messages to seka:
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from melpomene03 :
Why would you like to visit Frida Kahlo's home?
from kimmikers :
How come I always feel that I'm being shafted when reading your comments about me?
from crazymilkman :
happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!
from kimmikers :
Yeah Rolling Stones.
from solarlab :
i hope you have an amaing new year. did YOU travel to beijing or did th lucky V*vian, your soon to be...?
from msdezine :
how come you don't have a guestbook set up?
from kimmikers :
l-a-m-e. :-P
from kimmikers :
Where's my new comment? Damn Canadians!
from kimmikers :
Oohh, comment pending. I'm perplexed....
from solarlab :
hey, i'm no slut. have faith, there are some a m a z i n g women. especially here in san francisco. thanks for finding me.
from kimmikers :
"...over-inflated sense of self-importance." Mwahaha. I thought it said "self-impotence".
from msdezine :
"We're born, we fuck and we die, in a never-ending, pointless existence." I love cracked me up because it's so blunt. :) I couldn't help myself but to add that to my buddylist under your name. My mom called the other day and told me not to let mosquitos bit me because I might get the West Nile Virus. Heh. I think I'm going to write about that. That's another funny one from my mom. How come you don't have a guestbook set up? Is this you, Keith?
from kimmikers :
Coffee? Bookstores? Toronto? Give me more! ;-)
from declination :
now that is a good coffee table book, outbeats my pinball machine ones. pictures of bridges. you could make your own book!

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