messages to squirrelrat:
(click here to add new message):

from grimm0826 :
Okay, never mind that last note...the Grimm One is back on Diaryland. I'll be catching up on my reading soon, and will be lurking - er, looking - around your page...hope that's okay. Regards!
from grimm0826 :
I remember a friend names you remember the Grimm One??? I was just here, packing my bags to move to, when I noticed someone from my eight-year-out-of-date buddy list had updated. And I thought everyone was gone! At any rate...good to see you're still here, whether you remember me or not. If you'd like to come see me at my new page, it's Take care!
from rebeckajane :
Hey girlie, I was trying to get into my email to write to you and Mark to see how your trip to Florida was and how you both are but am having troubles logging in. My trip has been postponed for the 3rd time now due to medical and court reasons. So now I am in going in September. I hope you guys are well. (oh I have moved again, had trouble with the old blog) Hugs to you both.
from mskindasorta :
Hey girlie, I hope you and Mark are well and happy. I've left diaryland and moved to Hugs to you both xo
from neeeeek :
Cool idea, cool page... just cool. But I like the plants too, they have a soul as well, just can't tell. Don't deliberately hurt plants either.. it's simply consequent.
from sixweasels :
These photos are great! I especially like the 3rd one - you have a mischievous glint in your eyes and an "I have a secret" smile. I'll bet Dragon loves these : ).
from ava-reborn :
Beautiful!! Absolutely beautiful!! Inside and out!!
from nightdragon :
Hon, you cannot trust a tabloid like The Daily Mirror. Tabloids are sensationalist, like the Daily Star or The Sun. I like the Sun's editorial point-of-view, but even they are crap at delivering quality news. All these tabloids exist just to stir up the punters with sub-par educations and no sense of history. Which is why they sell so much, because there are a lot of people with poor educations out there that could not even hope to understand papers like The Times or The Guardian (and The Guardian may be a complete rag editorial-wise, but at least it is intelligent).
from ava-reborn :
Oh god, I'm so sorry you had to go through that! How horrible! But I'm glad you're all safe and that nothing more was taken.
from sixweasels :
I'm sorry to hear about Fudge. I'm glad she got to share her life with you and Mark.
from sixweasels :
I hope Fudge is home and well soon!
from rebeckajane :
Hi girlie, it's Becka. Just letting you know I've moved (i know i know, again lol) there's a good reason though which you can read about in the entry called "Drops of Jupiter"..I appreciate the fact you and mark always follow me and I hope you will again :) hugs n mushies
from ava-reborn :
I'm glad things are ok!!! But for him to do the whole "she's hormonal and on her period" crap is worth a severe slap!!! What an arse!!!!!!!
from ava-reborn :
Oh sweetheart, I'm so so sorry!! *hugs*
from ava-reborn :
Oh sweetheart, I'm so so sorry!! *hugs*
from ava-reborn :
Lewes is lovely. They have a fabulous festival on Guy Fawkes Night where people dress up and walk through the streets with torches (the fire sort!) There is a huge bonfire and firework display. It's a real community thing and everyone seems to take part.
from ava-reborn :
I completely agree!!!! Surely getting half of belongings and legal rights etc are benefits of getting married!! They're taking away the main reason for getting married. As most people ehre aren't religious, that isn't a common reason for marriage. So the main reason is for the legality of it. If you have the same entitlements just living together, there's little point in marriage!! It's ridiculous!!
from ava-reborn :
Oh wow!! You put that soooo well!!! You summed it up perfectly!!! I completely share your view and couldn't have put it better!! By the way, I loved that photo of ratty shopping!!! So did K!!!
from katanabright :
01.19.2006 - January blues..Well, press on regardless, then :o) On your world-jaunts, do you take the little ones along? And if you go to Cayman Islands, see if the post office from Hell is stil there; everyone used to want their photo taken beside it. My wife's paternal great-great grandfather went there when he was a youth and lived there his whole life. They used to joke that we must be related to most of the islanders by now. Best to you, and happy for Mark having a good job now!
