I just kicked your ass, Hasmeen. If you haven't seen it already, you will. Oh, you will. *smirk of eeevil*
from neostar421 :
Hmm...mirra ruined my little role i was on...damn..JASMINE! I LOVE YOU! BREAK A LEG!! PREFERABLY SOMEONE'S I DONT LIKE!!! ^_^ *love*
from myagi :
And I get to see it tonight! That's unfortunate...does this mean no "Monologues?" Michael Johnson was also wondering if you'd be interested in working with Mad Hatt'r this summer on a show. I was thinking of trying to talk him into "Second Coming." Just pretend I underlined the titles of those shows instead of quoted them, okay. Also: I TOTALLY JUST BROKE THE JOEY MONOPOLY OF YOUR NOTES PAGE! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
from neostar421 :
I have the last 7 notes on your note page ^_^
from neostar421 :
I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU but i have to go to school BUT I LOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!!!^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^
from bang-o-rang :
AHHH! MAN! its soo hoTT! i get to wake up and automatically read all of the wonderful things that youwrite to me ^_^!!! lemme tell ya, what a beautifully gorgeous loves you, it does make your day a helluva lot better ^_^!!
from neostar421 :
I AM BACK!!!also...I LOVE YOU!!!!!!*bursty-love thingy*^_^
from neostar421 :
i just wanted you to know that i care, and i miss you. I love you *love*
from neostar421 :
IM IN SEATTLE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! *^_^*
from neostar421 :
Hey, guess what i found in the lint catch in the dryer today? I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
from sundance-99 :
I love you Jasmine... You're so damn cute!
from cookie-2969 :
You're sick
from neostar421 :
from neostar421 :
from neostar421 :
from neostar421 :
Read my profile...^_^ and the note below..
from neostar421 :
DANCING CYRANO PANTS! I LOVE YOUR TANGIBILITY BABY!! WOOOO!!!! TURN MY NOZZLE!!!! i finally got to writing you a email... if you dint get it...GO THERE NOW!!! if you already got it.. I love ya, honey, i love ya(.)(.) *^_^* I LOVE YOU!!!! KISS!HUG!TURTLESHELLS!
from neostar421 :
from neostar421 :
Also, i am wearing your socks *^_^*
from neostar421 :
I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I love ya honey, i love ya! (.)(.) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ^_^
from neostar421 :
disregaurd the failed note below!
from neostar421 :
I love ya, honey, i love ya! (.)(.) ^_^.. hey... i love you too
from talkingmoon :
Hello girl who sleeps 14 hours and then stays up all the next day and then writes haikus about are you? I'm kinda giggling right now about the Bronx one. Pure genius. A lot of times it's troubling when I think about it, but I often miss you. Even when we're in the same room, talking about something crazy, I miss you. Even though we live in the same house, I miss you. Something difficult to say. I love how you boldly tell people that they're stupid and that you hope their online "girlfriend" is a 65 year old man. I love how you tap dance when you're drunk. I love how you say "Paint boy, bring me the paint" or "I thought you were supposed to make a sandwich every day, Sandwich Girl." I could list more, because there are many many more, please believe me, but I'm about to fall asleep at this desk. You've given me much laughter and relief, and I wish you much love. I love you.
from jakelar :
Hey i dont blame you. thats dumb.. i blame myself and faith for what happened. and i blame joey for blowing it out of proportion. basically i just used what happened between you and joey as something to try and minimize how bad joey thought it was but hes being dumb... i dunno... anyways yea... vegan.. gross.. anyways... have a good one....
from neostar421 :
i love you so much. You make my heart sing. Probably off key...but it doesnt care who is watching. ^_^
from summer-donna :
i've seen the movie a thousand times and I own the book, which is awesome.
from neostar421 :
i wanna do something this weekend...*winkwink nudgenudge*^_^
from purrrtykitty :
So, essentially, if you don't hang out with me this weekend, I'll kill Joey. Now, I really don't want to have to do that, and I know you don't want me to do that, and it wouldn't make much sense for me to do that, but if it's gonna be that then it's gonna be that. His life is in your hands. See ya!
from myagi :
I would like to be your roommate for the following reasons: 1. Just by living in SF I could rationalize my long hidden desire to create vaginal artwork/angry performance art, and probably gain quite an audience. 2. I come complete with a matching hubby and two personal servants! 3. Let's face it...the best drinks are the ones we make in each other's presence. 4. We could make and sell our own vegan jam. 5. NOBODY COULD EVER POSSIBLY LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!
from nelapsi :
Evil woman! I like it!
from foolishbeat :
did I hear San Francisco? *ears perk up* I'd love to get out of this hellhole, but I don't have any good reasons why I should be your roommate....
from myagi :
Me? Disappear? Bwahahaha! I'd like to see you try and forget me! It will never work! I am impervious! What night are you coming?
