messages to sopranochick:
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from honstyzbrutl :
Just wanted to let you know your review is done.
from candoor :
merry happy new year :)
from lemonbar77 :
I would like to remind you that only theatre sends me to the hospital! No broken bones until theatre. Only one ER trip in my life before theatre. No surgeries until theatre. I'm like Superman and the stage is my kryptonite.
from gwumpysmurf :
i think ms. dunst can go both ways geek-wise is because she was totally smitten for spiderman who was really super-nerd.
from lemonbar77 :
You will get to see the comic when the site coopperates with me. Right now I'm having assigned password issues.
from lemonbar77 :
Germie has been a fan of the little monkey and sheep for a while. I did the same thing of going back to the start and reading each one. Mr. Monkey (I know that's not his name, he just makes me call him that) is probably one of my favourite comic characters. Love him and his giraffe.
from theatrbee :
Viva La Affle House!
from lemonbar77 :
Okay, can't believe in your choices of stations you did't add 104.9 You know: cien quatro punto nueve! La Mejor! *sigh* I loved that station.
from lemonbar77 :
heehee.. thanks for the cartoon dedication. It's hilarious. I read it like 4 times in a row just to keep laughing. Look at his little face! "He's got the heart of a champion!"
from lemonbar77 :
I don't get the thing about the third pet... the cocker spaniel. Did I miss something?
from theatrbee :
Don't get a hair cut. Because i said so, that's why.
from purplebanana :
My wife was told she couldn't shave her head because of her mother's wedding, and she never bothered to do it afterwards. Weddings and hair - covering up one scalp at a time.
from theatrbee :
I love the sombrero.
from stats01 :
from lemonbar77 :
I think Carr!e forgot to tell me about the dream. ;)
from lemonbar77 :
I. Love. The. Container. Store.
from theatrbee :
I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I FORGOT TO SET UP A TAPE FOR WHEEL OF FORTUNE!!! I might have to have you send me a copy. Just for a good laugh. Yeah, we all know he'll look gay. It's genetic.
from theatrbee :
OH MY! I'm sorry about your beautiful yellow car!!! But i'm glad you are O.K.... ACTUALLY, i'm glad it was you and not me. I'm under 5 feet tall. That airbag would have killed me! Get better. Heal soon.
from swimelmo86 :
HI DENISE... that's all i really have to say. and that i'm glad i get to see you soon.
from soulstrong :
I added you and am leaving you a note just so you know you have a nut reading your diary. (Because it is oh so important to your life to have the approval of a total macadamia!)You made me laugh. ~Letti
from theatrbee :
I was not inferring that "conversation interruptus" was a northern trait. It is the things that she'll say that have the yankee way of expressing them. Fortunate for you, you don't do this, but most do. Like the time Kim said to kelly, "i think you have such a hard time losing weight because you are apple-shaped". No self-respecting southern woman would have said that to another without expecting to receieve a black eye in return.
from lemonbar77 :
ok, the "Look, I found a quarter" line? yeah, I laughed so hard outloud (because it is SO HER!) that I started choking!
from no-yes-maybe :
awesome banner, I am loving cookies!
from misstress :
I found your diary through your banner, how could I not click on a giant cookie? It was excellent, all 14 entries. I have now added you as a favourite, so that I too may keep reading. Ciao!
from rebels4ever :
Huzzah! The first person to write you a note! ^_^ I found your diary by looking for people who like to read Ann Rinaldi's books. I love her books! She's the best when it comes to historical fiction! What's your favorite book of hers? Mine is The Second Bend in the River. I've only read The Magician's Nephew as far as C.S. Lewis is concerned. It was really great. And I want a cookie too! lol A big chocolate chip cookie like the one you have on your layout. Keep writin' and I'll keep reading. ^_^

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