messages to starrymaze:
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from delilahlp :
hi starrymaze!!!!
from smileufuker :
Hi There Michelle I'm Sorry About Talula.... How You Feel Better.... Love You Bye Bye -Angies-
from tiedye-angel :
hello.. i talked to you tonite, and my chat got all... messed up. if you want to continue talking to me, which i would love... [email protected] i have MSN and i have AOL jamesmj321 otherwise leave me a note..
from black-tulip- :
Hi there. About Gebran, one of my favorite books ever is The Prophet. Also, I loved the Broken Wings, I read it in English and Arabic and it made me cry. I was quite moved by it. Spiritually, I don't have much in common with Gebran, in fact I find him to be a bit too idealistic for me, but I still think his ideas are amazing, his writing makes you reflect.. who doesn't introspect while reading The Prophet? :) I've also read Sand and Foam as well as some poetry. I'm proud he hails from my country. Check out a previous layout of mine based on drawings of his, it's under extras in my diary. He wasn't known for his drawings as much as his writing, but I think they're quite nice. Take care.
from gymclassrope :
i like,i have great taste as well.

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