messages to sinslaidbare:
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from dinosaurorgy :
Ah, there's nothing quite so sexual as a tease.. all this suspenseful waiting is almost a nonsexual equivalent to teasing -- we wait, humbled, and in awe -- when shall we again hear from our mighty sex-advice gods?! Cliffhanger!
from dinosaurorgy :
Today is the official 69th day of no updates.. I am sad, but amused by the particular number. (What are you guys working on??! Super-sexual research....)
from hissandtell :
Hello - I only just realised that, although I drop in to visit you periodically to see if you've updated, I haven't actually replied to your lovely note from, oh, weeks ago. Thanks so much for the kind words and for reading me - your writing is fascinating and clever, and I truly look forward to reading (and learning) more. Love, R xxx
from dinosaurorgy :
Thank you :)
from grt8f84me :
OMG...How are you goiing to catch my attention with that last entry, and then not add anything else? Dude, you left me hanging! Grrrr! Hope to see something new...I guess for now I'll just go back and read your previous entries. ;)
from grt8f84me :
Just wanted to let you know I have added you to my buddy list. Found it through Secondlove's diary. You got me with the booty-sex entry! Good research!
from dinosaurorgy :
Haha - thanks. (Yeah, something tells me that a lot of people that shop at Canadian Tire shop at Tim Horton's, as well.)
from dinosaurorgy :
Oh yes, Canadian Tire still doles out fake money instead of change.
from pantypulldwn :
thanks for the note, we should chat some time
from dinosaurorgy :
Aw, long time no update!
from whystinger :
Saw the banner and took a look. Very interesting.
from dinosaurorgy :
"The Brothers Grim" was okay, nothing to complain about. It has a happy "everyone wins" sort of ending. I'd say go ahead, go see it.
from dinosaurorgy :
As far as I know, the blocker is called "Telus Parental Controls" or something. Whatever it is is provided by Telus.
from dinosaurorgy :
I think that there should be a special kind of torture for people who drop by unexpectedly.. and for people who phone at stupid hours.
from jaxraven :
*grin* My thanks for the fuzzies; in the basement here which is where the laptop usually ends up even the cell modem won't work half the time. >.< Fuzzies are good. Hope your Other Half arrives back safely and with interesting stories to tell.
from dinosaurorgy :
Ooo.. penises. You could talk about the pros and cons of circumscision or something. (Actually, I personally feel a bit like a resident expert of coolness having a username such as mine. It's always fun to have a resident expert of coolness associated with something cool, it's almost as awesome as free credit.)
from dinosaurorgy :
Aw, thanks :P
from penmaster :
well, i wasn't kidding when i said that your diary is a godsend. i am going to be filing away all that advice for use one of these days. =)
from dinosaurorgy :
You're welcome, I can't wait to see what'll be in your future entries :D
from dinosaurorgy :
(I hate to sound like an echo of a lot of your previous messages, but) for 4 entries, your journal is off to a roaring start! (I predict a mad frenzy of fandom heading your way real soon....)
from quachy :
you're pretty cool. i'm diggin what you're writing
from annih :
i'm think i'm in love! you two are amazing - keep it up ...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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