from andsomedays :
tried to write in your guestbook but because i had just signed marks i couldn't do yours..just wanted to wish you a very happy new year and so sorry to hear about summer..take care xo becka
from katanabright :
12.30.2005 HI - I am so sorry; I just learned of your loss, and know there is nothing to be said that will help. But as I did mention in NDs notes, Summer could not have had a more loving and compassionate family or better home if she had been born to royalty or to the wealthiest people in the world. And she KNEW how you loved her. You know that part of my ancestry is Native American; many of the northeastern and woodland tribes in ages past called animals 'four legged people, finned people, and winged people'; they were understood to be part of the family of all created beings. And so it is. I hope that all of your family will be OK...two legged and four. MY condolences. j
from ava-reborn :
I'm so sorry to hear about Summer!!What a horrid time for it to happen too! Give Autumn an extra cuddle from me! I know how much she'll miss her little friend. *hugs*
from katanabright :
11.11.05 HI my friend - enjoyed you latest post re: strong women; I do think most men want to treat a woman as an equal, perhaps not if the word 'assertive' means 'overbearing', but otherwise. Then again, there IS something to be said for a lady who looks nice in those black leather outfits with the boots and riding crops and all. :o) Just kidding. Couldn't pass up the chance to get that one in. Hope you and ND and the little ones are all well... j
from sunnflower :
Glad you had a happy anniversary! We have red foxes that trot through our yard sometimes. It's fascinating.
from katanabright :
Good to see your words and thanks for sharing the Adventure of the Red Marauder...the squirrel, that is. I give Mark extra credit for actually waking up at that hour of the morning instead of saying'Mmm hmmfff" and flopping back to his pillow. Can I be the first to congratulate you two? Seven years! God bless you. May all the years ahead grow brighter and warmer in your marriage and your friendship. That is my wish for you. Backing out for now with heartfelt wishes for your peace, joy and blessing. - j -
from ava-reborn :
I have to agree, Johnny Depp seems very self-effacing. He's a great talent but so un-celebrity!!
from katanabright :
Dearest S - I know you may not want to be online for a bit, but as I've already written to MEM, wanted to also remind you that you & all our British cousins are in my thoughts and prayers; my sympathies to all who have lost loved ones in the cowardly islamic attacks, but I am glad that you & the little ones are OK & hope your friends and loved ones are too. peace and blessing to you all, j (katana)
from ava-reborn :
Oxford is cool isn't it! Growing up, we had a boat on the Thames, on which we went on holiday every year, as well as odd weekends. Oxford was our regular haunt! I have very fond memories and some awesome photos. It's a beautiful place, so full of history. Glad you enjoyed it.
from sixweasels :
That photo of Lake Michigan brought back fond memories of our trip to Chicago in September and made me want to go back!
from livefan91200 :
egads, hope everything is alright... all my love and prayers for you both... pass the word, s'il te plait! L'amour toujours ~LP
from livefan91200 :
Wow, I thought you two stayed closer to the city rather than the 'burbs... I was in Elmhurst not too long ago at the college for a jazz festival... good times tho... glad you two enjoyed yourselves... and those kitties must have been adorable! *sigh* L'amour toujours ~LP
from sixweasels :
Hi - I was reading one of my favorite journals here tonight and it made me think of you. Her name is teacherlady2, and she's a rattie afficionado, which is what made me think of you. She's doing some rat craftwork and posted pictures, and I thought you might enjoy them. Happy spring!
from avalonte :
Glad you're feeling better. That photo is soooooo adorable!!!
from avalonte :
AWWWWWWWWW!!!! I want one too!!!!!!!
from avalonte :
That's revolting! What the hell is wrong with people? Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard about that.
from avalonte :
By the way, in your letters, make sure you emphasise the bad service and communication! (restaurant, lack of hot water, and manager!) I doubt you'll get any joy from complaining about the closure of the leisure facilities! You'll find somewhere in the small print that they cannot be held responsible for the closure or availability of certain facilities! I had the same problem with Center Parcs! They're crafty and slimey these places!! So do emphasise your dissatisfaction with their general and customer service! Fingers crossed!! And happy new year to you both!! xx
from avalonte :
Unbelievable! That's horrendous! Make sure you do send a written complaint! Is it part of a chain? Make sure you write to the chairman of the company as well as the manager of the hotel itself! You deserve at least half your money back! Keep us informed! Good luck!
from avalonte :
*sings* "Skippy..... Skippy...... Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Skippy....Skippy.... Skippy your friend ever true!" Classic!!
from avalonte :
Wow! That's impressive. I've always hated the French, but they have suddenly soared in my estimation!! Thanks for sharing that!
from avalonte :
I just wish I could have had the strength of will to kill it. I know that would have been kinder in the long run. But I just couldn't bring myself to do that. And even if I'd tried, I'd have been reluctant, which wouldn't have done the job and he would've ended up just being injured! One person actually criticised me for not putting him out of his misery, so thank you so much for your words! It makes me feel less guilty!
from avalonte :
Hi. Please can I ask you a favour? One of my favourite diarists has trouble with his poorly rat and would like some advice. Please could you read his entry and see if you're able to help? Thank you so much!
