messages to sammygrl43:
(click here to add new message):

from goodluckgold :
from goodluckgold :
hey everyone who check this diary out, well this is sammy's new diary so yeah, click and enjoy, my dear friends!!!
from greenteacup :
Awh hahaha. You should totally come to England except the weather is really bad in comparison (I can imagine) and it's like insanely expensive because of the exchange rate. Completely worth it though :) by the way i love your new diary name :D hope all it welllll xxxx
from greenteacup :
hey lovely. please don't be sorry, it's not like that at all :) I'm good thanks though, how're you? and how's everything going? hope all is well xxxxx by the way you only live once. i say just go for it.
from greenteacup :
hii! it was lovely to hear from you in such a long time :). I reckon you should just go for it. Build it up by spending more and more time with him, even if it's just a couple of conversations a week. Go out of your way a couple of times to let him know how you feel. I hope it really works out and don't forget to tell me everything! Nah, I haven't heard of that band but I'll definitely look it up, thanks for telling me about them. Hope all is well! love xxxx
from trapezoid :
Nice to hear from another J&PS fan. I seem to be among the few who didn't hate the movie. And yes, I knew it was an Archie comics spin-off, and I used to watch the cartoon show as a kid. Didn't know about the Scooby Doo appearance though.
from uglypony :
grow up.
from uglypony :
you need to get your story right moron.
from uglypony :
do you not understand english, or are you just plain stupid? melia is clearly obsessed with me, not the other way around as stated in my last note. as for your other comments, i highly doubt in any position to judge me, you foolish little girl. well at least worth the laugh, allbeit in pity that i laugh at you. i would truely hate to be you.
from uglypony :
have you noticed melia is ALWAYS talking about me? clearly she.s obsessed with me.
from uglypony :
you are so lame.
from greenteacup :
Hey. Don't worry, you'll do really well in everything :] I promise. Aha, I hope everything's well. xxx
from greenteacup :
Haha, hi :] Yeah, I used to write under spirit-chick, but when I got a new username, i carried on using SC in the chat out of habit. Ohman, Green Day are amazing. There's nothing they can't do :]. Aha, good luck with everything. xx
from greenteacup :
hey, thanks for the note on spirit-chick. :] how're you? xx
from uglydove :
Life's not treating me too terribly bad so can't complain. Yeah, I've not been on chat much. I'm actually kind of giving it up. Hows things with you?
from new-ink :
heeeey! =] you good? just downloading music atm :D x
from melia5553 :
omg! guess what happened! uglyasspony {uglypony} cursed at me and she is uhhhh stupid and a he-she!!!!!!!!! well she just was all u love me and made fun of me like a 5 year old would. how do people deal w/ her? i donno either. its so gay how she thinks she can go around calling people bitches and stuff like that. well i just wanted to tell you that, leave me a note or something! ttys melia :-}
from gizmochik :
heyyyyy i got your message schools ok but i dont likie my teacher because hes the most unfar teacher i ever had and i m going 2 ask if the guy that i lioke if he wants 2 go out with me sometime c-ya
from melia5553 :
hey sammy! how you doin? go on chat soon kk? bye bye
from melia5553 :
hey its melia.. thanks for saying happy b-day! appriciate it. and no i don't like uglypony all that much.. she cursed at me lots a times! Sorry i haven't been on chat in a while... so busy! Talk to ya soon! :-}
from uglypony :
sad cow
from uglypony :
i.m sorry to break this to you, but you are wrong, i wasnt on chat i was knocked off and was waiting for my name to time out. if that.s so hard to understand, maybe you should seriously get some professional help. oh and one more thing, you have no chance of fucking me either, the thought just grosses me out, i have standards you know. so no more nasty sexual proposals thanks.
from uglypony :
fuck off. i wasn.t even on chat, i got knocked off and my name stayed on. but if i had been there i would have delighted in insulting your sorry ass because such a pathetic bitch, really.
