messages to sr2005kse:
(click here to add new message):

from martysmstrss :
I'me very flattered that you liked my stories but due to other circumstances I had to lock it down...I'm getting harassed through email and DL. But thanks for the compliment of adding me.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you. It took a while, but I just finished the last part. ;^}"
from dogbones :
Want to draw attention to your diary? Check me out! I can help! If you don't then ignore this note and just think of it as a Kudos ;)
from magnis14 :
I can't believe we have been on here for five freaking years!!! I also cant believe you have 765 entries!!! OMG!!! That is crazy!
from dylanwashere :
dreams can leave you wondering what was that really about? well, most of mine do. very unique dream, though.
from dylanwashere :
Hey, good to hear from you again. Love the layout...oh yeah, get your note link fixed, ok..just in case you were wondering why you aren't getting any new notes. Thanks for the advice, too.
from dylanwashere :
You are so sweet. Thanks for the note. I'll try to update more, but things have been hectic, lately.
from dylanwashere :
I thought you had turned off your notes..anyway, thanks for the myspace link. So might that be Daniel in the friends icon thingie that you mention from time to time. Is your diary on remind, now? Cool layout. I'm not sure I could do know, go back to the beginning of my diary.
from dylanwashere :
Happy Easter! Loved that line about Johnny Depp & Daniel.
from dylanwashere :
Thanks for the advice. I like Whataburger too, but we don't have them around here.
from dylanwashere :
That's cool about singing a song and how it helps you. I'll have to consider this more. Thanks for the lyrics of the song, too.
from dylanwashere :
wish I could send you some snow. but this stuff is no fun at all.
from awalkin :
Hey. I wanted to say hi. I haven't been online in a while let alone on diaryland. I'll have to read your diary and get all caught up. Talk to you later.
from dylanwashere :
Hey, thanks for the note and adding me too.
from dylanwashere :
Best entry I've read today.
from angelboy118 :
that was a really angry entry about Andrew. wow.
from angelboy118 :
you're a crazy girl. very crazy. Muy crazioso. er... loca. but whatev.
from angelboy118 :
so I don't know how often you check this, but I'm really sad everytime I check it and you haven't updated. and then I want to call you and I realize it's 3 something in the morning. damn.
from angelboy118 :
Just for the record, I really didn't know why I was feeling that song. But I don't think it was Kendra. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Kendra. It mighta been something else, but not Kendra.
from angelboy118 :
NOT PIXIES!! The south is called Dixie! And you're silly for not knowing such.
from angelboy118 :
KNET! (Yes, misspelled, I know, but that's how it sounds with my Daniel accent anyway) Don't you dare stop believing. The Knet I know wouldn't give up! She may seem to, she'd loosen ties, but never completely give up. so don't you dare. And call me sometime. I hope you still have my number and can get this note at school. So dangit silly, give me a call!
from angelboy118 :
Hey, who says you're not on anyone's list? You never know. Catch you later!
from magnis14 :
Girl, i know. But even tho he said that he still hasn't asked me. Plus i think i would say no. It is for the best!!!
from angelboy118 :
Sorry I wasn't on last night. I didn't get home until late because my friend Sandy invited me over for supper. So yup, after that I tried to fix their computer, realized it wasn't going to work, then called Jason. Yup, so we tried to fix the computer. Yup, and I got offered a car. Sweet stuff, talk to you tonight hopefully! Daniel
from angelboy118 :
Interesting is hardly the word I'd use to descrive myself, but then again, I don't find things interesting that others do, so I'll have to try to contain my laughter at the thought of me being interesting. And, by the way, the 70's had some pretty awesome love songs... but then again... a lot of 80's bands were just continuing 70's bands. so yah. Classic rock rocks!
from duckieloo :
awww how sweet! :)
from angelboy118 :
Sorry I had to run last night. Hope I didn't scare you into thinking I was a stalker with the whole phone thing. Actually I was being yelled at to get home and I didn't want to stop talking to you. You intrigue me and I'd like to continue chatting with you. Hopefully I'll get the computer fixed soon. Anywho, maybe you didn't get my number and it's way too scary to just put it out on here so hopefully I'll catch you online again. Daniel
from duckieloo :
awww its another daniel :) *thinking* o.0 well get online so we can talk! or you wont catch me later and you know this! (its 4 o'clock and 3/15)
from angelboy118 :
Perhaps... Well... yeah, I do. The name's Daniel. By the way, I almost forgot to mention, I read your description of yourself and you sound really pretty. Anywho. Hopefully I'll catch you online, it's difficult for me to get online because I have to go over to my grandma's because my dad won't fix the computer at my house. The jerk. So maybe I'll try to get over there tonight and I'll wait pathetically for hours for you. Or maybe I'll just go and watch TV while I wait. Yup. Daniel
from angelboy118 :
Well... you added me on MSN, and I dunno about AIM cuz my internet isn't exactly working at home and I don't remember my password so I can't use it at my grandma's house... but yah, I'll catch you on MSN hopefully sometime.
from angelboy118 :
I'm confuzzled... which entry did you find daring... cuz nothing I've written about recently was really very daring... just me being a smartass. And that wasn't even difficult because it's not hard to run word circles around imbeciles. By the way, you should check out my list of favorite diaries. My inability to come up with an original comment may make you chuckle.

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