messages to slobber:
(click here to add new message):

from ferrill :
hey i love le tigre too, add me as yr buddy please? i need some, thank you cum by my diary anytime!
from hamiltonian :
from rice-milk :
thank fuck tipping isnt common in australia. i need every damn cent in my pocket. great read gorgeous, keep it up.
from candoor :
enjoyed my wandering around your site...
from devilstear :
Well, that messed up big time, just check out darkoverlord's diary. :-D
from devilstear :
*shameless self-promoting* Hey, check out Meredith's & Jessica's <a href="">diary of awesome adventures</a>, because the DarkOverlord commands it so! :-)
from tool-nin-fan :
thats freaky strange about that girl with the customer service problems
from bleedingkeys :
hey, i've just joined your beethoven and rachmaninoff diary rings, and i was thinking; it would be cool to have a chopin diary ring, too. while i can play the third movement of the pathetique almost from memory without any mistakes, and i've worked on prelude op. 23 no. 5 of rachmaninoff, i also think that chopin is superb with his many glorious nocturns, preludes, mazurkas, and his famous ballade op, 23. please take this into consideration.
from lestat82 :
Hi,I wanted to let u know that I just joined your Baudelaire ring :) Talk soon!!!
from wacchick :
I didn't know it was possible that i haven't left you a note yet. jatka. i always head straight to the guestbook. my brother is sleepy, bte
from be-my-heroin :
totally. all my children owns. <3
from paxus :
Thank you for the gracious review! I am flattered that you found my diary at likable as you did. I will definitly take your advice into consideration and see what I can do to get that 'A'. :) Thanks again! -Justin
from iwish :
yes, i got hail to the thief and think its very good stuff.
from punkmesuper :
Lucky. So where are you now that you're not in good ol' Reiestersburg?
from punkmesuper :
Heyya, nah I haven't been to Ever Fresh lately. Hehe, is that where you work? Wanna hook me up with job? :P
from meeyapede :
Thanks for stopping by- maybe if you tried again later you'd find me more interesting/amusing (maybe not).Anyhoo, yr site is quite attractive- good look or yr hunt for quality & enjoy the rest of yr Sunday. -JL
from windysunday :
Oh, yes...I like Nine Inch Nails, too.
from windysunday :
You actually seem quite intelligent. A rare and rather alarming event. I appreciate what you have listed as your favorite books in your profile, Slobber. I find myself apt to assume that the only author anybody reads now is Ann Rice.
from doolitt :
Get out the way.
from slobber :
it'sa pathetica that no one a lefta me a message-a!

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