from naima101 :
Yay for that. When I come down for the BBQ, you can be my Lover for a Day. ;-)
from myagi :
Grr! Where did my profile comment go? Waah!
from foolishbeat :
I heard "Rock Lobster" on the radio yesterday, and it made me think of you... hope crap is good :)
from purrrtykitty :
Go to bed. It's late!
from myagi :
Hola, you sugar-dumpling, you! If you want a discounted ticket to Grease ($8) I need to know TODAY! Please call me at school 733-8823. I love you!
from christ666 :
give me your address if you would
from brokentryst :
getting out is over rated.
from myagi :
You are the cooooooooooolest (except for me.)
from crimsonfrost :
jasmin..... P.E.T.A.= ECO-TERRORISTS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! are you a terrorist jasmine? =D ttyl .//Neur0manCer
from myagi :
can you steal teachin-usa's template for me? Oh please? PLEASE????
from myagi :
Oh that apple sweet. But a styist...definitely a stylist.
from neostar421 :
HELLEW HASMEEN!!!! listen, i wrote you a massive email, and i have yet to see the repercussion of it. Also, why do yo never call me, when i have made 2 attempts at contacting you? Hmm? HMMM? ^_^ hey, i love you jasmine, and i am very sorry your day is not up to par with nudity, but if it was, i am quite sure you would be much happier. Interperate as you will. OK...I miss you, and i would really like to recieve some form of communication from yee. Let me kow you're alive and..well..ok..i already know you're alive, but you get the picture. Well, i love ya tink, and i hope you do some shit to make us talking happen. ^_^ Also, a stupid kid nammed "grey shirt" said he didnt like jews, so i told him to shove it up his ass or i was gunna make him suck my dick. He hasn't said shit about it since. I thought you might appreciate that ^_^. For the sake of redundancy, i love you, and i hope totalk to you soon. buh bye!^_^ PARTNERS IN CRIME!
from foolishbeat :
popcorn and bleach, that is a smell I definitely don't want to witness.... hope your V-day has been good. ;)
from cookie-2969 :
call me when your in caldwell. Possible party at my casa that everyone but you will be at! 371-3839 first or 353-5233 second.
from myagi :
CLV is definitely in order. Bridget wants to come to our Martini party. Getting drunk with you sounds awesome...busy saturday?
from cookie-2969 :
Maybe we'll wait until grease to kill birds with one stone but kristy and I will come down with the baby(when he gets here). So it wont be too long :)
from purrrtykitty :
I miss you too, Hasmeen! I really, really do!!! You really should give me a call sometime. It wouldn't hurt, would it?
from myagi :
Had a long conversation with Tony about you...I need to talk to you. Don't give up yet.
from summer-donna :
thanks jasmine
from myagi :
Would this be an intoxicated entry? I love you!
from neostar421 :
i miss you. Drop me a line sometime...^_^
from cookie-2969 :
I just saw Garden State and i fully agree :). Well not fully i like my asshole the size it is, but I would still give him some lovin.
from myagi :
ATTENTION: Grease auditions are January 9 (Sunday) from 2-8 pm, and January 10 (Monday) from 5-9pm. Director is Fred Scheibe (amazing) and recommends comfortable clothes because he will teach you an easy dance combination. Prepare a song from the show, or something in that style. I have an accompaniment CD and I can copy a song for you if you want--let me know. Grease is a 20-person cast. Sharon Warner at 733-7321 has more details. I'm doing this...I hope some of you will audition with me. If I can work up the courage to sing, so can you.
from kibitzer :
What a plan. I love it. What do you want to do for your Birthday, darling? Anything at all? 01/02/05
from bang-o-rang :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *retarded joke laugh*
from bang-o-rang :
Are you a dinosaur?
from foolishbeat :
Jazmo-ness, I just had to leave you a note to tell you how good it was to see you last weekend. Twas a bit of a surprise, but still pretty cool. Hope CSI is treating you good.
from myagi :
Here is what I remember. My recollection is slightly skewed because I didn't realize there was a problem until the ripping started. From talking to you after the fact, I think it was Joey (but it might have been Mike)who remarked on the beauty of one of the ladies in a magazine brought in by Third Hour. It was a Cosmo, and I had pulled it out of the pile because it wasn't "school appropriate." I don't know if you talked to Joey about what he said, but when I became aware of it was when the mag was systematically shredded. Your pain was tangible, but I was proud of you for acting out against a symbol of female oppression. Vagina vagina vagina.
from myagi :
Just the eff words--leave all others alone. I have one of your shirts, and the girls are bringing the others tomorrow. So you will have them for Antigone, the CSI play! Huzzah! Thanks for letting them use them!
from earnest-dunn :
Hello stranger, just wanted to say Hello, and I just did so leave me alone...God isn't that enough would you please just drop it already?...O.k. fine I'll also say goodbye,then allright! Happy now? You've taken out of my comfort zone and made me say more than Hello, so goodbye, and yeah that's all now... right, then bye.