from gizmochik :
heyyyyyyyyyyyy whats up sammy the chat is finally working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c-ya
from pikachu15 :
Hi I was just looking around and I saw your profile and I think ur cool. I like reading the clique series too and I play runescape. I also like The sister of the traveling pants book and movie and lena is my favorite character in the book too. How old r u?
from punkgirl12 :
hey i got ur message and thought to write u cuz haven't written to u in dayz well i hope he turns up well i am just gonna tell u his name : tre cute name well i kno he gonna turn up once my freind tell him to he thinks i am his "closest freind" i hope he say yes well he asked me out once which was like last month but we just kept quiet i should had made my move then he did his move . well chat is down so come on this leave a message or if i am own iwill chat just paste this on ur address bar . bye ig2g
from gizmochik :
hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whats up i am bored so i thought i should leave u a note ooo and u should go on runescape later i will be on and we will start a party your friend, gizmochik
from gizmochik :
hey!!!! sammy whats up the chat has been down 4 almost a month now i wounder whats wrong c-ya gizmochik
from gizmochik :
heyyyyyyy sammy the chats been down 4 awhile i wonder y i just wanted 2 remind u that i will not be over pastys at all this week because we r going 2 the shore on monday and then when we come back on thursday i will unpack and then friday i am going 2 c a movie so i dont know if i will make the meeting because this week my parents r off and my mom might want 2 go somewhere so most likely i wont make the meeting if the chats working c ya sammy
from clockworkcat :
uhm, hello, uh, i think chat is broken. ahem. so no club, i guess. ttyl x
from punkgirl12 :
hey got ur well our flight got cancelled so i am going tommorow well i tried gettin on chat its just not openin so ya u can chat on my cbox wit me read ur dairy too , well i g2g go so see ya i mite try getin on after 2 weeks.
from gizmochik :
i am not going 2 make the meeting today so its up 2 u 2 tell about the whole thing and if u cant make it let everybody a note or chat your friend , gizmochik
from firstgirlx1 :
Hey sammygrl43 a friend of my named spoonhtug on diaryland wants to join the club! If its ok with u just leave me a note! See u at the meeting! -Firstgirlx1
from firstgirlx1 :
Thanks a lot for the note I'll bee at ever meeting and I'm glad to be an ur club -Firstgirlx1
from mrali87 :
hiya, well you are the first person iever spoke to on the chat feature... makes you special to me forever :) hope you are well, we will have to chat again soon, c u 12.30 sat mayb
from gizmochik :
heyyyyyyyyyyy what up sammy i was bored when u werent around cant wait to see ya again your friend, gizmochik
from uglydove :
hey (= Just thought I'd say a quick hi. Hope your 4th was good, and the rest of summer goin even better. Oh, and thanks for the comment in your profile! Take care, dove.
from punkgirl12 :
i got ur messege well the fireworks here were cool infact i just had to look out the window my neighbors were doin it so yeah it was cool , how was ur's?
from punkgirl12 :
hey thnx for writing me !!!!!!!!! well any wayz she was not on chat when i came on give her the silent treatment too !!! me and her not talking so w/e hey change the name of my diary in ur profile it's "punkgirl12" if u change it u will be linked with my page . so yeah rite back bye , goodnite . - punkgirl12
from uglydove :
lol its not a problem. are you sure you have the right person? im sorry but i dont remember seeing you in the chat room, unless you were under another username i dont know of. take care. dove.
from uglydove :
lol i did reply back. look below (:
from uglydove :
greetings. yea...i've been here for a long time, i know how things work lol. i have to ask though, why the interest in me? well, i'll see about reading your diary later, when i get my computer with internet again, until kinda lost, really. awright, take care. dove.
from uglydove :
hye, ya i think i remember you. its been a long time tho, kinda surprised you remembered my name. its a bummer the chat is down otherwise that would be easier, but ah well. tc laters :)

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