messages to snoopy1904:
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from xaffinityx :
Thank You. I appreciate the note. Relationships can be very hard and i'm sure the single life is great. But he and i have been through a lot, i've chosen to stay with him because of so much more than the mistakes he's made. keep in touch. and take care.
from cheekyash :
it was nice to see that you're back. well done on telling somebody something, even if it seems like the biggest mistake of your life, at least you can always say you tried. take care
from cheekyash :
hey darlin, hope your well. congrats on passing the exams. and sorry about your baby dog, i know it sounds careless, but it's all i can think to say. i'm glad you're feeling a bit better. really just hope you're happy. sweet dreams ♥♥♥
from cheekyash :
it doesn't really matter, because i've forced the world to let me come back sooner than i was supposed to. but i won't be back all the time, not yet anyway.
from jsd30 :
I haven't gotten a chance to look at your thoughts and words, but I will. Thanks for looking at mine. I'll update the state of things shortly.
from cheekyash :
there's not much more about me than what you'll read, even if it does seem abstract or totally meaningless. but if you want to know anything, ask away i guess. in such a strange mood, i'm actually smiling. began the most important exams in my life today and really should not feel this good... but i do. strange. anyway, thanks for your note. hope you're taking care of yourself x
from cheekyash :
a random message from a random stranger sometimes can seem to have all the power in the world. that's why i leave them, all over the place in fact :) thanks for the acknowledgement darlin. hope you're alright ♥
from cheekyash :
there's nothing selfish about wanting somebody to really see you, it'd be nice for a change ♥

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