from myagi :
For the love of all that is holy, update this thing! Oh buddy list from "N" down is never in feels oh so ronry...
from myagi :
Thursday 2:30 pm in my room at there or be a pimple on the butt of the world.
from myagi :
HEYHEYHEY! Can I come over tonight and schmooze? The TIm Burton dance just might make me enter therapy...
from checkerdandy :
Jasmine Smith, I'm signing your notes even though you never sign my guestbook. I love you bunches and I hope you have an excellent day! Bye!!!
from myagi :
Boy with Nails in his eyes is my favorite.
from myagi :
Soo...I just read your notes. Then I thought it would be funny to read your notes to myself assigning character voices to each person. Joey was kind of "Ethel Merman-y". Ness was Barry White. Those were the two funniest. Or maybe I'm just tired. In actuality, the real reason I was even in your notes in the first place was to ask you to find me a new template. I can't do it--TFSD server blocked them all. Which doesn't really matter because I need to ask you to install it for me anyway. Is that what you do? Install? Whatever. I think the inanity of this note can be offset if you try reading it as Jerry Seinfeld. At least that's the voice I'm using as I write it. "Hi kids, I'm TV's Whoopi Goldberg!"
from flaggirl08 :
i saw your family today. they came into my work and ordered chinese food. and they left me a $3.22 tip!!!!
from bang-o-rang :
Eh...thats cool..rambling's cool. I think that its kinda funny how you have written me like..5 notes (most of which were novel sized), and have yet to make an actual entry ^_^. Lets just label this whole thing "misunderstanding" than...because i thinks thats what it is. Long story short...we just had a "failure to communicate". i dunno...i dont feel like being in a confrentation anymore, so can we call it good?
from bang-o-rang :
I guess..but I dont live with you. And you can't always expect people to come to you. When i see a person in a closet, it's my assumtion that this is where they wanna be. And it is a perfectly justifiable and logical connclusion. I am just saying, that it is kinda hard to tell the difference. I am glad that it's a good book though. Better than reading a bad one, i guess...^_^
from myagi :
I'll pick you up at the FA building around 5:15! Yay!
from flaggirl08 :
i love you too j-dog!!! :) also, just to let you know i am very important. i have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
from bang-o-rang :
You see...this is where the gap in communication starts to look like a bad thing. when i cam to twin i was really looking forward to seeing you, but when i go there, i got the inpression thatyou didnt care. you spent a lot of time reading. in the closet. i didnt know what that meant. you as well, act differently around least thats what i saw. You seem to get very anti-social and you dissapear. i dunno...i'm sorry for attacking you with the notes; i didnt wanna come off as an asshole. I have just been in a wierd funk the past few weeks..and i started taking stock on the friends i still have. I thought that i was loosing your friendship..and i...i dunno..i reacted like this. i'm sorry for bad. i love you, jasmine..and i always will...i just got know men can be on the rag, too..
from bang-o-rang :
Although i thank you for trying to givbe me more credit than you think i deserve here, that note was NOT intended to be sweet at all. Nor was it meant to offend you. I just had a realization and thought you should know. Jasmine, i feel as though i have, against what i wanted, lost much of you as a friend. I dont know why or what, but i was looking at pictures that were taken of the drama class 2 years ago...and i feel as though we arent the same friends as we were...we arent even that close of friends anymore, and I dont know why. When i came up to twin that weekend...i didnt even get a hug out of you. You might say that this is how our relationship is or whatever, bu the fact is that i do love you (this is not meant to be taken romantically), and dispite my efforts, i still get rejected by even reject my friendship. And i just though you should know that. so "what the hell happened to you?" was meant to be taken literally. I have never stopped caring about you or being there for you when you needed anything...i have never even rejected you a hug. You used to give me huggs all the time..and i loved them. I just dont know when that stopped. And i dont know why.
from bang-o-rang :
Hey...i remember you......from like....2 years ago, right? wasnt it drama class? didnt you give me the best hugs ever..??yeah man, i remember that..our hugs were like jig saw puzzle pieces...^_^..thats good uh ... what the hell happened to you?
from stg-mngr :
Jaz, thanks so much for the note. I really appreciate all that you said. How is college life treating you? If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me :)
from cookie-2969 :
Oh my dear, your so funny. But I understand. The one thing that can piss me off more than anything is someone asking me if I'm mad. Because it's none of there business and if it was there fault they definantly would have heard about it. Honestly not giving them something to react to is more fun, silent treatments can be deadly...he he. And having a pretty good idea of who you might've been talking about, your right it would be a waste. I miss you guys though. I'll try and come down when I find employment which could actually be soon :) Tell everyone hi.
from fleshandbone :
"I get angry when people think that I'm angry, whether I am angry to begin with or not." Same here. It's a very irksome tendency in people that they insist you are feeling whatever flaw appears in their misperception.
