messages to shadie:
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from pushed-over :
i like your layout. :)
from forgotentoi :
Hey Shadie! I noticed your diary was locked there for a while, guess it's not now. But mine is. I had to change over because some guy from school found it. You can find me at now. =D Take Care!
from breezip :
Thanks for taking my survey! I liked your answers--and you have a lovely diary. --Bree
from forgotentoi :
I like the new layout. I'm just dropping ya a note to say I still read. ^^ Take care.
from justbeth :
whats happened to your diary!??
from becky48 :
Hello Shadie, I'm in the UK, possibly the oldest diaryland member (though not THAT old) and liked your profile a lot.
from reinared :
Hi, thank you so much for your note - I love to make new friends - feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] so we can talk a bit more!
from sweet-as :
Yeah WITT can suck at times...actually a lot of the time. But for some reason people still want to go there. Go figure. I had to help out at that open day on thursday. It was a huge waste of time. All the kids want to do hair dressing and beuty therapy. Maybe that's what I should consider doing as a career! Seems to be the way to go. haha. I don't think so! New Plymouth isn't *that* bad. I manage to put up with it not too badly. Eventually you'll find something to do.
from sweet-as :
I'm actually at tech too...that is if you're talking about WITT! I'm doing my certifcate in business administration. Fun stuff for sure (note the sarcasm there). It keeps me busy and somewhat entertained, so it's not *all* that bad. Just looking for things to do to push me in the direction I want to go in life...which right now I have *no* idea what that direction might be!
from sweet-as :
hey, i just saw your note in bellamante's diary and noticed you're from New Plymouth. I am also from New Plymouth, originally from Canada. Just thought I'd say hello to a fellow Naki girl!
from bellamante :
Hehe, yeah, sorry about the novel thing. I tend to leave long ones sometimes. But nothing like Natedogcool's notes. Yeah, I used to live in Christchurch when I was little (like Kindergarden). The most beautiful country I've been to.
from bellamante :
Ok, so I kind of mixed up a little with another kiwi's diary. I don't know that you're from the states, so please disregard that statement. Sorry about that!!
from bellamante :
Of course that poem owns!! Where are you from in the states? (If you don't mind my asking). What other poetry do you like? I'm an avid reader and music conniseur (I never can spell that dang word right). I'm a music major, and almost went to university at Cantebury in Christchurch, on the south island. What part of New Zealand do you live in?
from bellamante :
Hey! I stumbled upon your diary and saw that you live in New Zealand so I decided to "note you." I used to live in New Zealand, but now I'm in the States, and I LOVE photography!
from clauren :
Hey. Thanks for answering boredombliss survey. I am def. going to have to check out that website that you put down. Thanks again....

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