messages to sarahcraik:
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from lifeisabrick :
hey your means your as in a possessive pronoun and you're means you are. DUMBASS
from celtic-roze :
Hi Thanks for leaving me a note, life has only been slightly dull, but I make sure its never boring. I hope you get that job you applied for. Good luck!
from swimmmer72 :
you are right, sarah. not everyone is a hypocrite, and there will ALWAYS BE hope. let me take it a step further - i do believe that the upcoming year will be a good one, for myself, and for many others. that things will work out. because they must. that there are things to work on, issues to deal with, but it will get done, and life will go on, because that is just the way it is. so much for leaving a short note, huh. thanx for your continued comments and your supportive attitude. it is nice having you around. :)
from swimmmer72 :
yes, sarah, not to be scary, but i am all about obscure. that's the bad news. the good news is that virtually NONE of it has anything to do with 18th OR 19th century ANYTHING. i'm a current events guy whose obscurity is mostly defined by vague wonderings by others, such as, "what the hell is steve up to now?" and "what the hell is he THINKING?" that sort of thing. hopefully, i have the good similarities and not the bad ones as i try to redeem the good name of...well, you know... :)
from celtic-roze :
After reading all of your entries I couldn't resist replying. (Or adding you as a favorite) I agree completely mental stimulation is a very important factor. My friend to is sadly misguided. His girlfriend is void of anything remotely resembling intelligence. I hope we can talk again, I enjoyed discussing our problem with creatures.

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