from katanabright :
<^> CONGRATULATIONS !!!<^> The two babies are SO beautiful!!! I am happy for you. May they live long and blessed lives - and thanks for sharing the good news. - j -
from livefan91200 :
Many sympathies and all my love and prayers to you and ND. L'amour toujours ~LP
from avalonte :
I am so sorry to hear about Sky! I know how much you adored her! I'm so sad for you. *hugs*
from livefan91200 :
awesome story! Love those kind of encounters! I had a few similar ones as a child, since I lived by a few acres of woods... but just deer and the like... still an amazing experience. L'amour toujours ~LP
from avalonte :
It's a great bill. But is only a proposal. It's just a draft bill. Let's hope that it all gets passed and made law!
from avalonte :
I'm with you. I don't see how his death will bring about anything positive. I can however, see it causing a negative effect. Like you say, the extremists and fanatics will still be there and by killing Saddam we are handing them a martyr to worship. A withered, sad and pathetic looking old man locked in a prison cell is less likely to inspire hero worship than a dead legend!
from avalonte :
I couldn't agree more!!! If our beloved pets are in excrutiating pain or suffering the discomfort and indignity of a degenerative illness we have them put to sleep because we love them so much and say it's "the kindest thing to do!" So why don't we show the same kindness and respect to our fellow humans?!!
from avalonte :
Good points. I completely agree about the NHS. I can't understand anyone who advocates getting rid of free health care. Anyway, hope you had a good weekend!
from sunnflower :
I always enjoyed Duran Duran too. Don't worry - the kids will be listening to their tunes in no time. Every time I turn around my kids are listening to Talk Talk covers or something that I blasted on the radio about 25 years ago. Wierd! Anyway, I think you should put your DLand Vote button up higher - like maybe to the side - so that people will see it and remember to click it. I always enjoy your diary by the way.
from ruthiebat :
Actually this is Dr. Bruce... My condolences about poor Luna. On a brighter note, I'm glad that "the boys" are Red Sox fans, and reading that actually perked up my day. Thanks!
from ruthiebat :
I just wanted to let you know I am so, so sorry about Luna. I'm giving you a hug in my thoughts.
from andsomedays :
hia..i tried to sign your guestbook but it wouldnt let be because i had just signed marks..just wanted to say sorry about your lil pet dying.. hugss
from ruthiebat :
Ooooooooh!!! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! Those are the cutest pictures!! I am swooning!! I love Mollie's feet - she has those wonderful big bunny feet just like my Miss Bunny!! Soooooooocute!! And those little ratties!! Makes me want to go out and get one and feed it cake!
from after-it-all :
thats okay, i completely forgotten that i had left a note. i live in seattle right now, we are here in the states for good, well thats the plan at the moment, i think we might move to california though. where abouts do you live?
from tokcocktok :
I'm thinking of doing so too, but I'm not all that sure if I can take it. Boo hoo.
from ruthiebat :
Oh, poor Luna! The bunnies send their very best get well wishes! And speaking of bunnies - it's not just the lops that get dirty bottoms! I actually had a loooooong talk with our vet about it and he says some rabbits just have dirty rear ends! Loki is spotless. Miss Bunny - you don't want to know!! Alvin says it is related to not eating their cecal pellets (due to overabundance of nutrients) and so we've tweaked their food regimen a bit and currently she has been pretty clean for about a year now. I stopped feeding pellets and am now just feeding fresh veggies (two cups a day) and free feeding Timothy hay. And I go easy on the carrots which seem to make it worse. It is a weird phenomenon!! Have you looked at They have a ton of info and I bet if you searched the site under "dirty bottoms" you would get some good info! Every rabbit caretaker I know has complained about this!!
from needisaymore :
Y'all take the coolest trips!
from livefan91200 :
Have fun in Ireland... never been there myself, as Irish as I claim to be... should be a grand time, if you can understand their silly accents at all :) Happy '04 to you and Mark et all. L'amour toujours ~LP
from after-it-all :
hey, haha, i liked that picture of the tree. nice diary. what part of england do you live in? im english, i moved to america last year though.
from tokcocktok :
Hey, thanks for the note. I'll think of more european cities and I will come to you for information. Be prepared! :)
from livefan91200 :
Sorry to hear about the mouse, but it's in a better place and you did more than anyone else would. Anyways, Merry Christmas to you and your pets :) L'amour toujours ~LP
from tokcocktok :
Thanks. Very informative note. Have you been to Lisbon before? I'm going there next June, could you tell me about it?
from tokcocktok :
Hi there, just dropping in randomly as usual. Hope you're doing well. Happy holidays, by the way :)
from tokcocktok :
Hmm.. interesting. Exactly how many rats do you have? You seem to engage in animal activity a lot too - any other pets you have there at home?
