messages to speak-out:
(click here to add new message):

from chuffnutt :
I took you off my list mostly because I cleared my entire profile. I can come to my notes, see the one you left and access you through that. I still read you though. Happy New Year!
from barbie-pink :
hi sorry guys i dont know how to leave a post.. i was just wondering if someone could tell me.. many thanks x
from chuffnutt :
Isn't it ironic how the ones who inflicted the pain can easily carry on while those of us are tortured, analysing the incident end up sifting through it and putting our lives on hold to detangle ourselves from the mess dumped on us? Must be great to be a perpetrator. You can get away with rape it seems.
from chuffnutt :
I made an entry that has too large a font; erase that one because I made another entry with a regular font that works. You'll see which one I mean.
from forty-plus :
To the author of "Children:" Your future child should never be left alone with your F-I-L. Never. Don't think that he is not abusing the other grandchildren. Predators never stop until they are dead. M-I-L should only visit with your child at your house with the strict understanding F-I-L is NOT to come over without you there (if ever at all). If you bring a child into the world, it is your life's career to keep that child safe from harm, known and unknown. No excuses! Good luck.
from chuffnutt :
I bought the latest issue of "Utne Reader" that had an article about a woman's account of being violated. Has anyone else read it? It sets off triggers when I try to, but what I did read was scary and disturbing. She was pretty brave to describe the incident.
from barbie-pink :
thats cool, i would have only added a note, but i was a bit slow on the whole comment thing.. and messed it up again, sorry...
from wanting-kind :
hey, I just read your note, yeah would you please change still-i-rise to wanting-kind. that would be cool thanks. Hope you're ok, it's a long time since I've been to speak-out. xox
from xgrapefruitx :
its a shame you are leaving your diary. i hope everything works out for you. i think your diary is a great idea, and i admire you for doing it. i think its good that people can say what has happened as it happens far more often then we would like. if you decide to make another diary, could you please tell me it as i would like to find out how things are going with you! this note sounds way too posh for me! bye, and thanks, xxx
from chuffnutt :
Will you ever create a survey? I think it would be a great idea.
from kinda-boring :
I just thought I'd let you know that I think that it's really cool that there's a place for rape survivours to share/ vent/ whatever. I'm nto a survivour myself (though there's some some stuff with my dad, but that's not rape), but rape/ incest/ abuse has affected the lives of many many people I know and basiclly I think what you're doing is great. Lauren.
from chuffnutt :
I was searching the "Meetup" page and found this:<a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>. Maybe add it to the "links" page.
from chuffnutt :
I saw your page on a wider screen weeks ago. The page looks much better that way, yet it still looks cramped. I'm glad this diary is up though. I wonder how vulnerable this diary is to others who'll abuse it and make ill use of it? May this place forever be a safe place as long as it's up. My own diary would have too much of my emotionally-damaged entries up. I haven't thanked you enough.
from chuffnutt :
I managed to put your button on my page.
from nihilistbear :
Hi I would like to edit my entry al little; is that possible? Alice
from anaz-gurl :
i like this page
from nihilistbear :
Hi I just posted in this diary; it's called "Freedom Is Only For The Perpetrator". Thanks so much for this diary Alice
from rainy-daze- :
brilliant site
from wowyzowy :
oh wait, i did sign the guestbook! :P hehe
from wowyzowy :
oops sorry! :o
from chuffnutt :
Someone made a post that didn't belong there. They should've signed the guest book or left a note, but posting it on the main page made it look frivolous.
from i-am-undone :
i wish i had the courage to speak out..but i dont...[[ maybe someday I will...]]
from chuffnutt :
I should explain more. I went to put in an entry, and above the writing space, I was informed that my username and IP number was being used for this entry, then displayed it. I'd never seen that before, and thought it was a new thing with public diaries or something. I've put my name up anyway, so I didn't see why I was made aware of the notice. Is there an info banner on you when you post, or am I the only one? I'm confused too.
from chuffnutt :
For the first time, I've been informed that my username and IP number was being put up. Have others been abusing this, or have I done something wrong?
from inkdragon :
I made my first entry today. I also tried to get to the e-mail, but I need a password. I would like to be updated on changes and whatever. Thanks so much for creating this site. I don't know why, but my whole body is shaking right now. Interesting.
from chuffnutt :
I meant to put %%diary_chuffnutt%%, but instead it's diaryland and I can't access the edit/delete section. Will you correct it for me, please? Thank you in advance!
from galprodi :
Hey, sweet dland diary. I was wondering how I could post a poem I wrote... perhaps I'm being dumb and not seeing the link on the site. but yeah. :) thanks!
from chuffnutt :
I wrote a piece that sounded hostile. Did I cross a line?
from a-splinter :
Summer -- Thank you for your kind words and for linking my entry on the index page. I appreciate it. Take care.
from whalespawn69 :
hello everyone, i'm under my bf's d-land name but this is kikgirl aka xxmizeryxx. i need your help. drop me a line at my kikgirl page. please.
from dcalien :
Summer, I am finally getting the button put on my diary tonight. I would have sooner if I could. -dave
from dcalien :
Summer, speak out is just great looking. You did a nice job. I have read through most of the links. Not the entries yet though. Thank you so much for telling me about it. I remember you talking about doing it and I hoped you would though I am sure it is a lot of work. -dave
from cheshireluci :
Summer, I'm glad I read your diary and found Speak-Out before I sent my email. ;) I think it looks good! Thank you for making me feel special with your words you sent me! I love this line: "Life seemed to stop and take a breath." what is that called? anthropomorphism, i think. beautiful!
from silly321 :
it looks good!!!!!

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