from caldwell-kid :
Hello, I see you have relized your human, welcome to the gang I will be seeing you in life , your current situation.
from brokentryst :
from bang-o-rang :
HEY!! I love you much and i will see you soon^_^p.s. i am drunk, and we need to get drunk together tomorrow, so plan a party and get some booze ^_^i love you jasmine, and i will for as long as alot of time...(i am really drunk right now..)
from nelapsi :
Merry Pointless Note signing day!
from nelapsi :
Merry Pointless Note signing day!
from summer-donna :
Don't hate yourself because I heart you!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from easychair :
from bang-o-rang :
Nonsense? what are you talking about? you really need to be more specific, or just say nothing.^_^
from myagi :
So...Cookie and I were wondering how wandering around downtown tonight followed by drunken debauchery sounded to you? If you are game, so are we! Let me know!
from cookie-2969 :
Cheer up my dear. I miss you guys. however the soonest I will be back there is october. So you should let me know when your here again. Or myabe I should just check diarys more often. Love ya
from bang-o-rang :
What the hell was up with that note you left me?!?!? wierdo pajeerdo jeez....
from bang-o-rang :
You are going to caldwell?!? you need to get ahold of me before you leave er somehting and let me know...i need to see you ^_^ call me if ya need to...
from cookie-2969 :
Congratulations, you have won the: "Best Drunk Message to be Left on Cookie's Phone". Once again congratulations. Love ya
from bang-o-rang :
WHAM BAHM FUCKIN FOOEY! you know i would rock that anime chicka chit, babay! ^_^ by the way..i love you like....20000% more then the rest of the people on the planet right now...which makes me miss you...and here comes the sad....*tear*....i lova you, hasmeen frances pardnah in crime..foh shizzle..^_^
from myagi :
Matt says he will marry you-but only if you are a freak. He said,"I can't be marrying no squares, Miller!" I told him I was pretty sure you were a freak and I'd let you know. He's so funny.
from myagi : smile-maker, you!
from myagi :
I want to see that...and go to the interactive Napoleon Dynamite. sigh.
from talkingmoon :
from talkingmoon :
Old people get all the respect.
from talkingmoon :
handicap people get all the attention
from myagi :
Where did you see Luis??? That silly Mexican. Everytime you say that I think of my daddy. In a good way, though.
from checkerdandy :
Chica, if you do not visit me on Thursday, I will seriously disown you. Plus, I have Fried Green Tomaters to give to you. So there. Or am I one of those Caldwell folk that you hate?
from ditrying :
hi dear i hope that you are doing well, let me say i enjoy seeing you for the two seconds that i do whenever i'm home. i hope that school goes well...and i'll talk to you soon....
from summer-donna :
Hello!!! I was in drama today, and I thought of you and I missed you!!! Maybe sometime I'll get to come visit you, all of you, because I don't know, I really miss you guys! School is stupid now.
from purrrtykitty :
I saw a girl who looked like you, but then she turned around and wasn't you and I got sad and missed you even though I know I was dumb for thinking it was you even for a second because you are there and I am here. HASMEEN!!!!!!
from moonblaze :
hey, i like the title to your entry. i happen to love the monkees, something that not many people know about me. i'm realy glad we get to share a class together. kisses, anna
from bang-o-rang :
hey there, you didnt even say god bye before you left...which, needless to say, hurt me..only not really..but youcould dropa note by every now and then! I luva ya, jasmo, and i miss you!
from brokentryst :
yeah, i called him. um, yeah, so i am in twin right now, i might be leaving for a few days again on friday, and then after that, i may be leaving to denver in a week or two, so i would like to hang out and things before that happens, so you should let me know how to get a hold of you. love bradley
from myagi :
Okay, I'm not stalking you, I just have one more thing to say. Or ask. Whatever. I'm on a nazi-type diet to save my gallbladder and I would really, really like the recipe for vegan brownies. Could you please help me?
from brokentryst :
Just thought i would say hello, havent doen that for a while. sorry. dont really know what to say, so i guess thats it love bradley
from myagi :
Oh please never say "suck my tamp" again...well, I guess you could. Just don't say it to me because I'm totally grossed out. Tell me more of this love of yours...and when you are coming to Twin because I need a huge favor.
from cdghost :
stumbled across your words and enjoyed reading it..peace-thecdghost
from purrrtykitty :
YOU'RE INVITED! See my diary for details!
from myagi :
AAARGH! I can't believe I have exposed Joey to the likes of you! Oh I tremble in fear for his innocence. HIS INNOCENCE!!! I'm warning you, if you should so much as use one digit of his number for ill-will, well I'll...I'll...I'll move to the Yukon, that's what! Beware the groove...THE GROOVE...
from summer-donna :
Bonjour! I'm having this girls night out make-up/make-over party thingy at my house this Thursday night (the 8th) at 7p.m. and so I wanted to invite you! I hope you'll come because it should be fun and I'd like to see you! Love, Summer
from myagi :
You are wonderful. Thank you.
