messages to redheadgal:
(click here to add new message):

from soulfan24 :
Hey there! Found your page through the Foo Fighters ring. Stop by and say hey sometime. You're more than welcome. ~Hannah
from medievalgirl :
Hey!!! I havent talked to you in your screen name still rockawayelephant? Cause mine is now joy2daworld12...yep yep ok well Ill talk to ya later. Luv ya.
from tilt-a-whirl :
i'm on your favorites, so i thought id give you the username and password to my diary. yeah rock on. username: japanfloor. pw: seacow. it's an inside joke, don't ask. lol. thanks for reading!
from prodigy-girl :
just looking around :)
from rumblelizard :
I see you joined the oldskool punk diary ring. Kick ass, now you're one of the cool kids! (You'd be even cooler if you were one of the Party People, but that's up to you.) Definitely check out the OldSkoolPunk info page, there are a LOT of superbad old hardcore/punk bands listed. Every punk band today owes a huge debt to the bands listed there (and more.) Keep rockin, and I hope to see you again soon. :) - Lizard -
from ophelia315 :
Hey girl!! You are so awesome. You have such a wonderful heart and such a loving spirit. You're so original, too!! Now like, everyone in our DRAMA class has made their own diary because of you!! You're such a sweetheart, and i love ya, girl!! love, Amanda
from jenne1017 :
Sazon Goya! O Boya!
from tilt-a-whirl :
kick ass. lol. you updated your profile. i feel special.
from tilt-a-whirl :
hey hey. you are the first person (besides my friends) to list me as a favorite diary. rock on! i agree that shel silverstein is awesome, and i'm glad you're reading G.E. dickens does amazing work.
from esherril :
you have my name spelled wrong in your favorites its esherril not esherrill
from esherril :
Sorry if I offended you. I won't mention them again.
from esherril :
What happened to the other bunnies? Hope they are OK.

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