from tokcocktok :
Happy Birthday Sky! Is that a cute little ballerina cake?
from ruthiebat :
Happy Birthday Sky!! We tried to give the bunnies carrot cake on their birthday one year but they spit it out! Hope Sky enjoyed hers more than that - it's a very cute little cake!!
from misspinkii :
hey i'm here reviewing ur diary it's probably up by now...keep checking back if not Bye...
from treewillow :
Whatever it is, he has decided to share with me. He has only been to school one day this week. The joys of kids and schools :).
from andsomedays :
hia :) well i have not written in my diary for a while..for a couple of my pc died and two i've had alot going on of late emotionally which i really want to write about but i cant in that diary anymore..someone found looks like im going to make another..*sorry*..another diarylander and i are thinking of doing a diary a few good ideas..its our bitch moan and vent diary lol..anyhow im moving tomorrow and as soon as i have the ph on i will call you could you please email me your phone number? hugs and mushies for both of you
from grimm0826 :
Ok...I am a carnivore. But I respect vegetarians totally! It takes discipline to be a vegetarian, in a world of Big Macs. More power to you!!! But don't try to take my meat away from me. Did I mention that I am a carnivore? :-)
from evilsnotbad :
Hey your guest book wasn't really working so I'm posting you a message here. First of all I like your journal and your screen name I have rats. :o) And your template is really neat too. WOW! That is VERY true and VERY sad..... I had an extremely mad/upset face while I was reading that. I completely agree wit you. SOME PEOPLE.... WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THEM?! Some people can be so stupid. I'm glad to find another animal lover. I love animals too. I'm not a breeder or anything but I do love my animals. Anyway.... I good job on your letter. I think I shall add you to my buddy list. :o)
from sbspsd :
Yes, you need to link Sepia Reviews somewhere in your diary. Please also inform nightdragon. I'll be checking back in a few days. Bye!
from sbspsd :
Hi there. This is the owner of Sepia Reviews, aka Tokcocktok. I'm inviting you to be reviewed because I LOVE your diary. I'm now reading your better half's diary, so I'll be back later.
from ruthiebat :
Thanks for signing my guestbook - you are one of my faves, too! And I will send you something from Alabama, no kidding! I have some fab stuff! But I'll have to send it sea mail so it'll take about six months!!
from grimm0826 :
COOL Halloween pic! I'll try to post some from our Halloween in the States...also, I am seriously looking forward to the pics from Scotland!!!
from aliop33 :
Well, i think the problem is that the parents just aren't home to ask their kids where they are going. they are at work or looking for work a lot of times. the kids of today were raised by parents who pretty much grew up in the streets, so they have taught this to their children. If you lived in the Projects where gun shots go off every few minutes, 12 people live in a 2 bedroom apartment, you can't afford to eat anything but McDonald's and food stamp food, and your father beats you, I bet you would go hang out in the street too. People have to learn that people are people, it could have been white kids, latinos, asians anyone. Everyone is having financial problems in this economy. The Bush Administration sure doesn't care, they want the projects, cause then the people who live there are slowly killing each other off, and then the gov. doesn't have to deal. The problem isn't just with the parents, but with the whole stinking system.
from grimm0826 :
I think, if you were to watch the finees closely, you would find that, instead of giving up their cigarettes (or alcohol or drugs, for that matter) for a week, their children might well go without lunch money for a week instead. Might encourage them to steal. I think your plan should have been implemented about three generations back.
from sunnflower :
Hi - I just noticed that you added me to your dland faves - I must have missed that earlier. Thanks - glad you did!
from sunnflower :
Thanks so much for your nice note about the baby squirrels. I am glad you left a note so I had the opportunity to come visit the diary of another diaryland squirrel! I like what I got to read and and I will definitely be back to visit soon.
from grimm0826 :
Scotland? Cool! Can I come along? I won't take up much room in the suitcase, I promise!
from grimm0826 :
Three separate identities, perhaps?
from squirrelx :
What happy news! Congratulations on adoptin' Molly. She couldn't have found herself a more wonderful set of parents. Warmest regards, Xtine
from squirrelx :
I hope you do decide to adopt another rabbit very soon. It's not like you'd be replacin' Blackie or anything of that nature, but you have a rabbit-sized hole in your heart right now and I bet there's a bunny out there somewhere who'd love to fill it. As ever, Xtine
from squirrelx :
Bless your heart! I'm beyond the beyond of grateful for your most recent entry. I've been a scurius infectaris sufferer for years and didn't even realize it. Do you think I'm contagious? Best, Xtine / Squirrel X

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