from mrzmarmon :
hey jazmo!! i miss you!! we havn't been to a midngiht movie in so long!!!! hahhaha i need to talk to you, so call me, if im not home leave a message.....388-8586 zach
from talkingmoon :
You call me when you read this, or after orientation, or as soon as you can. Have a good day today.
from kibitzer :
Sorry if I'm a little behind on the life of Jasmine.......But ummm...... Who's Mia? I feel so dumb for asking!
from neostar421 :
hehehe...hate you too jasmine francis smith. see ya tomarra.p.s. *monotonely* the jetsons rule the fuckin plantet..*burst*
from myagi :
Oh my heavens...are you Tinkerbell???? ROCK ON!!!
from kibitzer :
Whoa. That's funny. It finally stopped raining here and now it's all sunny and stuff! Now I'm working on getting a bit of a tan!
from sundance-99 :
YAY! Now I have two people to attack at Wal-Mart! When I get home we should have another movie/brownie date. And we can invite Steph and Sylvia and if she's home, Kristy this time! Make a night of it. We haven't all hung out in some time. Well, gotta go, but I love and miss you! Calvin
from neostar421 :
: )........p.s. i love you jasmine!!!!!! p.p.s. i want you to know that i sang the song as i read it, but i am sure you figured that. p.p.s.s.yanky doodle went to town..just kidding.
from kibitzer :
No fair. I applied for that job too. Just kidding. Congrats! Hope it goes well and you make lots. Are you on the graveyard shifts with Steph? Wouldn't it be cool if the whole Twin crew did? Anyway, can you tell I miss you. I've written 3 times now. Sorry if I'm getting annoying. Love you!
from kibitzer :
I sure hope you're having fun in Peter Pan, my little fairy friend! How is it being Tink? I can't wait to see the show. I really should of stuck with it, but i just couldn't be a boy... Anyway. love ya. miss ya!
from kibitzer :
Hey pretty girl. I like your chin. You know what? I miss you. You seem a little down lately. Are you OK? I think you need a hug, but alas, Oregon is too far away to give you that. So this is a long distance one. I love you sweetie. When I get home, we'll play!
from myagi :
Maybe you had an imaginary hangover from your imaginary drunkeness? How many "n"s are in drunkenness...Oh heavens. And yes. I fucked your wife. I am your wife, and I fucked her.
from neostar421 :
The moon was quite beautiful that night...I notice and appreciate more than you might think, my dear who.*burst*....stay like that moon, jasmine smith..stay like that moon...*really burst*
from naima101 :
I want to see your beautiful hair! Please?
from naima101 :
I'm one of those people too. That's why I wrote it, because I am frustrated and tired of hating myself.
from kibitzer :
don't do it jas. stay and be with me. honestly, you have to come to this meeting. it's so worth it. with any luck, our twin group will be living quite comfortably if we do great in this business. it takes a while to really get going but once you do! you. no pressure. have fun, whatever you do! =kristy
from myagi :
My server blocked your guestbook...very strange. Anyway. I'm sorry and okay.
from kandeelee :
THIS SEXY LAYDEE WROTE: i don't noe but i can't sign your guestbook cause i don't get all those stuff u have to fill out so here i am doing my thing and leaving my yumalicous toodles... smiley from, the one and only kasee lee
from bunny46 :
You new hair cut is very exquisite!!! I like it... :)
from brokentryst :
I changed the picture on my diary, its of us before the prom, you should look at it, its hot. oh and you shouldnt be mad at jen, its my fault, be mad at me please, not jen. its not fair. bye love face.
from bunny46 :
thank you jasmine... but i would only be so lucky to end up like you. like i keep telling you... you are such a beautiful person, and I look up to you.
from myagi :
I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!!! I hope Rachel hasn't already told you...I'm so excited (dusty thinks it is weird, but I think it's cool!) I will call you tonight!!!
from neostar421 :
on second thought...i take that back....dont stop. It reminds me of why i wake up some the ocean..even if they are just contacts...*burst*
from neostar421 :
please do me a small favor, jazmo...please refrain from making eye contact with me for any extensive amounts of time...not to be mean, i just really want to get over you...*burst*
from brokentryst :
i have a lot of things that i would like to say as well, kbut fear always holds me back. too bad i dont have any advice. im going to call you tonight maybe, or maybe tomarow. <3bradley<3
from brokentryst :
where did it go? we havent talked in a while. i miss you. you need to call me sometime. you really do. you need to visit sometime when i can acctually see you. acttually talk to you. last time it wasnt too great, i saw you three times, but i didnt get to talk much. i really do miss you. i hope to talk to you soon. <3
from neostar421 :
*sigh*.......eventually you'll miss me...
from neostar421 :
fuck you.
