messages to spacegirl:
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from towelphaser :
yup! that's my bass, my sweet sweet bass. it's my thing. i read about the cornelius show, i was pretty sad they never came to toronto.
from towelphaser :
your guestbook won't let me message you twice, apparently. so here you go. oh, an your artwork KICKS ASS. i can't believe i haven't seen it sooner. i missed the "art" link i guess. DAMN YOU AND YOUR TINY FONTS!!! okay, i'll go for real this time, i plomise.
from kstarr :
hi hippy.
from judawg :
i can't believe you named your cat emo. that kills me.
from kstarr :
you have a banner!! bannaaaarrr. i saw it and clicked on it post-haste, cos for a second i was worried somebody was trying to be you and we all know [come on, we all do] that there is really only one you - and even though it is very cliche and running on humour from a year and a bit ago [we sort of need new material] i have a pom pom lodged in my eye and ohboy it burns.
from ayche :
illian fantabulous...check out my droppings im sure youll find them as obscure as ever
from tage :
I wish I was asexual. I even wote a song about it called "iwanna be asexual"
from darcyargue :
thanks fer joining the radio-sucks ring.
from drachnchic :
i love you more, kid. i am wearing argyle socks today and when i put them on i thought of you and the puzzling times we had :*(
from kstarr :
hgtffsfduf\!!! hiiiiiiiiiiiiii from montreal. hwuysgtfiusf xox.
from kstarr :
bling blang blong blang blik. <3
from towelphaser :
it's too early in the mornig to think. muuaaaahhh...
from towelphaser :
oh yeah and hi
from towelphaser :
are you me, but a girl??? hope not, cuz two of me would suck. cornelius and sigur ros kick my ass!
from arborwin :
Let's get caught passing notes and blame it on society.

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