from sundance-99 :
Dude! Jasmine, if you could only know how big you just made me smile! I would be very happy to have coffee and chit chat this friday or saturday night if you can make it. Can never b just positive which, as i usually suffer chronic lack of schedualing. So we'll just have to stay in contact! Let me know if one is better than the other, and I'll try to plan around that, otherwise I'll try to get a stable plan for this weekend and let you know. Either way, much love and THANK YOU!! Hugs and kisses -Me.
from sundance-99 :
Hey Jasmine! It's Calvin. Umm.. So, I was thinkin. Um, well.. ah, ok.. grr... My head is a little bonkers right now. Let me start over. Hey Jasmine! It's Calvin. So like I don't know what your week looks or if you'd rather avoid contact with me unless absolutly needed or what ever something and blah..... Any way, if you'd be up for it, like, could call you or maybe you could come with us to coffee some time.. I'm not like trying pick you up or anything, all though you are fully pick up-able, I just sorta wnated to chat with you about things. Yea, coffee would be fun. and I interact so much better in person. So, anyway, I'm rambling now.. and this note really sux.. but, yea. Um, sorry. So. See ya 'round! -Calvin.
from neostar421 :
Jasmine, you have something of mine that i may never have back...a piece of my heart...i loved you, more than i thought was possible, more than i wanted to be it's to late...remember the one who made you the one who fit into your hug like a puzzle that never was supposed to be put together...i love you..........and i always will.....
from myagi :
Her profile creeped me out. I'm not being overdramatic--it seriously gave me chills. *shivers*
from talkingmoon :
Call me when you've woken up and read this. Stephy
from myagi :
PROM IS TOMORROW? i thought it was next me tonight...we have planning! You need to get a red or black boa (try Joann's Fabrics), black shoes, tights/nylons, and if you want something special in your hair. Also, a foundation that matches your skin tone. You need to tell me what time to have Brad there and stuff. Call Me!
from crimsonfrost :
omfg. how old are you?
from myagi :
Why? What happened?
from myagi :
from naima101 :
Comment: You're Beautiful.
from myagi :
Oh God...I feel so sick. I may more foot-licking. I can't take it!
from fleshandbone :
Honestly...I don't remember. I'm assuming it was from a diaryring or an interest I went browsing through.
from myagi :
Okay, explain. Right now. E-mail or phone, your choice. I'm waiting!
from brokentryst :
too bad the sex appeal didnt work as well as i thought. oh well. next time, you wont be able to resist
from myagi :
I'm so happy you have found the when you come down, you can join in our StarWars nights (there are many of us). Now do me a them again while keeping the following in mind: Boba Fett is a woman. I'm serious. And I give your diary an a++++
from myagi :
Think of it this way. If you are ever on Jeopardy, you will kick ass. And then who cares what you wrote for English?
from crimsonfrost :
jasmine, i feel the EXACT same way as you. And I mean EXACT as in your entire first paragraph. I'm soo not even kidding you.
from crimsonfrost :
hahaha, Jasmine! your too cute! if I weren't so gay I'd probably fall in love with you! buuuut, anywho! c'ya later! *hugs*
from myagi :
True Dat. But I must admit, my curiousity yens for juicy gossip...
from brokentryst :
you cant let every action affect you so much. who cares what someone says? so what if you complain? if he doesnt like it, he can stop reading your diary. thats what its here for anyways. stop caring about the things you cant control. you cant help it if someone doesnt like what you write. its not for them to decide. dont let people control you. you are a beautiful girl, and i love reading what you write. i like hearing about the miniscule little things and the complaints. i read it because i care and want to know what is going on. i only wish you would call me more. but dont stop writing. then i wont have any contact with you. you cant control what people say, but you can control the way it effects you.
from brokentryst :
awesome! i am teh only boy that matters! woooo hoooo!
from myagi :
I want to join the ranks of people that have already told you how beautiful you are, but I know that is not why you wrote that entry. The Abercrombie magazine was perfect...the externalization of a society founded on beauty. I love you. Cel was perfect, remember? It was only her inability to clock out the voices of others that was her downfall. Cel was perfect, and you chose that part because you identified with her. And with me, I suppose, in a very strange way. I would tell you how amazingly beautiful you are if I thought it would help. Suffice it to say, I love you and I also think you are a slutty sheep.
from brokentryst :
yeah so i dont like this joey character. maybe ill rough him up. or not, i cant really do taht, im weak. but i guess its the thought that counts. hmm. well it is not true. i dont think you are ugly at all, and since im the only boy that matters, i guess its all good. hehe. okay so im not the only boy that matters. but it sounded good. talk to you later. love bradley
from bunny46 :
Joey is really stupid. I'm serious. I think you are so beautiful, and it make me sad that you don't realize that you are. I love Joey and all, but remember... he really is just a blubbering idiot. ;)
from brokentryst :
why would you get your ribs removed? hmmm. and then, i also want to hear about this "sex" book. and then um yeah, you stole the whole not being attached thing from me. i know you did! we talked about it last night. you theif! hahaha! bah! you slutty sheep! bah! um okay maybe not. oh well. love bradley
from myagi :
To be perfectly honest, I am intrigued by rib removal. But I just don't think it suits you. What is this sex book you speak of?
from brokentryst :
you can call me now whenever yeah. just not today. i wont be home till lateness. yep. so i better get a call from you tomarow. or i will cry. <3 bradley
from the-director :
Oh, Jasmine. I will always remember the popcorn incident fondly. Years from now, I'll smell burning popcorn, think of you, and smile. :)
from brokentryst :
from shwroder :
from brokentryst :
i read you diary everytime you post. but sometimes i don't know what to say so i don't send you a note. but i will now. after every entry. or everyday. whatever. yeah...............bye. oh, it was nice meeting you, by the way! =^.^= That was a mean sounding note. thanks for making me cry, AGAIN! haha! ok thats really all I have right now. love bradley
from talkingmoon :
Or maybe I'll just go over there and think about what I just said.......that corner....over there.....right there.....>>> goodnight.
from talkingmoon :
I mean in that sexual sort of way.
from talkingmoon :
If you and Brad get married, we should all get together and make a vegan sammich!
from myagi :
YES!!! Woot! I'm so freaking happy!
from myagi :
I will toss the berry bubbles into the air while frolicking to the tune of "Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" and think of you...I hope you can come to the are a truly angry vagina.
from brokentryst :
Thanks for calling me when you were in Twin. CHA!
from bunny46 :
I never really thanked you for the stuff you gave me. It really helped me a lot, because it showed me some stuff that I've never seen. It made me cry and it also made me want to try harder to drop meat. I've been doing so good! A week and a half now. Thank you so much!
from brokentryst :
I didnt mean score like "sex" i just meant thats awesome! pretty much. yeah. sorry. just thought i would clear that up.
from brokentryst :
"I will fly down there and take you home with me." I knew you wanted to take me home! Score!
from sundance-99 :
Damn Jazz, that was a cold entry. Cold Obi-wan, cold.
from brokentryst :
They say that Ignorance is bliss, they are right. I agree with everything you said. But it would be much easier if i didnt know anything about the meet industry, or the animal testing industry, or any of that. Ignorance is bliss. Too bad we are both too smart to be Ignorant.
from brokentryst :
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it? - "Queen of Hearts". Cause you are the queen of my heart of course. 2. Am I loveable? - Of Course 3. How long have you known me? - um, im not sure. 4. When and how did we first meet? - on the phone. I called you. I think. Does that count as meeting? We have never acctually met. 5. What was your first impression? - Gosh this is one cool girl. 6. Do you still think that way about me now? - Of course, who would think differently? 7. What do you think my weakness is? - I have no clue. you dont have any? i dont know. 8. Do you think I'll get married? to whom? - yes! to me! better not get married to anyone else! 9. What makes me happy? - I do? I dont know. hehe. 10. What makes me sad? - Poor treatment of animals. and not talking to bradley? i wish. cha. 11. What reminds you of me? - Veganism, and unicorns. i dont know why, but they really do. hmm. 12. If you could give me anything what would it be? - The biggest hug in the world! 13. How well do you know me? - not as well as i would like to 14. When's the last time you saw me? - last night, i had a dream about you. oh gosh hehe. 15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? - um, not that i know of. 16. Do you think I could kill someone? - no, not at all. 17. Describe me in one word. - beautiful 18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? - weaker, we never talk anymore. 19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? - yes, i talk too much, and you are a great listener 20. Are you going to put this on your Xanga and see what I say about you? - um, i already did.
from kibitzer :
That's a real good episode. Sad, very sad, but good. can't wait for more...!
from brokentryst :
Thanks for the hugs sweetheart:)
from brokentryst :
Don't worry, Im sure your great in bed! haha. sorry, wow so i cant really call you, cause the only time i can use the phone is after my parents go to bed. well, unless they are both at work, and then i can, but im already gonna be in trouble for the phone bill. haha. oh well. talk to you soon. love bradley
from talkingmoon :
Toward the bottom of the page, it has some good suggestions for astral projection. :D
from bunny46 :
thank you so much for being there to help me! That'd be awesome if you had little pamplets or stuff about being a veggie. It's hard, really hard. I've already cut our red meat and I do good with that, but now trying to cut out the rest is, wow, it's hard. Thank you so much!!!! mucha luv, summer
from toddbooboo :
Um.................Yeah. Put my on your buddy list..........please
from brokentryst :
I'm bored. You haven't posted in a while. hmmmmmmmmm. Well I miss talking to you. And I'm really bored. And this makes five in a row. I'm sorry. This will be the last one. I think. hahaha. love bradley
from brokentryst :
Four in a row! I am awesome.
from brokentryst :
I haven't talked to you in a while.
from brokentryst :
I want to talk to you.
from brokentryst :
well hello, im sorry i didnt call on your birthday. wow, some friend i am, eh? yep. ok well yeah i think i might call you sometime this week. unless you dont want to talk to me. if thats the case i wont call ya. hehe. alright thats really all i have to say. happy late birthday. ha. oh my i suck. and um yeah. i miss you even though i have never met you. thats wierd, but true. oh well. talk to you soon. Love Bradley
from princesjazmo :
look at me being a loser and signing my own notes. god, i'm bored
from talkingmoon :
If you talk to animals they will talk with you and you will know eachother. If you do not talk to them you will not know them and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. -Chief Dan George - I love that quote like I love taking a shit. We should get together again. Toodlatoots. Stephy
from myagi :
Oh my heavens...he is totally Bob Saget. Did you tell him?
from talkingmoon :
I tried to sign your guestbook, but it wasn't loading or something. Or maybe my message will magically appear later, but here's a link. It mentions crystals and everything. Toodlatoots.
from myagi :
Your guestbook sucks! Anyway, I love you. Labyrinth quote: "should you need us...for anything at all...just call." I miss you and would love to talk to you.
from sundance99 :
Hey Jazz, I am Calvin! I understand not wanting to talk, and I'm last person to push. I just wanted to let you know that listening is what I do best, and if you want to yack about anything, just lemme know. You can get my number from a multitude of people. Be happy! -Love, Me.
from myagi :
Oh my goodness--I laughed right out loud! My whole class turned and looked at me! So I read them the joke, and they just winked at each other knowingly...some people have no sense of classic comedy.
from talkingmoon :
Your guestbook doesn't work at 3:41am. Anywho, Jaz, I hope I see you today. I'll prolly be at school thursday or something. I'm sorry I'm not there in physics to jar your ear off. I'll be coming soon. So how's it been? Was monday a good day after a good weekend? How'd the card thing turn out? It was my brother that brought it to school. You should come over sometime and meet him. His flight leaves like eveningish. Well, we should do homework together or something and do some ouija. I've got lots and lots of questions. Toodlatoots.
from dachusa :
meats no treat for those you eat
from talkingmoon :
Seth was right. It is too late to paint my car. Or too dark. I could bring it in my garage and do it, but I still hear the creepy music outside. Creepy country music in the dark scares the pee out of me. Have a good night!
from talkingmoon :
Whatever Finny.... Anywho......the crisp bean burrito from Taco Time has 15 grams of protein. The 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell has 16 grams. Yay!
from littleafrob :
sorry for my poor spelling :(
from easychair :
I don't mean to come of as a creep or anything here, but I was looking at your profile and I noticed that you spelled Dave Grohl's name wrong... I only mention this because Dave is the man, and I mean absolutely no disrespect to you and yours. Thank you for your time. :D
from easychair :
No rush on the template, but thanks for doing it for me. You're swell!
from talkingmoon :
I don't mind you calling me "honey". Hehe. I'm glad I don't annoy to extremely bad in all the classes we're in together. Although I think you're lying *raises eyebrow*. If I do, just kill me with a tofu block. Tofu....mmmmmmm.... I'm glad we have our vegetarianism and love of drama to share. Toodlatoots. -Bean
from naima101 :
hey, youre right, i dont know who you are, but itd be cool to find out. whats your name?
from dipstitch :
I love unicorns..i mean, c''s like a horse with a seat on it's head..whats not to love?
from lezbian :
Just letting you know that I read your diary. Check mine out if you'd like :)
from xander :
Is this how it was intended??? The sunrise over smoke stacks in the Midwest. The beauty of this abandoned factory. Christmas ligths all blinking on and off all out of time in what used to be, your pink house dreams of a middle class America. I'm trying to believe in you but all these satelites and shattered dreams are blocking out my view. Please don't forget who you really are, 'cause nothing really matters when we're gone. Fell in love with his keno waitres, they honeymooned in memphis, they were married by the drive up window, trailer parks, neon lights, and an empty box of Lucky Strikes all used up on the dashboard of America. I'm trying to believe in you but this whole world sold it's soul for parking lots and drunk sincerity. Please don't forget how small we really are, cause nothing really matters when we're... You'll be saddened to know the train tracks you once walked as a young boy are now nothing but a graveyard. PLease don't forget how small we really are, nothing really matters when we're gone. I'm trying to believe in you.
from marieh :
i'm moving back to school next week so i'd like to clear all my waiting lists before i leave. if you want to be put into the empirelovers ring, please add the code to your rings and i'll add you before i go. thanks.
from drama-jack :
I found you Jazmo!!! Well now you can get onto my diaries and you can laugh your ass off. Thanks for the all the fun that we have had together and I hope we can do something this summer. Read my first Diary and tell me if you can guess who it is. Chao, drama-jack

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